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DATELINE: 10 December 2021
This pivotal decade of the “Roaring” 2020s has proved itself everything I have been long writing about and warning for over three decades. The years 2020 through 2021 have revealed that it would be a time of systemic breakdown of world political and economic order as we’ve known it, as we’ve grown comfortable with, and unconsciously depend on, such order.

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The 2020s is the Decade of Emergency.
It is a Crossroad in the destiny of humanity’s future.
Will we crowd like sheeple under the hard hand of the self-appointed authority that certain political minds believe the Emergency permits?
Do we in kind surrender unilaterally to the totalitarian’s lust to “dictate,” unconscious of our own responsibilities as citizens?
Do we imperil democracy through the excuse of “necessary evils” that emergency powers require, believing the great lie ever promised that emergency rule is only temporary?
We’re all getting a lesson in how a time of perpetual emergency can illuminate the temptation to abuse power that is latent like a dormant cancer deep inside each politician when suddenly illuminated by times of upheaval to tempt an abuse of power and let slip the suppressed Overlord Ego.
Power doesn’t corrupt. Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely.
If Adolf Hitler had just been said “yes” to his dream of becoming a mediocre artist, do you think great political power would have been there to illuminate and “empower” his deep and repressed force of hate into political action?
Without power illuminating them, many deep and unconscious urges in us are left dormant and sleeping. Power is an illuminator not a corruptor.
Conversely, these same emergency powers exposing potential suppressed abuses of it in the few, shine a light into those equally corrupted by ego programming who are far more numerous and instinctively feel burdened by freedom’s responsibility. They would let themselves sink and surrender to the sleepy heaviness of unconscious habit to herd, to follow, to surrender responsibility over to the dictates of overlords who overwhelm them into submission. Why stand alone on your own authority of truth when putting blind faith like others in a crowd make you feel safe and secure in the herd that follows a shepherd?
It’s not because they really trust the shepherd. To the slave inside of us, authoritarian power illuminates freedom as a burden. It requires a lot of attention and vigilance. You’ll be against the herd as a majority of one. It’s so much easier to put one’s blind faith in an authority, whether it is an invisible “God” or a political leader taking the burden of your responsibility. There is safety in numbers of lemmings following someone who it is safer to believe, not know, that he knows where he or she is leading you all. How can so many lemmings be wrong not to follow that leader?
If power illuminates the suppressed corruption of ego, power can also illuminate the potential to be an awakened one. The reality being that in emergency times normal patterns are upended, normal expectations of, and dependence to, society’s systems are shaken. If this makes most people withdraw into a herd state seeking some messianic deliverance, such times can also revive in some of us a need to rediscover the lost seer, the Buddha-Christ consciousness wrapped in our new-born innocence that got buried under ego’s burdens of identity. Emergency has the power to alert us to the co-dependent relationship of overlords and the overwhelm clutching each other fast.
The power of deep insight never corrupts.
So this is a time, a time especially revealed in the new year of 2022, where human beings can see from the catalyzing stress of many emergencies what is really inside of them, the overlord, the overwhelmed or something far rarer illuminated by power, the Seer. Freedom requires responsibility because freedom is not licentious or just automatically granted. It has to be protected, guarded by awareness of that ever-present and repressed will to dominate others in intimately unconscious relationship with the will to be dominated by others. If we were honestly encountering ourselves, we’d see in these times, in our own actions and the mob-minded actions of others, how EASY IT IS to surrender the ability to respond to our freedom, rather than protest when it is being used, exploited by the power lusters, to take our humanity away from us, hide our faces from each other behind masks, be sequestered, be shut in—life shut down. A Seer can illuminate how Coronavirus Pandemic is only a distraction to keep one facing a greater plague of fear infecting us through our overlords. You see that it is not better to just submit, like lemmings to their shepherding of us off the cliff of Totalitarianism. Our shepherds would use the Covid-19 emergency to play “little Caesars.” We did not vote for them to become that, at least in the fast fad-out of democracies of on this planet.
In these darkening days of emergency rule, you don’t find a red-blooded KGB agent knocking at your door in the middle of the night to drag you away, but the silent stealth of an algorithm, purely numbers, appearing as a warning on your computer screen, threatening you.
Imagine the perversity of it!
You, a human being, threatened by something NOT EVEN ALIVE knocking on your computer’s pathway to the world, programmed to use very threatening language, including “we know what you’re doing!!!” when there’s no human “we” seething and hard breathing present. Most of the Facebook fact checking is done by the “non-living” machines! Machines are shadow banning or shutting down and silencing living human beings. A policing automaton can deny you access to your credit card, freeze your PayPal account. You are literally being spoken to in slanderous and threatening ways by A.I. (Artificial Idiocy) serving human tyrants who don’t even have the guts to appear in the middle of the night like the KGB agent did to physically shut you down in an utterly inhuman way, but at least, when your life is inhumanly destroyed, there was a human involved!
In the Dark Side of the Aquarian Age your life and freedom is not in the hands of anyone but in the few humans that program a cyberspace army of the lifeless, soulless, let’s say it, the demonic arithmetic of ones and zeros!
I speak about this first-hand, for I have been hounded by these commissar robots of Facebook and Amazon. The cowardly act of banning has blocked my supporters. My silence thus is taken as me blocking them, and they move away. A forced absence feeds forgetfulness of people I once interacted with, who they once read. Lifeless robots of cyberspace play on the roboticness of organics under the habit of themselves acting like machines. Out of sight, you are out of their short-term memories.
When Free Speech and the Public Commons is privatized by a monopoly of Capitalist Big Tech dictators, know that Fascism is overshadowing your free voice, your free mind. And your destiny is predictable if you just go along with it waiting for someone else to do something about it that only YOU can do.
Resist! Push back! Make a stink! Adapt your internet platforms off the tyrannically policed main platforms like Facebook or YouTube.
Adapt your Internet presence and support new and free platforms of speech. Who cares if you lose a multitude of sheeple followers, thumb’s-uppers and emoji-faced and phony fans. If you’re left with only a handful of brave people who keep reading, like my readers. They understand and support my low-tech PDF downloading by email every two months of book-sized eMagazines filled with articles coming from my own server free from robot thought police censuring my free-minded insights.
Some good news about 2022. You might find your spine of freedom again in that New Year. You might ever be watchful to search out and discover alternative media which has become the new and authentic mainstream media as the legacy cable and national networks have lost their journalistic soul. You might read the full content of my HogueProphecy eMagazine rather than only sample the free articles that are only the tip of the iceberg of what enlightens my subscribers.
In the year 2021 I watched true journalism die in the mainstream media. Not with a fight but with a whimper and nearly every TV news anchor’s salary paid by corporate interests that would have them not question, not speak to power but slavishly be mouthpieces for the billionaires who own them, such as the billionaire oligarchs of the Military Industrial Complex. When no one’s around to question your dogma, you can believe like war marketing billionaires that you can be masters of your own self-manufactured and extremely profitable containment of Russia and China in a New Cold War business model.
Then comes the year 2022 when cold wars can go suddenly hot in a new year when a historically mediocre set of Western leaders insanely have talked themselves into a self-fulfilling prophecy where NATO “defense” means aggression. You begin to believe that when you situate your nuclear weapons right along the Russian frontiers this is an act of “Peace” towards the Russians, when in fact it is no less tolerable to the Russians than it was tolerable for the Americans to have Russians in 1962 place nuclear missiles 90 miles offshore on Cuba. America’s back was up against a wall with that, and if the Russians hadn’t promised to remove said missiles on the night of 27 October 1962, the United States was going to destroy them and invade Cuba on 29 October 1962 as it turned out.
The karmic tables have turned.
Now in the early months of 2022, it is America and NATO pushing Russia’s back to the wall in Ukraine (as I will explain in the next article). What President Kennedy in 1962 was ready to do is EXACTLY what President Putin will do if US-NATO doesn’t end its 30-year eastward encroachment of Russia in Ukraine and roll their weapons and troops back 700 miles!
The Cuban Missile Crisis is about to become the Ukrainian Missile Crisis, and like the Cuban affair, it could take the world potentially to the threshold of thermonuclear war! The MSN (mainstream news) won’t tell you about the dangers you are being dragged into by your overlords of the Military Industrial Complex, so when a crisis not seen since October 1962 over missiles discovered in Cuba finds its karmic echo in 2022 with American missiles in Ukraine, what a suddenly shocked herd of sheeple there will be!
What a great opportunity for a lot of rebelliously spirited lions to awaken and throw off society’s sheeple clothing.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck-Major Arcana Card XV, Conditioning. See Ma Deva Padma Web Site. And especially look at this Gallery of work.
The “approved” networks won’t expose you to what extent this pandemic of Covid is being exploited for profit and control by another set of oligarchic billionaires belonging to what I call the Sickness Industrial Complex—big pharma—who also own a big piece of the media. By 2021’s end this industry had made immense profits off of your sequestering, masking and jabbing. They have exerted their lobbying power to silence real voices of journalism trying to share with you evidence that questions the motives of President Biden’s chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and all the “authorities” in the media. There may be some “there” there about unforeseen side effects to Pfizer, Moderna and other jabs. We will explore that possibility deeply in the articles below with solid links and sources.
Pope Fauci is a mouthpiece for the Sickness Industrial Complex, ready to reject any skeptics as kooks and hair-on-fire Internet denizens of the alternative media, even if they are leading doctors or world-renowned virologists like Dr. Luc Montagnier of the Institute Pasteur in Paris, the man who discovered the AIDS virus.
Yes, there are certainly hair-on-fire fellows online, but there is also mounting evidence of a significant number of people that have been negatively impacted by these jabs. Fortunately the vast majority so far have not succumbed to their jabs, but it is possible that Big Pharma has passed two milestones it would not like you to know about. It’s decades-long hard-sell of opiates to numb the pain and thinking of Americans has broken all the overdose death records in 2021 with 100,000 dying of big-pharmed-out opiate overdoses to the general American public. They killed 500,000 Americans in the last decade, adding one fifth of that death toll in the last 12 months of 2021!
Putting this opiate cash cow aside, Big Pharm DOES NOT want you to find out that perhaps another 160,000 Americans may have died from the various jabs that—let’s be frank—are not “vaccines.” The mRNA approach is a genetic experiment in reprogramming your body to fight diseases manipulating a type of RNA found in cells. The mRNA molecules carry the genetic information needed to make proteins. They carry the information from the DNA in the nucleus of the cell to the cytoplasm where the proteins are made. Also called “m” for “messenger” RNA. Reprogramming your DNA to store a kind of genetic prevention button pushed by your exposure to Covid-19 is a pretty-radical jump from traditional vaccines. Moreover, it was rushed out to you with scarcely any time to see what potentially playing Dr. Frankenstein with your DNA might do in the short and the long term.
A more traditional vaccine is created when some dead material of a virus is injected to allow your body’s amazing natural system to respond with antibodies to bring you resistance to a virus and achieve natural immunity. The Sickness Industrial Complex is getting filthy rich planting into the human race as lab rats the greatest gamble of a lab experiment that was rushed with FDA approval—the FDA being a revolving door of corruption where government FDA fellows end of on the Board of Directions of Pfizer. The watchdogs one day become the corporate wolves!
Isn’t that a conflict of ethics and interests?
The OMICRON Covid variant is showing signs of mutating itself out of existence, yet these governments have clamped down even harder than in the winter of 2020 with a fraction of the Covid-19 fatalities compared to the thousands a day dying in America in the spring of 2020. It is almost like these overlords of governments perhaps even instinctively and unconsciously, are bearing down harder on our freedoms of movement, privacy, and speech now because I’m happy to predict in a stream of articles below that the source of their controlling human populations is itself dying. Covid-19 has begun to exhaust its lethality while it exponentially becomes easier to catch, and that is a good thing, because it is hastening humanity’s herd immunity that will bring on its rapid extinction in 2022. Moreover, as Sweden again and again has proven, it will be undeniable, starting in 2022, that all of your masking and sequestering has had no significant impact on halting infection and death rates.
Rather than encourage us to naturally become immune with this more infectious but way less deadly OMICRON mutation, less deadly even than the common cold, your overlords twist the screws harder to keep freedom of thought, information, free movement, privacy and free speech down! The OMICRON is being used as a great Omni-CON job, a flimflam to sustain fascist emergency rule at all costs.
I see this desperation of authorities in a good light. Take it to mean what 2022’s motto will be: A year of nervous breakdowns and breakthroughs, people waking up to tyranny!
That’s what I find most beautiful about the coming new year of 2022. It is the year that I also define by the phrase, The Year of Critical Mass. It is the year when all the bullying from your authorities gets the people’s pushback. You can feel the volcano rising. People are getting weary and fed up with being told by fools what to do and how to live. People are coming to critical mass of tolerance ending about being manipulated, shut down, frightened, divided against themselves and their neighbors by very retarded and ugly people usurping far more power than they legally are granted by constitutional laws.
Make a fuss about that! Get dragged out of a Parents-Teacher meeting by the cops because you won’t stand for the innate racism being taught your child by Critical Race Theory. I’ve rarely seen real grievances and historic crimes twisted and turned into a new racism like CRT is trying to shame twist innocent children’s minds with. But beware of 2022, for one of the “nervous breakdowns” happening in it are the truths of the Civil Rights movement being abducted by racists and twisted to confuse, divide and destroy society. In the same way, in 2022, politicians and activists are taking the real dangers of planetary climate change, the real need to have a discussion across the board about what to do about it and turning it into another tyrannical weapon of shutting down and shutting up humanity for the Emergency of global warming is the biggest one facing us. Hence, the biggest power-tripping overlords want to use it to silence and tyrannize the whole human race in a state of divided and disempowered overwhelm for decades to come. For the sake of having power, such people would divide humanity to control it the very moment when humanity MUST unite to figure out how to adapt ourselves to long term changes needed but not by first taking a wrecking ball to what currently powers our civilization, fossil fuels and nuclear power. We will need both of them to build a new energy system and this process might take at least 100 years, notwithstanding oceans rising, storms getting more devastating than ever, megadroughts, megafires, a mass exodus of humanity and a global famine included.
The year 2022 is the critically massive year where we begin to see the cracking and systemic implosion of civilization’s oldest habitual ways of unconsciously functioning. In 2022, we begin a five-year crumbling of many things we’ve relied upon to keep unconscious of the need to evolve individually and collectively. In 2022 we begin a process of the clearing out old political, social, war and economic ways. Then by 2025 as we enter the second half of the Roaring 2020s we may be AT LAST ready to embrace real revolutionary changes, not the QAnon or Woke, right-left totalitarian extremes of the new Bullshidviks and the “Let’s go Brandumbs!” You will either cancel them, starting in the next five years or they will cancel your common human future. That can only happen if you remain sheeple at your total peril.
The year 2022 is the beginning time to grow a spine.
The spine in Mysticism is symbolic of the seven energy centers, the seven bodies that dwell within us, the seven steps, the seven dense to more subtle realms of awareness that are steps towards human enlightenment. To get a spine is to become aware of the inner rising and deepening of your awakening consciousness. To get a spine in this way is to rediscover your lost innocence, your lost innate morality and intelligence that childhood brought into this world to get it covered and buried by ego and personality. You forgot what gift you are and gave to the world, but you cannot lose what you forever are, this rising and deepening “spine” of consciousness alight.
Rediscover it in 2022!
It is time to rediscover childhood’s blissful and open, forever rising and deepening-into-blissful spine. The more individuals relax into this effortless effort the better chance there is that consciousness will tip the scales of Destiny away from our extinction. Out of a rare compassion, rare because few mystical folk will say it, even if humanity has already crossed a red line leading to its extinction because it too long postponed making the changes to survive its unconscious programming into egoism; still, many of us will learn the lessons in the final days of Classroom Earth and graduate from this school even if the majority of our classmates destroy it and destroy themselves by holding suicidally at all costs onto the dead past.
2022 opens us to great days of humanity’s critical mass cracking the old shell of its programmed and ego-centric identities and the dropping of its personality masks. It is the beginning of the end of the sheeple and the rise of a world by, for and of the real people.
Here then are the rest of the 20 articles giving us a deep exploration into the future of 2022:
DATELINE: 31 December 2021
Will the US and NATO
Cross Russia’s Red Line in 2022?
This is the first of a three-part series on three military crises, with a potential advent window of 2022 through 2025. The first part will look at what could be the most immediate of the three, although we’ll see. There is a possibility negotiation could delay it a few years and by then perhaps this first of three crises involving Europe, Russia and the United States may at last find a diplomatic solution.
The first crisis, like the other two, will be a repeat of a missile crisis that I, as an eight-year-old child, vividly remember and it changed and influenced my entire life. Fifty-nine years ago, I became a witness at a far-too-tender age of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It shocked me into a painful awareness of how delicate is the continued destiny of human beings and how great is their unconscious will to snuff that future out at any moment. You might say, my birth as a watcher of the world and a forecaster of its future, began in those 13 days of October in 1962 when through a strategic miscalculation of the Soviet Union, the communist Russians had pushed the United States up against a wall, as it were, by secretly placing missiles in Fidel Castro’s communist Cuba just 90 miles off the US shores of Florida. It meant that Moscow gave Washington no more time or room to respond if those missiles were launched, for in just 10 minutes or less, Americans by the tens of millions in the US capital and across 48 of the 50 states would be skeletonized by Soviet thermonuclear warheads.
In this first article we will look at what has been, in my view, America trading places with Russia echoing what happened in 1962, sixty years later in 2022. This time, however, the descendant of the long dead Soviet Russia, the “new” Russia of the Russian Federation, is now facing the same threat of American missiles soon to be placed right in its back yard, with only 10 minutes or less to incinerate Moscow and tens of millions of Russians with nukes potentially stationed right on its borders, not even 90 miles away.
The Russians today in 2022, are feeling what we Americans felt in October 1962. A red line has been crossed, and like President Kennedy making it categorically clear, so is President Vladimir Putin doing the same when it comes to the last step eastward in NATO’s advance across Europe since 1995 right up to Russia’s Western frontiers. They have made Ukraine a partner nation and if NATO should establish in Ukraine an array of US nuclear missiles, these pose an existential threat no different than Soviet Russian missiles deployed in Cuba pointed directly at America. Putin now echoes Kennedy. These missiles will not stand! If they cannot be removed by negotiation they will be removed by force.
If NATO and the US doesn’t step back, Russia will go to war to throw the US and NATO out of Ukraine if it must and there is a high danger that a miscalculation from either side could turn a “Ukrainian Missile Crisis” into a Third World War leading to far greater devastation than the one I potentially faced as a child, too young to be confronted with the end of my world, including my brother and parents and all the rest of the people on Earth.
Sixty years later, there is no US President John F. Kennedy and his gifted cabinet on the American side. The West instead has politicians of such shortsighted and mediocre quality, such as a British Prime Minister Boris (BoJo) Johnson who is literally a clown, Jens Stoltenberg the current General Secretary of NATO and finally there is the leader of the West, in Washington, who has a brain that is literally dying before our eyes with dementia. President Joe Biden is a shell of a man, suffering elder abuse, being manipulated by shadowy forces of the same kind Kennedy’s predecessor, President Eisenhower, predicted accurately would be a future threat because of the “undue influence of the Military Industrial Complex” in American governance.
In our times, a neo-Liberal, neocon controlled Military Industrial Complex (MIC) has complete influence on a Deep State consisting of career bureaucrats who seem to only tolerate either Republican or Democrat Party presidents elected by the people, and just continue with their agendas. The MIC controls the fourth estate of journalism to promote their interests, which are to create a new business model for their perpetually profitable endless-crisis business model, a Second Cold War that they have promulgated against the Russian Federation “and additionally” the People’s Republic of China. Such creatures of the Washington beltway believe military quagmires and containments will make them as filthy wealthy as the last Cold War containment of Soviet Russia once did. They chose to blindly believe that another Cuban-Missile-crises-level danger arrives over Ukraine, or Taiwan or Iran all can be maintained because the outbreak of World War III would end the war business entirely now, wouldn’t it?
This is not the same Cold War as the last.
In the last Cold War, both sides had a parity of intelligence. Both sides knew what red lines NOT to cross, or they learned if crossed, like in Cuba, never to do that again and establish hotlines of communication with their Cold War adversary to ensure that wouldn’t happen again. The American war profiteers of that time still remembered the devastation of the Second World War, what atomic and later nuclear bombs could do to cities. They still remembered the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the first “live experiments” of the new doomsday technology. The current lot of inhuman war profiteers seem to have forgotten all of that in their calculations. They hope for the best and “expect” the best will happen, no matter who the adversarial nuclear power is when pushed up against the wall like Kennedy was.
At present, I see that the leaders of one side, the Russo-Chinese side, still retain the memories of lessons learned and the sobriety of the last cold war. The leaders of the West do not. It will therefore be the task of the Russian and Chinese presidents to scare them into attention like Kennedy scared Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and his Soviet leadership. With Kennedy the scare worked. He got Moscow’s attention and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 13 days was resolved by clear thinking diplomacy on both sides.
I have noticed in the realm of prophecy that lessons karmically unlearned by humanity come back for a new confrontation. It isn’t a repeat of history but a karmic echo of the past, set in reverse image, like we were peering into an reflection darkly using Alice in Wonderland’s looking glass. The reflection makes everything from the unlearned lesson past-backwards.
Take for example, the Texan and Republican US President George W. Bush invading Iraq in 2003. He gets himself in a bloody quagmire in the desert quick sands of the Middle East lasting eight blood-soaked years (2003-2011) before his successor in the White House had the last US forces quietly drive out of Iraq ignominiously under the cover of darkness into Kuwait with a kind of “peace with honor.”
That was an echo to another Texan, not a Republican but a Democrat, who became president in 1963 after Kennedy’s assassination and was re-elected in a landslide in 1964. He was Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ). Like Texan Bush, Johnson got US forces on the ground, not in a quagmire of quicksand but its opposite, from one extreme of dry desert quick sands back to another extreme of subtropical and humid jungles in Vietnam.
Like Bush would do in mirror image, LBJ got himself in a jungle quagmire with boots on the ground following a false report that North Vietnamese gunboats had attacked patrolling US Destroyers off North Vietnam in what came to be called the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
Bush would get himself in a quagmire in the reverse image of climate from jungles to deserts based on false intelligence that the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, had weapons of mass destruction stockpiled and threatening America, added to the absolute lie that Saddam Hussein was sheltering al-Qaeda training camps in Northwestern Iraq, thus tying him to the 9/11 attacks.
So we have two quagmires, from two Texas presidents of 1963 and 2003. Both the Democrat, then later the Republican Texan based putting boots in jungles of Southeast Asia and later boots on the desert sands of the Middle East on woefully mediocre intelligence reports. Neither Texan could end the quagmire they blindly stepped into. It took their successors to find a way to extricate US forces with some kind of “mission accomplished” projection, and in both cases, Nixon, and Obama, they were new presidents from the opposing party. Moreover, both quagmires and extrications took the same length of time, Bush in 2003 to Obama in 2011—eight years long. Johnson from his full-scale placing of troops in Vietnam after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident in 1964 to Nixon bombing the North Vietnamese to at last get them to get real in the Paris Peace talks at the end of 1972—eight years! Johnson won a landslide in 1964 against Republican Barry Goldwater. Nixon at the end of 1972 won the largest landslide in US history thus far beating Democrat candidate Georgy McGovern in 1972.
What will be the reverse reflection of the Cuban Missile Crisis in the “looking-glass,” of Alice in Doomsday Land, a place called Ukraine?
Those in the very irresponsible Western media/war mongering press like to promote this being a cold war synonymous with Communist Russia. Sometimes they even let slip a gaff framing Russian President Putin as some godless communist Soviet Premier. Even President Biden whose own soul light in eyes is waning, famously said he looked into neo-“Soviet” Putin’s eyes and unlike President Bush who saw Putin had a soul, Biden, who in the future would see the lights of soul going out in his own eyes from dementia reiterated his declaration now as president that Putin “had no soul” to which Putin diplomatically said, “We understand each other.”
The Mainstream Media (MSM) much of it financed now by the US military industrial complex like to gloss over the reality of the Russian Federation. They look the other way at the fact that in 2022, Russia is celebrating its 30-year anniversary of being non-communist. Like America, it is a fellow capitalist and Christian and multi-faith tolerant nation. Putin is not a Godless atheist Soviet commie. He is a Christian. He goes to Church as a member of the Russian Orthodox Faith.

Alice stepping through the looking glass. (Public domain.)
Even Biden’s current head of the Department of Defense Lloyd Austin, whose name Biden regularly forgets when introducing him, will sometimes let slip calling the Russian Federation the “Soviet Union.” The former US Army general and member of the board of directors of military industrial giant Raytheon while in military service oversaw the training and arming of Syrian resistance forces in the Syrian Civil War, nearly all of which took their training and arms over to the Islamic State. With intellectual pigmies such as he, add to that Biden’s current National Security chief advisor, the surprisingly young and unseasoned Jake Sullivan. Other than being a neocon he has next to no hands-on experience with global diplomacy. There’s also that blinking Anthony Blinken, one of the most unpolished crystal balls of brain standing as US Secretary of State with his ideological grand inquisitor lurking in the State Department’s shadows, Blinken’s Deputy Secretary of State, the fanatical neocon Victoria Nuland.
I might add to her resume chief neocon architect from the Obama era pivotal in creating the last Ukrainian crisis in early 2014. Eight years later Nuland, the queen of US neocons might out do herself instigating a Ukrainian Missile Crisis as the US State Department’s third most influential leader. Nuland is pushing hard for a war. She has a level of public and collective hatred for Russians, wishing for their collective harm that is almost national socialist in racist tone to that hatred felt by Hitler and his Foreign Ministry for Soviet Russians. A sad flaw, really, for Nuland is Jewish and should know better to judge an entire race as evil with a broadly bloody brush.
Beware of the reverse imaging of a karmic eco return of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This time we don’t have a “John F. Kennedy” sitting in the Oval Office, even if we do have a John F. Kerry, but he’s the czar of global warming, though this former Secretary of State in the Obama era might be consulted.
Looking into the looking glass of karma, the abject mediocrity of the Biden cabinet in 2022 is in sharp mirror-image contrast to the brilliance of Kennedy and his cabinet in 1962.
It is clear to me that neither Biden nor a single one in his cabinet have ever read Barbara Tuchman’s “Guns of August.” President Biden doesn’t even have a Cliff Note to tell him what that book was about, so he certainly wouldn’t do what Kennedy did after reading it. He finished the book in May 1962, now mindful of the dangers, thanks to reading Barbara Tuchman how the blunders of 1914 could be repeated in a nuclear age.
Kennedy closed that book and immediately ordered his entire cabinet to read it. It may have saved the world when October 1962 came around, because you can often hear Kennedy and his cabinet members and advisors in taped discussions and transcripts use the term “the Guns of August” as an equally understood consequences of failure. So they worked the problem of the Cuban Missile Crisis, with that “never go there!” in mind. They would not repeat the mistakes of European leaders in August 1914, being forced by rigid rules of defensive-treaty engagement into an escalation of tit-for-tat aggressions and counter aggressions that would result in a “Guns of August” 1914 moment, a World War, the first, becoming the “Guns of October” in 1962, a Third World War, with nukes, ending civilization.
In Alice’s looking glass of karmic echoes, “mindfully smart and prepared” in 1962, meets in mirror reverse image a cabinet of “uninformed, unengaged and dull.” In Kennedy’s seat of 1962 there sits Alzheimer-stricken President Joe Biden with all the Doctor Strangelove consequences: goof balls of Stanley Kubrick’s Cold War One’s dark comedy movie ready to become this new Cold War Two’s absurd reality.
They aren’t early 1960’s suave, erudite, literate and forward looking cool and measured dudes and dudettes. We’ve got Biden and cackling political non-starter Kamala Harris all surrounded by neocons and neo-liberal globalists basing their strategic thinking backwards 30 years to Cold War One think when it comes to Russia and China as they project their all-American isolationism on the world beyond America’s borders. They don’t seek to know what the Russians and Chinese are thinking, their homespun, Cold War One prejudices are unconsciously assumed as still the present day reality. And upon that isolationist’s projecting they act. Even talking themselves into direct confrontations with a nuclear power like Russia, that has more nuclear weapons than America does.
To be fair, back in 1962 Khrushchev wasn’t a future echo of Biden, or even Trump. The Soviet Premier had logically reasoned that if the US could place missiles in Turkey just over the horizon from his resort Dacha in the sun-soaked Crimean Peninsula, why couldn’t he balance the power of threat by placing Soviet missiles just over the horizon from sunny Florida in Cuba?
Khrushchev was shocked by the US response: Kennedy’s jump to ultimatums and threats of “full retaliatory” nuclear weapon responses from the United States, etc. But unlike the current US president, who knows next to nothing about Russian history, Khrushchev immediately understood his mistake and did whatever he could to lower tensions with Kennedy but not losing Soviet face. I believe he realized that Russia, bordered for centuries by hostile Western empires, just took for granted the American would understand his move as normal. He for a moment projected his own Russian view of the world.
Americans had not threats like these to sharpen and harden themselves against. If anything America was the only bully on the Western Hemisphere’s block. It had no equals, ergo Soviet missiles right on their doorstep made for a historic and sudden freak out with full retaliatory reactions if the missiles weren’t withdrawn. But in a way, Khrushchev got a strategic solution he was probably looking for, but not in the way it nearly exploded in WWIII: put American missiles in Turkey, we put Soviet missiles equally close to you in Cuba. We later announce they’re there, and if we negotiated their removal from Cuba, you remove the missiles in Turkey. I assume that was at least a scenario bouncing in the Soviet Premier’s hot and bald noggin. Whether it was or not, as I stated earlier, the Cuban Missile Crisis ended one day away from starting Armageddon with Khrushchev getting assurances from President Kennedy through his brother the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy that within six months of the Soviet missiles being packed up and shipped back to Russia. The US missiles stationed in Turkey would also be quietly removed, all of which happened.
In the post-Soviet/Russian Federation’s case the moment of existential threat didn’t come all at once as a sudden discovery through a set of U-2 spy plane photos of missiles dotting Cuban jungles and fields. The karmic echo from 1962 to 2022 is the mirror image of “sudden” for Washington taking 30 years for Moscow. It began with a broken promise, sincerely made by President George Herbert Walker Bush Sr. to the last premier of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev circa 1989-1990. The US promise was this, if Soviet Russia allowed East and West Germany to reunite, then Bush Sr. promised Gorbachev that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), “Would not advance one step eastward to the borders of Russia.”
I mean, why would they? The enemy was no longer an enemy. If the Warsaw Pact has dissolved one might assume its counterbalance NATO was next. Such was the naivete of Mikhail Gorbachev to believe that and not ask for a formal treaty being signed and countersigned by he and Bush. With that said, there is ample documentation that the Bush pledge was made. Also his Secretary of State James Baker stated publicly and often throughout the rest of Bush’s presidency that the pledge had been made. You only have to look at the obvious and peaceful reunification of East to West Germany with Soviet approval to know that the Russians had agreed to it if NATO stayed out of the Russian border encroachment game. At no time during the remaining time President Bush was in office did the Americans and NATO expand eastward. But during President Clinton’s administration, especially starting in 1995, NATO in search of a reason for being as an organization for European defense without an enemy began a process of growing one. This “Defense” alliance moved, step-by-step, to redefine itself by its actions, not its official communiques.
In the name of Defense, NATO began to act like an offensive organization openly gobbling up the Eastern European nations, nine times, that once belonged to the Soviet defensive alliance the defunct Warsaw Pact. NATO got stronger, absorbing each new addition of armed forces of Eastern European nations, increasing NATO’s military might as it inexorably advanced its conversion of nations placing their forces eventually right on the Russian frontiers along the Baltic States.
Now why is this “defensive” body doing that?
Why are nearly ALL of NATO’s assets amassed in the East as close as they can get to Russia Federation in Poland, and in Romania?
If I were a Russian, not like an American, I’d know my history. I’d recall the dangerous parallel to a “defensive” organization of Western Europeans with Eastern European military satellites belonging to the Axis Alliance, protesting peaceful intentions to Moscow whilst amassing on 1,000 miles of Russian border in June 1941 what looked like an invasion force that became an invasion force. A lot of the chief allies of NATO today were the members of the Axis Alliance back in 1941: There was (Nazi) Germany, (Fascist) Italy, and their Eastern European satellites, like Hungary, and Romania
NATO is not the same. But I’m not talking about the same. This isn’t a repeat of history. That never happens. This is a rhyme. This is a mirror image of mistakes past, of good intentions reversed-imaged into evil, where the good guys break bad and the former bad guys are the level-headed folk trying to prevent the end of the world. At the same time, the Russians will not allow this aggressive advance of NATO in the false pretext of “defense” take one step further like the last military alliance did on 22 June 1941, invading Russia losing 5 million Axis and killing 27.5 million Soviet citizens, mostly Russians.
Yes! Today’s armies are not teaming in the millions, merely a few hundreds of thousands, but the weapons at their disposal, even conventional, are exponentially more destructive than anything seen in the Second World War. Manage your last step across the Russian Federation’s red line, and you have batteries of nuclear weapons right on what would now be Russia’s longest border with a NATO ally. If shooting started, NATO nukes would snuff out more Russians in ten minutes than died in all the Western European invasions of Russia in 1812 (Napoleon) and the First and Second World Wars: 32.5 million. That’s about as many Americans that would have died in the first 10 minutes from a nuclear strike launched from Cuba across 48 US states in 1962. All set aloft by modern armies that, compared to the past, are a handful of soldiers with the destructive power and deadly speed of doomsday Armageddon gods.
Cuba just became Ukraine a place NATO’s nuclear arms shall not pass into with three-decades of shifty moves.
How did Russia and NATO get to where Ukraine has become a potential catalyst for World War III?
In February 2014 President Putin in concert with EU leaders looked like they had achieved a diplomatic solution to peacefully end the Maidan Revolution, named after the multitudes of Ukrainians camping out and protesting in the center square of the Ukrainian capital of Kiev during the winter of 2013-2014. The EU and Russia each pledged to give Ukraine $15 billion apiece, and together help them arrange a peaceful election to take place either in 2014 or in the following year to democratically elect a new government or re-elect the sitting Ukrainian president, and ethnic Russian, Viktor Yanukovych.
This diplomatic achievement took place even though the Russians had tapped phone conversations between Geoffrey Pyatt US Ambassador for Ukraine and neocon Victoria Nuland working in the Obama Administration as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. She had been “in country” passing out cookies to the Maidan protestors. Later the Russian FSB (Federal Security Service) intelligence service caught Nuland red-handed on the phone picking the Ukrainians that would form a provisional government. Many of her choices were a who’s who of leaders in the Ukrainian neo-Nazi party Svoboda. Indeed half the cabinet posts, the most influential, would go to the anti-Semitic, anti-Russian-Ukrainian-Slavic neo-Nazis she had picked. The Obama-Biden administration behind the scenes was already planning to replace the democratically elected Yanukovych government with neo-Nazi racists.
Right after the diplomatic solution was achieved by Putin and European leaders on 23 February 2014, a far more virulent and violent group of Ukrainian fascists known as Right Sector placed snipers on the rooftops along the Maidan Square. These indiscriminately shot down hundreds of people crowded like sardines in a barrel that was the Maidan. They even shot their own people along with policemen and other revolutionaries. In that mayhem heavily armed Right Sector fascists then stormed and burned the Presidential Palace seeking to murder President Yanukovych and his cabinet forcing them to flee for their lives to Russia.
Ukrainian democracy overturned by fascists. Replaced by a provisional government dominated by fascists! And the EU and NATO looked the other way.
Victoria Nuland’s provisional neo-Nazi government is placed in power. One of its first orders of business was to ban the use of the Russian language in all government properties. Torchlight night parades with Nazi runic symbols displayed and banners celebrating Nazi collaborators like Stephan Bandera clearly indicated what a violent takeover of the democratically elected government brought into power. Bandera is considered the father of the modern Ukrainian nation by ethnic Ukrainians, even though he was responsible for overseeing 160,000 Poles and an equal number of ethnic Ukrainian Russians executed. Hitler’s SS units occupying Ukraine and the Soviet Union relied heavily on Ukrainian fascists to do most of the dirty work collecting and killing a few million Ukrainian and Soviet Jews. A large contingent of Ukrainian SS was zealously employed running the engines of death that were Hitler’s concentration camps

Ukrainian Nazi “Right Sector” torchlight parade with founder of Ukrainian Nazism and Nazi collaborator Stephan Bandera portrayed on the banner. Author ВО Свобода, © Creative Commons.
Ukrainian Nazi “Right Sector” torchlight parade with founder of Ukrainian Nazism and Nazi collaborator Stephan Bandera portrayed on the banner. Author ВО Свобода, © Creative Commons.
Even now the Western media you watch will not show the parades, or the massacre of ethnic Russians in Odessa, in Mariupol that I began linking my readers to, raw footage and all, in early 2014. If YouTube hasn’t block them, you can still see the videos in my HogueProphecy Archives. (Do a “find” page search on the list of article titles using words like, Nazi, neo-Nazi, Odessa, Right Sector, Svoboda, Ukrainians, and Ukraine).
Victoria Nuland and the Obama-Biden administration put in place an anti-ethnic Russian provisional government that began threatening massacres and ethnic cleansing of nearly half Ukrainian population living mostly in the Southeastern Ukraine. At the same time the Provisional Prime Minister picked by Nuland, Arseniy Yatseniuk, began lobbying hard to make Ukraine a NATO member.
Long story short, sizable populations of Ukrainian ethnic Russians responded to the threats in two ways. Seeing what monsters had overthrown a democratically elected government, the Russians of Crimea chose to secede from a Ukraine that didn’t want them and asked the Russian troops already station there since the end of the Cold War to protect them.
The most heavily populated Eastern Russian Ukrainian provinces of Lugansk and Donets, which we’ll call the Donbass separatist republics, tried first to petition the new government in Kiev to allow their Oblasts (provinces) more autonomy to do business with the Russians as they’ve naturally done, and not to be redirected to the West like the ethnic Ukrainians in power were ordering. Kiev ignored the mass demonstration of millions of voters in the legally non-binding referendum that followed in the early spring of 2014; their petitions brushed off out of hand by Yatseniuk’s cabinet of fascists.
Kiev’s answer to a peaceful referendum? It began sending the Ukrainian tanks and army personnel carriers down country roads east. It allowed Right Sector and Sloboda fascists to form brigades, resplendent in their Nazi SS rune symbols and even displaying swastikas, heading east. In response the Donbass residents did what Americans did when Redcoats began their invasion of New England in the American Revolution. They broke into munitions stockpiles, arming themselves and forming militias, setting up barricades across key roads into the Donbass. Ukraine was awash in weapons ever since the end of the Cold War for it had been a staging ground and main supply dump for the Soviet forces in the Warsaw Pact. So it wasn’t hard to find separatists with AK-47s, heavy arms, even mortars, artillery and some tanks rolling out of mothballs to defend important road intersections into the Donbass.
The Ukrainian Civil War began in April 2014. It was almost completely unreported in the MSN. So far it has killed 14,000 Russian Eastern Ukrainians with 1.3 million civilians displaced into Russia. It may have also seen 40,000 ethnic Ukrainians, killed, wounded and taken captive, according to not-so-trustworthy Kiev sources. Most of the Russian Ukrainian civilian deaths came from the indiscriminate terror shelling of the Ukrainian Army, and their fascist militias. You can see the footage and the photos in my archived articles. I also have live and uncensored footage and photos of fascist Ukrainian units massacring and burning alive ethnic Russian civilians at Odessa and Mariupol.

The Ukrainian Army’s indiscriminate shelling of civilians in the Donbass. A young woman killed in a Donetsk city park on a summer day, her sunning towel draped over her legs.
I disagree with what Moscow’s official line is about this. The Ukrainian crisis since 2014 is not, and since it began has not, been solely a Ukrainian-on-Russian-Ukrainian internal matter requiring a domestic solution. I agree that’s the solution but getting there has required direct Russian Federation assistance. Moreover, this is no less a Ukrainians only dispute as most Russian Ukrainians have family in Russia proper. And the only reason why the rag-tag Donbass militias defeated the oncoming Ukrainian Army and fascist militias twice was with the direct, if discreet, help from arms and elements of the Russian Army.

Mother and child, killed in Donetsk by Ukrainian terror shelling, summer 2014.
Crimea, though it has been Russian for three-hundred years, was made a part of Ukraine only since 1956 because Premier Khrushchev (who was Ukrainian) during the Soviet era loved to take his vacations in Crimea. He incorporated it into Ukraine never imagining the Soviet Union would break apart 36 years later. Only 36 years a “Ukrainian” state, Crimea went back to the motherland that the Ukrainian state contested, but then, making collective terror threats from Kiev of ethnic cleansing to a lot of Russians in a province guarded by Russians had its consequences. Ukrainian troops at the onset of the civil war found the Russians dug in at Crimea’s narrow isthmus and did not dare to take their terror further into the peninsula. You might say that the Crimean Russians gathered in their peninsula with no border to cross, avoided losing thousands in the massacres that would have followed if Russian troops had not prevented that from happening.

From the Ukrainian Army’s summer shelling civilians to Grad rocket fire in deep winter. Ten thousand Donbass Ukrainians killed.
I’ve got to state here something you just wouldn’t know if your source of news is the pro-NATO, EU or the pro-Military Industrial Complex funded US mainstream news outlets. Vladimir Putin kept trying to find a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian civil war. If he let Russian regulars come in to defend the Donbass he was saying “unofficially” that Russia was a part of the solution, and that trying to end the crisis militarily is not possible. Each time the winter came in 2014 and 2015 the Ukrainian Army unleased winter offensives on the Donbass met by a solid Russo-Separatist defense that skillfully cut off the Ukrainian armored columns into encircled “cauldrons” that were destroyed piecemeal. It is reported that the Ukrainian Army lost two thirds of its artillery, armored personnel carriers (APCs), and heavy tanks in those offensives, each of which was followed by Putin putting out his hand to Yatseniuk’s successor, Ukrainian President Poroshenko, to come to Minsk, to draw out a “Minsk Agreement.” Let the Kiev government peacefully settle the matter with the leaders of the separatists overseen by Russian President Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and French President François Hollande.
The second try, Minsk II, we’ll call it from now on the Minsk Agreement, was signed in early 2015. In short summation, the clearly set out points of the agreement would end up first demilitarizing the conflict, placing Organization of Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitors in the Donbass and the surrounding Ukrainian areas to oversee the peaceful cessation of the civil war, bring the leaders of the Separatists and Kiev together to eventually negotiate and retain the Donbass as an autonomous region inside Ukraine with its own self-governance. (See text of the full agreement here.)
Up to the present, Poroshenko and his successor President Volodymyr Zelensky, have NOT honored what Poroshenko singed, or even started the process laid out by the Minsk agreement. And since the Minsk Agreement singing this only resulted in an uneasy armistice/stalemate with the separatists and a garrison of Ukrainian regulars and Fascist irregulars guarding trenches opposite to those of the Donbass militias and Russian units where there is sporadic firing and shelling reported by the OSCE observers over the line of control by the Ukrainians, responded to by the Donbass separatists for the next five years. President Putin in his summits with successive US presidents Trump then Biden stresses that the only solution to end hostilities and restore peace in Ukraine is for the Ukrainian government to initiate WHAT THEY HAVE SIGNED in the Minsk Agreement.
This they have consistently not done.
The stalemate on the line of control held until early spring, March-April, of 2021. In March, while the Western MSN was asleep at the journalistic wheel, half the Ukrainian Army initiated a sudden buildup on the Donbass line of control and increased its shelling of the Separatist positions and civilian centers. By the end of March into early April the American MSN anchors of the legacy networks, plus CNN, MSNBC and FOX pulled their collective heads out of their tribal left and right tainted reveries to report a RUSSIAN buildup of massive proportions and breathtaking rapidity along their frontiers with Ukraine. Now the MSN was all over it with pictures of armored and paratrooper divisions and mobile artillery stacked on endless military train convoys heading West.
The Russians were glad to have the Western media film their “message” to NATO, the lightning speed in which they mobilized and arrayed their armored, infantry, air, paratrooper, and naval forces. This wasn’t anything like the slow and plodding gathering of NATO forces over the last decade of military maneuvers in Poland, Romania and the Baltic States. Moscow amassed far larger-scale military maneuvers with massive and conventional might not possessed by Brussels. The message was: NATO, you do not have the conventional forces capable of going to war with the Russian Federation and NATO as much as admitted it afterwards.
The Western media didn’t report “why” the Russians had ordered up this show of force, so that it looked like it was a brazen Russia bullying poor little Ukraine. If back then you were a subscriber to HogueProphecy you would have been given the full picture. The only thing that was “brazen” was the US and EU media not telling you the whole story. They didn’t tell you that such massive maneuvers of NATO forces right on the eastern frontiers of Russia is a common a very provocative practice for a “defensive” alliance.
Rather than start a war, the Russian maneuvers ended a looming invasion of the Donbass by the Ukrainian Army. It also showed the world and specifically the encroaching NATO how quickly would be the response if red lines, set out in Munich by Putin at the G7 Security convention, are crossed. General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg and the NATO leadership had their heads set reeling by the speed and size of Russia’s movement of its armed forces across eleven time zones of the largest territorial nationality in the world, placing land, sea and air forces two to three times larger than the Ukrainian Army in mass of men and weapons in only days along Western Russian frontiers. They even managed to bring almost the entire, landlocked Caspian Sea fleet into the Sea of Azov in days, using their canal systems!
We come to it at last. Russia’s rehearsal for a military pushback of NATO crossing red lines. This is a karmic echo of what it felt like in America when Soviets had crossed a red line putting missiles in Cuba right on their doorstep in 1962. NATO has been doing the same, crossing red lines, set out by the Russian Federation to drop their pledge to allow either Georgia or Ukraine become NATO members.
NATO leadership consistently doesn’t listen. Perhaps the current French President Macron is right when he publicly declared NATO “brain dead.” Russian President Putin laid down the red lines in February of 2007 in a speech given at the Munich Security Conference basically threatening NATO that “all options, including military” were on the table if either Georgia or Ukraine became members of the alliance finishing NATO’s complete amassing of itself right on Russia’s Western borders.
The Georgian Army invaded the disputed Caucasus province of South Ossetia to seize it the following year in August 2008. The Russians in five days trounced the Georgian Army. It had been undergoing a modernization by hundreds of advisors from NATO’s chief overlord the US along with hundreds more trainers from Israel. The Russian Army occupied central Georgia for five days, making a point of cutting off the Baku oil pipeline to the European Union for a few days before switching it back on once they had systematically destroyed all NATO infrastructure and weapons and withdrew to guard South Ossetia.
Please note for the sake of the future waiting for Ukraine what Russia did next. It “liberated” provinces desiring independence from Georgia. South Ossetia was one of these, later incorporated into the Russian Federation and protected by Russian forces ever since. The other was a western Georgian disputed province of Abkhazia. Russia in August 2008 supported the rebel insurrection that wished to break away and be an autonomous part of the Russian Federation. Thanks to a unilateral crossing of Russia’s red line in Georgia a NATO proxy Abkhazia got its wish under Russian guard.
Consider very carefully what had happened in Georgia, NATO leaders. Georgia was a little version of the very same sudden and overwhelming counter-offensive possible 14 years forward with a few major changes. The Russian army now is a completely modernized armed force, that in many respects for now has more advanced conventional and nuclear delivery systems than what NATO forces possess, such as hypersonic missiles. Their Poseidon drone submarines—a kind of nuclear-powered torpedo are also in operation. But does NATO ever learn, even from what happened in Georgia? NATO folk just blink and go about training and arming the Ukrainians in the same ways with hundreds of advisors and trainers in Ukraine. And what about Ukrainians remembering what happened to the Georgians. The US especially, uses NATO in a cynical way, sacrificing nations if needed to achieve its strategic designs on Russia. The Georgians were also promised NATO protection like the Ukrainians but when push came to shove over Russia’s red lines in South Ossetia, the Georgians got crushed and lost territories.

NATO is already “in country” training and updating the Ukrainian Army to integrate with NATO forces. An American Soldier with the 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team waits in sub-zero temperatures for bags to be unloaded after arriving at the International Peacekeeping and Security Center (ISPC) near Yavoriv Ukraine on 10 January 2022. The 45th arrived in Ukraine on Jan. 9 for the first of two six-month rotations with the Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine. As part of the JMTG-U, the 45th will be working with their Ukrainian partners on the development of their training center and cadre at the ISPC. (Public domain.)
If this comes again to military blows over crossing Russia red lines, “think Georgia” you Ukrainian leaders in Kiev. The Donbass will become two autonomous Oblasts of the Russia Federation and perhaps even return to Russia the Southeastern (and Russian speaking majority) Ukrainian Oblasts from Kharkov, and those provinces along the Sea of Azov, even perhaps Russian-speaking provinces of Odessa and Moldavia too.
And all that could happen in as short a war as the Five-Day War in Georgia, though I’d think it would be known as a “Ten Day War.”
If you NATO folk in Brussels and Washington can’t respect that you have pushed Russia to the wall, to its threshold, the Russians if not by negotiations will push NATO back by FORCE so that you can’t place your nuclear weapons right on the eastern frontiers of Russia but instead on frontiers hundreds of miles further West of what is left of Ukraine afterwards shrunk into landlocked rump state.
If in the last missile crisis karmic echo America was ready to bomb and invade Cuba to destroy Soviet Missiles on their doorstep, do not any NATO-noid idiot be fooled by your own hubris and fantasy world view. The new Russian Federation that replaced the Soviet Union and its communism to become a freer nation than before will destroy your NATO updated Ukrainian pawn army and Ukraine itself as a political entity.
Here then, in the simplest of terms that even a child can understand if not a head of NATO, are Russia’s red lines:
No attack on the Donbass by Ukraine.
No training or heavy conventional weapons delivered by NATO to Ukraine.
No NATO nuclear missiles or weapons will be positioned inside of Ukraine.
No NATO forces will be invited by Georgia or Ukraine as NATO “partners” to gather in Ukraine and Georgia and place their infrastructure there.
Ukraine and Georgia will never be allowed to join NATO.
Further to this the Russian government had sent in December 2021 both to Brussels and Washington two drafts agreement of historic Scope. In short, Moscow has laid out a whole new architecture for European and Russo-US mutual security. Consider it Russia’s roadmap to true peace and security that NATO encroachment screwed over the last 30 years to this point of crisis and world war. Russia has balanced its position on the red lines by equally being ready to begin the long road of negotiating something breathtakingly new and I dare say hopeful for peace.
These draft agreements are not something that can be signed any time soon though, or even agreed to by the current President Biden and other Brussels-sprouting NATO boobs currently in office. These documents clearly set out Russia’s long-term strategic goals to push back the clock to another agreement called the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security (FAMRC), signed between Russia and the US-led NATO block in May 1997. Another example of even a treaty formally signed with Russia that, like the agreement not to take one step East, NATO didn’t keep: putting a halt on expansion no further East than the united Germany in 1997.
The Russian US and NATO draft agreements aim to put in writing a mutual non-aggression treaty that would restore many of the better elements of the last cold war treaties that the US unilaterally started dismantling, starting in 2002, such as the Anti-Ballistic Missile and Intermedia Range Missile treaties. America and Russia would be allowed to have intermediate range missiles in this new agreement, but the US couldn’t station them in NATO nations or in Europe but thousands of miles out of range in its homeland in the Western Hemisphere. The Russians could also possess such missiles but unlike the INF Treaty, it doesn’t dismantle them, it keeps them stationed deep in Siberia beyond the Ural Mountains out of range of Europe.
This would effectively end the “Exceptionalism” of America to place its missiles wherever it liked on borders of Russia or of China tens of thousands of miles from its homeland. It would restore in action not in mere words the agreements of 1997 that understood in writing this important tenet, that the improvement of one nation’s security should not come at the expense of another.
Some hopeful news! The two drafts sent to Washington and Brussels were not torn to bits off handedly but accepted for study and review.
It is significant that they took them in to consider. There are signs that some NATO leaders, like French President Macron, and also EU leaders like the Finnish president, are willing to give sincere effort to negotiation. These also know directly from President Putin in his Zoom meetings to both, that he’s aware of NATO head Jens Stoltenberg’s game of talking about NATO being a “defensive” organization and “not threatening” Russia while he and the neocons in NATO’s command are secretly, placing hundreds of NATO military advisors in Ukraine training their army. That a massive and secret rearming of the Ukrainian forces has been underway. That Stoltenberg on one side of his mouth may talk no direct military aid by NATO if it is attacked while whispering to Kiev out of the other side of his pouting mouth a promise to keep re-arming and keep encouraging Ukraine start a fight with the separatists.
Since April 2021 Jens Stoltenberg has been making some very foolhardy and disturbing statements. Here are some examples.
His response to Russian’s red line was first, in the case of NATO expansion, that “NATO is continuing the process of expansion. We already took Montenegro and North Macedonia, regardless of Russia’s protests.”
To Moscow’s escalation from a request to a demand that NATO rethink a promise made in 2008 to induct Georgia and Ukraine into the organization “in time,” Stoltenburg promised NATO would not look into any compromise with Russia. To the issue of the third red line, NATO’s military aid to Ukraine as a NATO “partner” if not a full member, Stoltenberg said Moscow’s input on the matter of Ukraine’s future enrollment is dismissed, adding, “NATO countries are already training Ukrainian troops and consulting with them,” he said. “They are conducting joint exercises and providing military supplies and technology. The alliance’s support for Ukraine is not a threat to Russia.”
Really? It would seem this Norwegian idiot-spawn of Vikings is the very kind of blindered mediocrity foretold in Viking prophecy’s end the world coming as the Ragnarök, the destruction of reason and order. When leaders say one thing and blindly promote the opposite. Unhinged the leaders sally forth herding the led, breaking down civilization’s structures. Like Loki’s minions from Hel attacking Valhalla, they madly descend into final battles and the destruction of nature, heaven and earth.

Each arrow overshot his head” by Elmer Boyd Smith (public domain). Allowing his fellow gods to test his newfound invincibility, the shining god Baldr is attacked by his fellow gods who make a game of it. In the background, the god Odin and his wife, the goddess Frigg, sit enthroned. In the foreground, the disguised Loki gives Baldr’s blind brother Höðr an arrow affixed with mistletoe (the one thing that can harm Baldr), which results in Baldr’s death.
“Each arrow overshot his head” by Elmer Boyd Smith. Allowing his fellow gods to test his newfound invincibility, the shining god Baldr is attacked by his fellow gods who make a game of it. In the background, the god Odin and his wife, the goddess Frigg, sit enthroned. In the foreground, the disguised Loki gives Baldr’s blind brother Höðr an arrow affixed with mistletoe (the one thing that can harm Baldr), which results in Baldr’s death.
Stoltenberg shows signs of that kind of intellectual breakdown of reason when he says he wants a substantive dialogue with Moscow but in October expelled all the Russian diplomats of the permanent mission to NATO, effectively cutting off all diplomatic channels.
Is this a General Secretary and an alliance that wants substantive dialogue with Russia?
In November 2021, the alliance’s secretary general in his address to the Atlantic Association urged member states remain committed to American plans to base US nuclear weapons on the NATO bloc’s “eastern frontiers.” That means right along Russia’s borders. By the way, the Russians have not placed their nuclear missiles on their borders. They remain far away and beyond range to Europe. America however on the other side of the planet wants to put its missiles on Russia’s border, and it is praised and encouraged by Stoltenberg, and that’s not an offensive and aggressive act?
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko responded to it saying, “If [Stoltenberg] really said that it means that for NATO, the collective voice of which the secretary general speaks, the Founding Act of Russia—NATO relations no longer exists.”
Here Grushko is bringing us back to the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security (FAMRC), signed between Russia and the US-led NATO block in May 1997. The agreement established in writing that NATO and Russia “do not consider each other as opponents and should strive to overcome the remnants of the previous confrontation and rivalry,” i.e. what I call Cold War One (1948-1989).
FAMRC promised not to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of new NATO members east of Germany.
Since 1997 NATO expanded east adding 14 more members!
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov declared these moves “major provocations” by NATO and the EU. In 2020, Lavrov’s deputy Sergey Ryabkov, stated Moscow’s “hopes that the US will stop ‘sharing’ nuclear weapons with its allies, and stop deploying nuclear weapons in countries that do not possess such weapons.” He went on to say that such actions could spiral into “destabilization and, in addition, new risks appear.” [New Year’s Update, 10 January 2021: Ryabkov will lead the Russian diplomatic delegation meeting with US and NATO delegations just a few more days from now.]
And then we come to Stoltenberg’s most disturbing delusion. In October 2021 he approved and unveiled NATO’S solution to being outmatched by the Russian conventional military might and advanced weaponry. His and NATO’s plan to “win” a nuclear war against Russia!
To do this Stoltenberg and his headless NATO idiot generals would lower the nuclear threshold. Just lob a thermonuclear warhead at Russian military concentrations across the Ukrainian border.
The Stormberger Syndrome is on. The very thing this late eighteenth-century Bavarian prophet foresaw if there was a third world war. He had already dated and predicted in detail the first two world wars. If there was a third, the leaders and lead would walk “with open eyes” into World War Three’s great catastrophes. For NATO to change the rules, to jump immediately to the end game, nuclear weapons option at the war’s beginning, and just hope the Russians do not reply with their new, nuclear-tipped hypersonic glide warheads. Sounds like an open-eyed walk-into-Doomsday-of-an idea to me.
Stoltenberg’s NATO heads seem to be talking themselves into believing they can initiate a nuclear strike and “not” immediately receive at the very least a measured bit of doomsday retaliation, such as the atomization of a major NATO military base or staging area. Maybe Russia goes right for the head behind all of this, and obliterates a US naval base as big as the one at Norfolk, Virginia using one of its new, deep diving nuclear drone torpedoes, igniting all the explosive force unleased in the six years of the Second World War by exploding its two-megaton warhead at the mouth of America’s largest naval installation that sends a 100-foot, radioactive tsunami to wreck docks, and run aground ships and carriers?
Then what would you do, my Norwegian Ragnaröking, Thor’s self-hammering-to-headed, fool?
This NATO plan is paper-thin on intelligence but as paper thick as a wrist breaking volume of Tolstoy’s epic War and Peace in STUPID.
Early in the New Year of 2022, we could be reaching a critical mass of tensions, or possibly something else… Complete reading this and get full access to all ten articles by choosing one of two options:
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DATELINE: 31 December 2021

Soldiers with the Ukrainian army mount a Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty 2 infantry-fighting vehicle Feb. 11, 2016, at the International Peacekeeping and Security Center near Yavoriv, Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers are conducting a culminating situational training exercise as part of the first rotation of Fearless Guardian II. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Adriana M. Diaz-Brown, 10th Press Camp Headquarters. Public domain.)
The Second Half of:
Will the US and NATO
Cross Russia’s Red Lines in 2022?
Mark my words, if there ever was a man and a set of henchmen who might create an incident that lights the match to a “Cuban Missile Crisis level” in Ukraine, Dmytro Yarosh and his Right Sector militias are your thugs!
Despite the hopeful turn of negotiating about to begin, my greatest concern through January and February is enough hot heads in Kiev, faced with a failing government, a failing economy, the threat of a negotiated settlement in the air that marginalizes Ukraine, they might delude themselves into thinking they will launch a war they cannot win believing NATO will “save them” from Russian occupation. NATO for its part is playing up that possibility by their actions, flooding Ukraine with weapons and hundreds of trainers. Even though to Russia and the world NATO says it would only economically sanction Russia if it invaded Ukraine in a counter-offensive. Stoltenberg/NATO’s two-faced approach opens Kiev to make interpretations of it being just talk to the world at large that they won’t support Ukrainians in a war.
“Why then are they piling up the weapons for us, and sending hundreds of military advisors?” Ukrainian leaders might ask.
I hold some hope that no Ukrainian invasion of the Donbass will happen—which I stress again is what will start this war. The Russians will not enter Ukraine unilaterally as the US media keeps forecasting (I guess they’re used to comparing the Russians with the Americans who unilaterally invaded Iraq). Russian will only counterattack to protect Ukrainian Russians from a massacre. Let’s face it, Donbass Russians are family. Like I wrote earlier, the Donbass Russians have folks in the Russian homeland… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 18 December 2021
Because Russia will successfully Engage
NATO and the US through Negotiation
And with China Establish a Grand Global Compromise
In the title is my alternate prophecy: a peaceful end to the looming Ukrainian Missile Crisis. I will now explain how that Utopian vision can be bridged in this article that presents to you important, prescient excerpts from two of my books published in 1994 and 2014. These foresaw the New Russia rising and the coming of America’s attempted Second Cold War with it. Perhaps as we are now at the threshold of this new cold war going “hot” in 2022, a clear cold shock of collective awareness will stay nuclear war’s terrible, bold, swift sword and we can step back from the abyss of extinction giving humanity a future… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 18 December 2021
And How the Perversion
That NATO Has Become
Will End
I follow up the last article with a recently updated interpretation of one of Nostradamus’ most far-reaching prophecies, a verse in which he may have actually named NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and its near future fate.
2 Q22
Le camp Aƒcop d’Europe partira,
S’adioignant proche de l’iƒle ƒubmergée:
D’Arton claƒƒe phalange pliera,
Nombril du monde plus grand voix ƒubrogée.
The aimless army from Europe will depart,
Collecting itself near the flooded island:
Of NATO Fleet [and] army will fold up,
Naval [center] of the world by greater voice substituted.
Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 December 2021

President Erdogan of Turkey. © Creative Commons 2.0.
Hyperinflation 2022—Part One:
Turkey is the First Victim
There is a black swan song being sung by an influential world leader instigating a self-inflicted economic disaster. This is what Michael Hudson observed on Keiser Report recently about it. Hudson is one of my best sources for economic history, both past and “future” history trends… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 December 2021
Hyperinflation 2022—Part Two:
When the Moratorium
February 2022
Debt is going up, up, and up. And like the great Weimar Republic’s crash of the German Papiermark in 1923-1924, it was anticipated by certain business sectors seeing a run of those with inflated wallets purchasing houses, cars, luxury goods, properties, etc. You see the same purchases by the wealthy happening in America today. The pattern is set. The value of the US dollar, like the Papiermark in the early 1920, becomes a blimp full of hot air that completely pops in the America of 2023, like it did a century ago in 1923 Weimar Germany… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 26 December 2021
Refugee Tsunami hits the EU on Several Fronts
Starting Spring through Summer of 2022!
We’ll get a taste of that too in 2022. There is a looming, and global food crisis caused by a shortage of petroleum products needed to make proper fertilizers to feed nearly 8 billion of us. If you think food prices are high now, just remember by summer 2022 what Han Solo told Chewy, Princess Lea and Luke when the walls of the Death Star Garbage processor started crushing in on them… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 20 December 2021
Osho’s Zombie Drug Prophecy from 1978
The new globalist Fascism will weaponize the Covid plague to cast a giant shadow across events in the year 2022 by establishing a global vaccination Apartheid. They are desperate to do this because they already know what I know. The jig of jab is up…! Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 20 December 2021

Army Spc. Angel Laureano holds a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Md., Dec. 14, 2020. (DoD photo by Lisa Ferdinando). © Creative Commons 2.0.
Part One
A US Freedom of Information Court Order
Forced Pfizer to Release Document Conceding that its Jab
Contains a “large increase” in Adverse Event Reports
And that even this Huge Volume is Under Reported
In the next three articles I wish to introduce an important year-defining theme of 2022 that a growing COVID-19 weariness will bring to a climax. I foresee a rise in skeptical inquiry and questioning of all things the authorities have ordered up disrupting and shutting down people’s lives. I predict 2022 will bring a significant pushback against mass hysteria politics using the Covid Pandemic to suppress individual freedom. The word will finally spread to the public to what extent politicians have massively suppressed real scientific disagreement with public health actions making a muddle and mess out of fighting the pandemic. It will no longer be suppressed to what extent Dr. Anthony Faucistic bureaucrats used their medico-political clout to stifle debate amongst medical professionals, demanding blind-belief support in their policies… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 25 December 2021

Detail of Roman fresco depicting Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine. “Do no harm” is the Hippocratic Oath.
Part Two
Ten Thousand Scientists and Physicians signed the Rome Declaration Calling to End Mass Covid “Vaccination”
Early intervention with numerous, available agents has proven to be safe and effective, and has saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
No medicine already given regulatory approval shall be restricted from “off-label” use, particularly during this global humanitarian crisis caused by a rapidly mutating virus, which requires quick to adopt treatment strategies.
Health agencies shall be prohibited from interfering with physicians prescribing evidence-based treatments they deem necessary, and insurance companies must cease blocking payments for life-saving medicine prescribed by doctors… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 23 December 2021
Part Three
Sixty Thousand Scientists and Physicians So Far Have signed the Great Barrington Declaration calling for “Focused Protection” in Dealing with Covid
[Here is an excerpt from the declaration that was signed in late September 2020]:
…Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.
Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 20 December 2021

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand attending the 2019 Foundations World Economic Forum, doing a Safeguarding Our Planet annual meeting. © Creative Commons 2.0.
WXYZ’s Detroit’s Facebook Page Backlash Gaff
Repeated in a Challenge to Anti-Vaxx “Wusses”
By New Zealand’s Prime Minister of “Safeism”
Plus Whistleblower Exposes many Issues with Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Trial!
Back in my September-October sending of articles, it featured the invitation on the Facebook page of WXYZ Detroit, a major multi-media station broadcasting across Governor Whitmer’s blue state-Jab happy Michigan, any stories of the unvaxxed friends or family dying of Covid back in the summer-early autumn of 2021. Initially the reply was an overwhelming 180,000 hits, not about the unvaxxed but the sudden illnesses and deaths of friends and family after getting vaxxed.
Before publishing this article, I went back to check and see if the page has been removed. Good news, as of 26 December 2021 it is still up and adding more testimonies. The current number of various emoji replies are 58,000, comments are 262,000 with 218,000 shares… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 17 December 2021

Photograph by Mike Peel Source: © Creative Commons 4.0.
Of 15 October 2021
Is the Danger of a Super-Tsunami Across the Atlantic
Still Imminent?
Al Jazeera reports, that “Scientists have declared a months-long volcanic eruption on the Spanish Canary Island of La Palma officially over, allowing the islanders to breathe a sigh of relief…” Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 17 December 2021

Proposed Greater Khurasan Flag, and Kellogg’s Special K. © Creative Commons 2.0.
The Overlooked Prophetic Significance
Hidden in the Name ISIS K:
K is for Khurasan
The prophecy ISIS K seeks better luck fulfilling than al-Qaeda, comes from a dialogue between the Prophet Muhammad and a devout follower. It is quoted by Muhaddith Shah Rafee-ud-din. The passage appears in a chapter of the Hadith called Bab-al-Qeyamah. The conversation carried over to the subject of the future and ultimate struggle Islam would face with infidels besetting the Ummah (the worldwide community of Muslim believers) from all sides… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 December 2021

The Prophet Elijah’s Dream by Philippe de Champaigne (d. 1674). Many a great prophet foretold the future when in deep sleep trance. (Public Domain.)
Did Edgar Cayce Foresee Biden
And the Senile Chaos of His Administration
In his Famous “Mob Rule” Prophecy?
Back in 1939 America’s most famous prophet Edgar Cayce, known as the “Sleeping Prophet” because most of his visions came whilst under a deep trance laying on his sofa at home, his stenographer and wife by his side dating, documenting, and filing over 14,000 trance readings. Most of these were for prescribing healing to the emotionally and physically sick but on a few occasions the greater spirit that made the sleeping Cayce speak as he lay unconscious there, foresaw often quite accurately, things to come in the future. Here is one of his prophecies that, given our times of great division in the United States, bears contemplation to what it means… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 26 December 2021
![Astronomy: a comet in the night sky. Wood engraving, n.d. [c.1860].](
Astronomy: a comet in the night sky. Wood engraving, n.d. [c.1860].
The Largest Comet Ever Discovered
Will make its Pass Through the Solar System
This has got to be the biggest title I’ve ever posted on these HogueProphecy eMagazines and this story is big, real BIG, in an astronomical way. reports that the Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein (BB) is no BB-bullet for your cometary BB gun. It is the largest comet ever observed… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 December 2021
Your Next “President” of the United States
May be coming in 2022
By the Will of Woke Identity Politics
It MUST be a Woman
And that Woman WON’T be Kamala Harris
This game of musical thrones in the White House is already on, and its resolution is coming soon. I will be very surprised if Biden can hold his bowels and his mind together through another 12 months. I think it must happen long before the midterm elections a changing of the butts in the throne. And really! For a moment, let’s set aside all the many negatives about Clinton grabbing her denied presidency for at least three years (that includes putting aside my own deep and prescient concern that the future of the world with Clinton as president is that of profound blackness—no future—something I never encountered before in this work.):
Who else do the Democrats have…? Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 27 December 2021

The “haunted” Antelope Schoolhouse, Antelope, Oregon, © Creative Commons 4.0.
The True Nature of Ghosts and Hauntings
As I experienced them as the Osho Oregon Commune’s
Blissful Exorcist of Rajneesh Security
I also worked with Niket, the Ranch vet, and even assisted him in a cow breach birth emergency. Four of us, two grasping per chain tied to the hind hooves of what would be our beloved Natasha the Cow, we used the chains to pull her out of her moaning mom before she drowned in the placenta fluid. When she slopped out on to the cement barn floor, Niket had me held the steaming calf aloft by her hind legs high enough so that Niket, our wilder version of a “James Herriot,” Yorkshire veterinarian, could use Natasha as a black-and-white cowhide punching bag. While I was exulting in the warmth and gooey glory of afterbirth running down my arms from a new life held upside down, Niket’s pummeling did the trick, clearing her lungs of placenta fluid in a gag, a flood of goo out of her mouth followed by a happy baby “moo…!” Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 27 December 2021

A few of the thousands of celebrants lining an Oregon Commune road on the daily Osho drive-by. Rain or shine, in all seasons, it happened every day after lunch, around 2 pm before resuming work/worship. It was a lesson in how to make every day a holiday, so we needed no weekends. The deeper lesson was to celebrate every day, every hour and finally every moment. This is what is needed to spread throughout the world and turn a potential Doomsday into a “Bloomsday,” a flowering new humanity. In the Oregon Commune of 1981-1985, the seed of such a celebrating consciousness was born.
A Solution to the World’s Weird is Witnessing
In early September of 2021 I received an email from someone I will rename by anagram for the person’s privacy, Stan Yoo. I’d like to share our interchange because what came up in it is some pointers on how to stay sane as the world of humanity descends into collective hysteria and insanity. Indeed the new year of 2022 is going to take us all deeper “into the woods of Weird” than anything thus far experienced in these “Roaring 2020s…” Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 27 December 2021
The Decade of Peace in 500 BC
And the Need for 200 more Buddhas than Average
To Tame the “Roaring” 2020s
I will be counterbalancing my work in 2022 introducing the story of the “Decade of Peace” across India’s kingdoms in 500 bc. The pandits of the time concluded that this presence of peace that everyone felt, stemmed from five great buddhas being alive walking alone on their separate paths and teaching across India during that decade, Gautama Siddhartha the Buddha being the last to join the group was the youngest. The oldest was Mahavir of the Jains. There was Kesh Kambal and another two fellows, all as vast in their enlightenment as Gautama Siddhartha was.
Wars had stopped in that decade. The castes were in harmony. It was attributed to these five mystics, five more than the average, for making it so, because as they began passing from the body into the Eternal Mystery one by one, the familiar times of ego, in five steps returned.
What is needed today, is something similar to happen. And the only way it can happen is if people forget about any collective lifting of consciousness for that is the Dharma cart before the Kalki white horse of this ending Kali Yuga [epoch]… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.

The Laughing Buddha! © Creative Commons 4.0.