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DATELINE: 12 November 2019

The great rose stain-glass window of Notre-Dame before the 15 April 2019 Fire. Photo by Julie Anne Workman, © Creative Commons.

Click on this link, and read a free sample of John Hogue’s newest book!
An Essay about Hogue’s Newest Book
Nostradamus and the Notre-Dame Fire
Released on 16 November 2019:
The Quest to Find what Nostradamus Said about Our Future
Can we just agree to disagree?
That’s a common request I get. I am a bestselling scholar and interpreter of Nostradamus for nearly four decades and counting. I am certainly open to agree to disagree with someone who these seasoned eyes can recognize has done the deep study required to offer a qualified difference of opinion. Such people have earned that right. They can teach me to be a better translator of this famous prophet from the sixteenth-century. He has become a global icon in our times, for better and worse. Thus I seek to nourish “the better” the “qualified” over the worse: the uninformed interpreter publishing their views as fact rather than ignorance, using Nostradamus as their mask.
There’s a lot of that going on in the world of Nostradamus. He might have foreseen it. He made a comment about our times that’s prescient: “Oh what a loss of learning and letters!”
Certainly there’s been a lot of dumbing down going on, a loss of critical thinking, even in the mainstream media who more than often no longer follow journalistic disciples, such as following the facts. Now in this 24-hour news cycle the facts have to follow ratings and fit themselves to ready-made conclusions sanctioned by network advertisers.
I’ve seen in my own field as a Nostradamus scholar a great loss of learning and literacy. I started reading and studying Nostradamus in 1974. By the time I became knowledgeable and proficient enough to begin publishing my first articles in 1983, I’ve witnessed in the next 36 years that followed a steady decline in the quality of books and articles about him.
At the dawning of the twenty-first century the rise of the Internet Revolution unloaded upon Nostradamus a global tsunami of interest especially whenever some major event like the 9/11 attacks on 11 September 2001, or more recently the Notre-Dame fire in Paris, spiked worldwide attention on 15 April 2019. I can understand why so many people might ask if this famous French prophet Nostradamus, named after one of the most famous cathedrals of France, might have foreseen this tragic event. The need for a quick fix, a quickie answer, unfortunately temps thousands of bloggers online to try their hand at being an “instant” Nostradamus authority—Nostra damn us if upholding any scholarship standards are first considered, full speed ahead!
For the sake of those standards, I am authoring this book, using my patiently amassed knowledge to discover whether a real prophecy about the church fire exists. I do this in part because what I’ve seen written around the world online about the Notre-Dame fire is, in my experienced opinion, a travesty of amateurish projections.
Ignorance is not only bliss, but now pretends to be qualified sources online. So few bloggers are even aware of the history surrounding Nostradamus’ life and afterlife—the legacy of his prophecies and how they’ve been fulfilled, debated and abused—they would have no idea that bending Nostradamus to suit your opinion to influence others is exactly what Josef Goebbels, the chief propaganda minister of Hitler’s Third Reich did as a misinformation weapon during the Second World War.
Goebbels in a diary entry on 19 May 1942 wrote: “Brendt [Ingomar Brent, one of Goebbels’ yes men and closest lieutenants] handed in a plan for occultist propaganda to be carried on by us. We are getting somewhere. The Americans and English fall easily to this kind of propaganda. We are therefore pressing into service all-star witnesses of occult prophecy. Nostradamus must once again submit to being quoted.”
At least Goebbels had some awareness of what he was doing. Most of the people I read today online, I imagine a good lot of them, don’t even know who Goebbels was, or what the word “propaganda” means. Yet as writers on Nostradamus they mindlessly follow Josef Goebbels’ fundamental law for success in the art of persuasion: The most effective propagandist is one who absolutely—and I would add blindly—believes his or her own propaganda.
It is easy to project your mind and ideas on Nostradamus’ cloudy verses. Harder to catch yourself in the act. What Goebbels did maliciously beginners in the study do innocently enough. All newbies, myself included back in the day, uncover in Nostradamus what they want to find, like playing the game of finding shapes in clouds in the sky.
But what occulted treasures are the cryptic verses really hiding?
Early on in my quest I started to question if the English translations were leading me astray. So many confusing versions out there! Perhaps the authors were relying on bad translations or just making their own stretches of the English. The only way I could find out was to take up the arduous, decades-long study becoming a proficient, very slow and careful reader of sixteenth-century French.
I also took decades learning how to know what he knew, read the books he read, see the world with a sixteenth-century mindset with all his society’s hopes, fears, virtues and prejudices set to filter his mind. Rather than bend Nostradamus to my modern point of view, I had to surrender my modern point of view to his pre-industrial, Renaissance perspective if I ever had a chance to stop pinning “my” asinine “tales” on that old donkey.
I bring to this examination into Nostradamus and the Notre-Dame fire my many mistakes made along the way. I’m personally aware of nearly every kind of mistake people can make. That has a value to be shared with lovers of Nostradamus. We become better authors and readers in this process. Nostradamus deserves better from us. To attribute wrong interpretations of his verses can make him sound either greater or a lesser prophet than he truthfully was.
I do not condemn the many errors I, or many authors and bloggers have made misreading the Notre-Dame fire story. Only through mistakes do we grow, that is if we learn from them.
As my spiritual teacher Osho used to say, “Mistakes are perfectly okay, nothing is wrong in mistakes. Everybody makes them and everybody has to make them. Don’t ask for perfection. Mistakes are good. They keep you human. Otherwise you will either become inhuman or superhuman and both are not good. To be human is very beautiful but to remain human one has to err…
“If you have made a mistake there are two ways to treat it: one is to feel guilty. If you feel guilty, you will commit the same mistake again. Guilt is a way to help the mistake come back… You forget the mistake and you start focusing on the guilt. The mistake will be repeated again.”
I would add that guilt has two dimensions of expression, you either feel bad or you feel you must save face and defend your opinion, no matter how clearly it has been pointed out to you that you didn’t have the knowledge to come to such a conclusion.
“The second alternative is the right alternative, “Osho added, “when you commit a mistake, see why you committed it, how you committed it, how it goes on happening; go into the mechanism of it. Repeat it deliberately, see why it happens, go into the very process of it. And there is no need for any guilt. Be scientific about it, go into it: ‘Why do I commit this again and again?’ And I am not saying that you should not commit it; just find out why, how it happens, what is the mechanism, how it takes hold of you, how it rises from the unconscious. Just go and watch the whole process and joyously. There is no need to feel guilty at all, then you will never commit it again, because you have looked into it and you are finished with it.” (Osho: The Sun Behind the Sun, Behind the Sun)
Nothing Nostradamus wrote is more obscure than what mostly well-intentioned people project on his verses over the centuries. In an odd way, our centuries of mistakes have kept him topical but at a terrible price for Nostradamus, being praised for what he never said and condemned for what most interpreters misunderstood.
That was Nostradamus’ necessary mistake.
His writings indicate he made it fully-conscious of the consequences. He confessed he was using a form of “poetic fury” that would brand him a charlatan. He also famously predicted he would become far more famous after his death than when he was alive. Even his staunchest skeptics can’t deny this has happened.
His effort to obscure served him and the future of humanity well.
Consider what worse future we may be living in if Goebbels and his Nazi Nostradamian scholars had discovered how Adolf Hitler, whom Nostradamus called “Hister” of the “Crooked Cross,” could avoid his mistakes and win the Second World War, thanks to Nostradamus writing too clearly?
I think Nostradamus enjoyed this mistake of being too cryptic, well aware that his imperfections would continue keeping his work a hot controversy beyond 4.5 centuries after his death. Our mistakes deciphering his prophecies ever since have only redoubled his fame. He’s frightened us, inspired us, marvelously befuddled us. We have been well entertained and sometimes enlightened.
“Whenever you commit a mistake again, go into the process of it,” said Osho, “see why, how it happens. And if you enjoy committing mistakes then there is no need to change. I am not saying that you have to change it. If you enjoy committing mistakes then it is perfectly okay, because there are a few mistakes people enjoy. Then there is nothing wrong; they are innocent. Everybody has a right to enjoy a little.” (Ibid.)
So here then is my book, a celebration of errors with a big surprise that I contend every blogger online missed.
Nostradamus foresaw the Notre-Dame fire and what comes next.

Click on this link, and read a free sample of John Hogue’s newest book!
The eBook Edition is now Available HERE.
It will soon also be available as a beautiful Trade Paperback from Lulu Press and also Amazon Paperbacks. Stay tuned for further announcements.
In the meantime, check out the Table of Contents:
The Head of Aries and the Long Century
A Most Famous Burning Cathedral:
Dated and Location Named
Nostradamus DID Foresee the Notre-Dame Fire:
That is, If I Read my “Ladies” Right
Nostradamus chasing “Ladies” in the Future:
Are there a Few more Dames made of Stone?
The Life and Afterlife of Nostradamus
DATELINE: 12 November 2019
How I came to First Experience a Documentary that Set me on My Destiny to be a Famous/Infamous Interpreter of Nostradamus:
Orson Welles’ Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
Doug, one of my Facebook Friends sent me this lovely link of this 1982 documentary.
Thanks Doug. This documentary is the litmus test that all other Nostradamus documentaries must rise to and transcend. This documentary with one of my favorite actor/writer/directors, Orson Welles, as host, had a big impact in why I became a Nostradamus interpreter.
Strangely enough, the first person to make me aware of its existence was Osho, my meditation teacher, while I lived on the Oregon Commune as a resident. I think it was around September of 1983 when down the road leading up to the Magdalena Cafeteria, there was a colorful circus tent set up for movies for the residents.
After tiring his eyes reading 250,000 books, Osho used to watch a lot of movies on video in his room. On rare occasions he’d send a message out to the general community about a movie he suggested all his people watch. Maybe it was in 1982 that he suggested we all watch “Patton”—that was when our numbers were small enough to view it inside Magdalena after dinner.
It would seem that Osho and I had similar tastes in movies. Maybe I dug Patton because of my sannyas name he gave me, Arjuna, after the warrior king and archer who Lord Krishna as his chariot driver drove into battle in the Mahabharata (the Great Indian War).
One time Vivek, Osho’s caregiver, brushed shoulders at the threshold of the video department in the large ranch office and warehouse building Osho named after Zarathustra (the enlightened Persian Zoroaster). Vivek was carrying a big stack of movie videos Osho had just watched. I immediately recognized one of my favorites on the top of the stack—a movie that changed my life. The marathon 7.5-hour Soviet Mosfilm movie directed by Orson Welles’ friend Sergei Bondarchuk, based on the epic book by Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.

Sergei Bondarchuk, director of War and Peace as well as playing Pierre Bezukhov, a character I deeply identified with when I first saw this movie at age 13 in 1968.
Bondarchuk also played the main character Pierre Bezukhov whom I deeply identified with when I was an existentially drifting teen and saw the movie in 1969. In my view, this Soviet version, more than any other Russian or English film version done since, captured Tolstoy’s transcendental vision of the mystery of existence. It had the innocence I suppose that only sometimes comes when Soviet era atheists, born again on the search into the mystery of existence, still fresh a half-century later from burning all orthodox Christian icons of belief and dogmatic filters and expectations in the Russian Revolution of 1917, look into Tolstoy’s Christian mysticism, ignoring the “Christian” and finding the heart of his “mysticism” unlabeled and innocent.

Color still from War and Peace, the Fire of Moscow. I’ve never seen a film more epic than this and yet more intimately experienced by its characters, their simple lives carried off into the whirlwinds of rampant history. The movie exactly honored Tolstoy’s book in this way. I read War and Peace when I was 13. His story resembles in essence the whirlwinds we little individuals are about to be cast into in the Roaring 2020s, and the Extinction Level 2030s.
The Soviet communist system tried to make Atheism a state religion replacing the Russian Orthodoxy, but if labels had been discarded the spirit free of them often enlivened anew. I saw as much when so many citizens of the Soviet Union, after the opening up of Perestroika in the late 1980s came flooding into Osho’s ashram/commune in Pune, India, after the Oregon Commune had been destroyed. I met them, lived them, made love to them. You can take the orthodoxy out of a Russian, but not the roots of soul that the mafia of orthodoxy tried to tame and atheism tried to suppress with materialism.
Anyway, I innocently gushed to Vivek, “War and Peace! I love that movie, it changed my life! Did Osho like it?” To which she gushed equally and innocently back with eyes bright, “Oh yes! He LOVED it.”
I later found out that Osho would have Vivek load a video and she’d watch the movies with him. Most of the time he’d get about five minutes or so into the story and if it didn’t move him he’d ask her to switch out and watch another movie video. Apparently most movies weren’t finished but Osho was into Tolstoy’s War and Peace and they watched the whole thing.
Move forward to 1983, September, the circus tent and the announcement to all of us that Osho didn’t suggest but asked everyone to see Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow.
Thus I stepped through the tent, sat down, and had my world rocked by it. Osho and that documentary are the reasons why you are reading me today.

War and Peace, the “jaw-dropping” Battle of Borodino. This is before CGI could manufacture as many soldiers as a film frame could contain. But back in the 1960s everybody you see here in their tens of thousands belong to the 120,000 living extras used in these battle sequences, a number comprising nearly half the people that were engaged in this real and bloodiest single-day battle of the nineteenth century. Watching this movie at 13 triggered a very powerful past-life memory. I was there, back on 7 September 1812. I died in that battle. The memory of this set me on a decade-long search to piece together evidence of the man I was. I found him. His factual life matched my written down memories of it. He “did” die at Borodino. I will share this journey in one of my two planned books on Reincarnation.
DATELINE: 12 November 2019
The Democrat Trump Trap:
How You Readers Rallying around
Your “Blue” Herd of Candidates
Avoid Getting Caught
I get so many letters in the last few years where people confess their utter hatred of President Trump. Many of my dearest friends on this “blue” end of Whidbey Island have written me a letter pile of bile about “the Donald” who so far has survived the gauntlet of often deserved and often undeserved venting as he comes ever closer to possibly surviving his first four-year long “Season” of what I call Celebrity Apprentice President, brought to you (with my tongue in cheek) by the Electoral College and Deep State Productions.
Just like any final act of a Trump Celebrity Apprentice show, there’s a crisis of being “fired” at the last minute. (What is called in this case an Impeachment.) Still, there’s a good chance that the Celebrities we most hated will, in the end, be “hired” rather than “fired.”
That possibility for the star of Celebrity Apprentice President is quite possible. Deep State Productions might keep him in for a second four-year season.
So many good people in my community cannot see one iota of humanity in this “horrible human being.” Neighbors I’ve known for years as loving folk find themselves wrestling with the closest thing to hate, trying not to openly hate, yet honestly cannot deny the truth that they live in the thrall of a constant and abiding anger for Trump’s presence casting a giant shadow over their lives ever since he was inaugurated on 20 January 2017 as the constitutionally elected president of the United State. They linger for years now under this terrible shadow of hate and I can feel the powerlessness in them growing. Anti-Trump Cult News Networks (CNNs) play on their hatred. The CNNs and the MSNBCs are mocked by the right red-winged propaganda news organs like FOX.
CNN and MSNBC have made Trump-hate their raison d’être (reason for being TV rating vampires). They’ve become pushers of drugs like the Mueller Report promised to give those with the Democrat Blues a promised high. When that fix didn’t factually come through as a Trump antidote, when Russian myths of collusion could not bring enough evidence to indict the president, move over to some heroin called Ukrainian Myths. Oh, and try this new Ecstasy Pill called “Impeachment.”
It’s smack!
And to me the whole thing smacks of a collective addiction to hate taking half the American people down a dreadful spiral of disempowerment. There is no room left to actually present a new idea for America as long as Trump hate fills every heart so Blue with the high octane Blue Magic cocaine states of hate linger.
To one of my dearest Island friends I replied to her wrestle with hatred of Trump with this article. May it be an open letter to thousands of Hogue readers struggling with this blind hatred. May it equally be illuminating to all my blind loving Trump readers. Perhaps that’s another addiction that needs to be confronted so that both sides can come together in understanding. Here then is my answer to one friend and all friends of HogueProphecy:

click on this link and read more about this forthcoming book and how you can get a personal notice when it’s out.
Thanks for openly expressing your anger about Trump. This is good. This is how a hidden wound can be exposed to the air and helped to heal. It is good to admit that you hate this man deeply. So many people opposed to him do this, but almost none of them, from the powerful who run against him for president down to regular people, completely overlook something which will be a key theme to my third and final book on Trump, President Trump Predictions.
All of you who hate him have sent him to the White House in 2016. Moreover, all of you who still don’t understand how your hate functions and keep throwing it at him, I assure you, will see him win a second term in office if some understanding doesn’t break your addiction to Trump hate.
I say this as a forecaster who has no dog in this political fight. But I can tell you this, whatever Trump is, his astrology shows me that he is a force of nature, the force of unconscious change. Obama liked to talk and even jive about change we can believe in.
Trump IS change! For better and worse.
He is a very powerful and wide-open, though unconscious, channel. He channels whatever is in front of him. There is not a man more hated by half the country and more loved by the other half than Trump.
Consider this.
Trump in 2015 began his journey to the White House with 21 Republican opponents, 17 of which survived to the first debates from August through September 2015. They all threw their hate at him and Trump systematically turned their hate into a disempowering defeat, one by one. Even the most powerful GOP establishment family, the Bushes saw Jeb Bush, the heir apparent, dismantled by a simple eight-year old and precocious label that Trump tagged him with. “No energy.”
It was true. That’s why it stuck. A lesson to Jeb not to slim down for the TV cameras by undermining his strength going too far with his paleo dieting. It led to his Paleolithic political extinction.

Click on this link. My first Trump book documented Trump’s alternative future victory over a year before it happened. glimpse into his presidency from the most fair and balanced forecast book on Trump.
Trump is essentially an eight-year old. He’s admitted it openly during a 60-Minutes interview on the campaign trail and it rings true. That’s the heart of him, underneath all the personalities and organized chaos that is his natural state because he was born under a Sun-conjunction of Uranus in contradictory Gemini. He is naturally polarizing, a force of sudden 180-degree changes of policy—unpredictable. It is his greatest strength and equally the source of his potentially greatest downfall as president.
One more thing. This is VERY important to astrologically understand about Trump, especially for all those who hate him: underestimate him to your own political peril and hopes of defeating him in 2020.
To brush him off as just a mere vulgar and hateful man misses the complexities of the man that I detailed in my first book Trump for President: Astrological Predictions to great accuracy since I wrote it in September 2015 and published it December 2015.
I’m onto something.
With a donation of only $5.00 or a Little More, to sustain Hogueprophecy. Put November 2019 in the PayPal memo line. I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal.
DATELINE: 12 November 2019
The Concluding Half of
The Democrat Trump Trap:
How You Readers Rallying around
Your “Blue” Herd of Candidates
Avoid Getting Caught
DATELINE: 12 November 2019

Nostradamus (1503-1566) Painting by Cesar de Nostradamus.
The Epic Two-Year Writing Project Begins
Hogue will put Four Decades of Study
Into Creating the Most Epic and Complete Examination of Nostradamus and his Prophecies yet undertaken in 4.6 Centuries.
DATELINE: 12 November 2019
The Mercury-Sun Transit Prophetically Explained, And…
Ancient Aliens: The Alien Brain
John Hogue’s Review
Have you seen this book from John Hogue?

Click on this link and check out John Hogue’s newest book. Spiritual Suicide is not what you think. It is when your misery jumps over a cliff and leaves you blissfully behind to share this tale.