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DATELINE: 06 August 2017
The Great American Eclipse: Earthquake and Tsunami—Published 5 August, Forecasts an Eclipsing of a Hegemon in the next five years so that America’s Brightest Future can be Born
Total solar eclipses seem to trigger seismic events upon the lands and seas their shadows touch. On 21 August 2017, the lower 48 states will have a solar eclipse draw its mysterious darkness of 90 to 100 percent totality over four of some of America’s most dangerous seismic and tsunami-generating quake zones. They are the Cascadia Subduction Zone in the Pacific Ocean along the Oregon, Washington and British Columbian Coasts; the dormant supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park; the New Madrid Fault Line in Missouri near the Mississippi River; and finally, the earthquake-prone Charleston, South Carolina area along the Atlantic Coast.
If the pattern of seismic activity seen in the Great Eclipses of 1999 and 2009 is repeated in the Great American Eclipse of 2017, then either one or a series of potential major quakes of magnitude 6 to a megathrust of magnitude 9 could happen a week to three months after the eclipse. A second wave of seismic episodes of the same potential magnitude could follow 8 to 18 months after the eclipse. Less frequent but no less damaging episodes of quakes and tsunamis could take place as late as 2 to 5 years after the moon’s shadow on 21 August 2017 had touched future epicenters inside these four seismically sensitive zones.
Cities and towns across the United States, even in the earthquake prone West Coast areas, are woefully unprepared for such natural disasters. If only one, two or all four seismic zones become active after the eclipse, the devastation could bring the greatest superpower in history to its knees through a string of natural disasters.
Great earth change prophets like Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery and Nostradamus have accurately dated and located future history-altering earthquakes and tsunamis. They have also tried to warn the world to prepare for and survive future upheavals, not only of earth and ocean, but financial, economic and political quakes soon to challenge the most powerful nation on Earth as if it were fabled Atlantis from mythological times—the advanced and militarily unstoppable island hegemon of pre-history, laid low by natural catastrophes.
Is America, by coincidence or mysterious Fate’s intent, about to suffer a repeat of what took down the Atlanteans?
World-renowned prophecy scholar and Nostradamus expert John Hogue will take us through a journey mixing seismic evidence with prophetic and astrological forecasts that will try to illuminate what will really happen, if anything, following the moon’s shadow passing over America, from sea to shining sea.
The Great American Eclipse comes at a time of significant astrological portents that not only can bring a life-changing experience to President Donald Trump but also to 330 million Americans.
America is stuck and something has to give. Political fault lines in polarized Washington DC and fiat faults grinding out economic fantasy must rock, roll and rent.
Earthquakes can be a creative catalyst for unexpected uplifts of national attention that rethink, redefine and rebuild America for the better. This eclipse may mark the overshadowing of American hegemony over the world, yet John Hogue will share hopeful prophecies indicating that America’s greatest and happiest days are ahead, once American is no longer burdened by being a superpower.
John Hogue is unique. He’s one of a kind.
—George Noory, Host of “Coast to Coast AM”
Evil Forces in the Moon’s Shadow?
Every Superstition has a Kernel of Truth
The Largest Quakes and Tsunamis
Are Directly Influenced by the Heavens
Let slip Civilization’s mighty Foundations:
Nostradamus in 1558 predicting
A Solar Eclipse on 11 August 1999
The Great Solar Eclipse of 2009
The Great American Eclipse
Of 21 August 2017
America’s Brightest Destiny
Follows the Eclipse of a Hegemon
Purchase now The Great American Eclipse: Earthquake and Tsunami at this link to the Amazon sales page with simple to use, one-click shopping. Thank you.
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DATELINE: 06 August 2017
John Hogue’s Worldwide Astrological Predictions—Published just two Weeks Ago, takes you in astrological, day by day detail as your World dramatically changes from Here through May 2018
John Hogue is taking the stars back to an “ancient” future. Tomorrow’s astrologers will embrace what early astrologers and pagan civilizations understood: Spring is opening season of the natural New Year! Have your parties starting around the Vernal Equinox and continue to celebrate the transition of seasons all through April, Easter and up through May Day.
In the future, even Christmas will be moved to March when it will be discovered that Jesus Christ was born a “fish man” master, symbolized as a “fisher of souls,” foreseen by ancient seers as the world teacher of the Piscean age. Two fish tied together represent Pisces. One represents the conscious, the other, the unconscious mind—both are engines of human predictability.
Hogue explains the papal origin of why New Year’s Eve is celebrated in the dead of winter. He then takes us through the correct procession of changing seasons from birth (spring), peak life (summer), let go (autumn) and death’s fallow peace (winter) exploring world events in the timeframe of seasons progressing in their corrected annual sequence. He will apply his 30 years experience of studying the astrology and medium work of Nostradamus to document highly accurate astrological forecasts—saddled to pure divination—that confounds astrologically dogmatic critics as it accurately illuminates.
This detailed and unique examination by a world-renowned astrologer and Nostradamus expert takes you through a detailed, day-by-day reading of coming world events. First he establishes what was astrologically “born” out of important worldwide elections from spring into summer of 2017 and then predicts the negative and positive consequences coming from August 2017 through June 2018.
Read one of the most detailed and comprehensive forecasts of the astrological significance of what happens during the Great American Eclipse in August 2017. More than this, Hogue prepares you for earthshaking changes that it will herald for America and the world in natural upheavals of the Earth, as well as political earthquakes, the renewed volatility of Wall Street, and the crises approaching for the fiat and global economy.
Hogue’s future chronicles can be funny, shocking, even terrifying, but ever original and ultimately illuminating intense times lived in the death and rebirth of an age in ways only he can originally and accurately foresee.
A brilliant and very knowledgeable astrologer.”
—Whitley Strieber, author of “Communion” and “The Coming Global Superstorm” with Art Bell
The Vernal Year is Born anew
Every True New Year’s Celebration
In the Spring
A Vernal Year Defined in the Friction
Between Expansion
And Fading Established Order
The April “Foul”-lers
That Brought May Missile Showers
The Future after Important Elections
West and East of Eden
To Theresa May:
You’re Brexiting Out All Over Again!
Hot Winds, Wars and Terrorist Raids?
The Great American Eclipse
Of Land, Sea, and Leadership—with Wars
The Earth Shaker
Nuclear Crisis?
Jovian Disseminations
And the “Last Chance” Sextile
Super Bowling the Olympics
When the Life of a New Year
Is again Renewed
Purchase now John Hogue’s Worldwide Astrological Predictions for the Real New Year: Spring 2017 to Spring 2018 at this link to the Amazon sales page with simple to use, one-click shopping. Thank you.
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DATELINE: 06 August 2017
Trump Strikes Syria: And North Korea?—Published in April: Tensions are only rising and a Military Showdown is Near
President Donald J. Trump of the United States ordered an unexpected mass missile attack on Syria in April 2017, while he prepared a greater showdown against North Korea if, as he said, they don’t “behave.”
We have entered a new era of razor’s-edged danger, rife with prophetic significance that world-renowned prophecy scholar, futurist and Nostradamus expert John Hogue can decipher and explain.
A rush to open confrontation, heedless of any actual investigation into who gassed who in Syria, is exacerbated by Trump’s unprecedented game of matching aggressive bluff for bluff with the potentially unstable North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-Un, who may possess the capability to fire Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles tipped with nuclear weapons at the United States.
The purported Syrian air force chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun in Syria’s Idlib province might be false-flagged atrocities committed by al-Nusra Syrian rebels affiliated with al-Qaeda. It could be a ruse to trick President Trump and the American military into waging yet another bloody and disastrous regime-changing war in the Middle East, taking down what is left of the secular state of Syria—and that only strengthens the hand of terrorists, like ISIS, the Islamic State.
A number of prophecies of Nostradamus, the great sixteenth-century prophet, and other seers warn that a precipitous escalation against Syria, and a sudden, full-scale war in the Korean Peninsula, might quickly bring on a nuclear war between the United States against the Chinese and the Russians.
Nostradamus, clearly gave short and long countdowns to World War Three. One starts counting when a second cold war has started. That happened with the Ukrainian Civil War and a salvo of US sanctions and Russian counter-sanctions in late April 2014.
The short countdown is upon us. A worsening military crisis with Syria and North Korea could unleash a US-Russian nuclear exchange any time from now up through November 2017!
This book will take you into an alternative universe of facts over hearsay, skeptical inquiry over impulsive, uninformed and potentially history changing, and history “ending” international moves.
In his strike on Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles, President Trump made an about-face, a 180-degree swing away from his often-delivered campaign promises, such as staying out of the ruinous military game of regime change and resolving US disputes with Russia.
It could very well be that this complete axis shift in Trump’s foreign policy views followed by bellicose and hasty military actions denote a subtle coup d’état in motion. It consists of a possible co-opting of a gullible and politically inexperienced president by the political denizens of the Washington’s swamp of corruption and special interests he promised as president to drain. Trump may have been the casualty of a putsch, of which he is unaware, committed by his military and intelligence handlers belonging to a corporately financed and strengthening National Security State who are under the illusion that they can control and even win a Third World War.
This book will investigate solid evidence beyond appearances and mainstream media manipulation to disclose just how potentially (and intentionally) uninformed Trump’s decision may have been to strike Syria, and—perhaps any moment from now, attack North Korea—with earthshaking consequences for us all.
This future need not happen, and John Hogue will consult Nostradamus and other significant seers down through history that present for us alternative, positive choices we can make as we stand at this potent and potentially apocalyptic crossroad in time.
I have known John Hogue for fifteen years. Every year, he predicts on the program [Dreamland] and every year, he proves to be fireproof. He’s accurate. Uncannily accurate!
—Whitley Strieber, author of “Communion” and “The Coming Global Superstorm” with Art Bell
Trump’s 180-Degree
Flexibility Solution
Stupidhstry on the Rebound
A New Kind of “Useful Idiot”
Working for Deep-State War Interests
Do an Idlib “Ad Lib” in Syria
If Evidence is the Real Enemy
The Unanticipated Positive
Consequences of Trumped Diplomacy
The Syrian War Prophecy of Nostradamus
Will there be an Israeli-Syrian War?
First Strike Syria, Next Strike Iran?
Casting a Light on American Myths
About North Korea
Nostradamus and the Axis of Dr. Evil
North Korea’s Secret Weapon: The Bluff
Cry Havoc! And Let Slip
The Loose Cannons of War?
Purchase now Trump Strikes Syria: And North Korea? at this link to the Amazon sales page with simple to use, one-click shopping. Thank you.
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