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DATELINE: 23 July 2024

Top: the questionable letter ending the President’s campaign. Bottom left: Biden’s signature. Bottom right, the signature on the letter.
Top: the questionable letter ending the President’s campaign. Bottom left: Biden’s signature. Bottom right, the signature on the letter.
Forced by Barack Obama’s coup d’État
The World Sinks
Into Historically Uncharted Oracular Waters
As America Faces the Final, Seventh, Pass
Of Pluto, the Age Ender, over its Natal Position
In the US Birth Chart, for the Last Time
Down another 248 Years!

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What a catastrophe awaits the end of President Joe Biden’s first (and last) term in office! I saw it first in a detailed study of his astrology, and that of his running mate, Kamala Harris, set down back in October 2020, and published on 31 October, a few days before they were elected, in the eBook: John Hogue’s 2020 Presidential Predictions. I further gave an overview about it to friend and reader Helena Rowe, that later appeared in my 20 March 2023 New Year HogueProphecy eMagazine Special Edition that described what the aftermath of Biden’s failed first term in office would be like:
What a grave disaster he would be for America’s and the world’s future. The astrology was “biblical.” A reckoning for the USA. An end to its hegemonic power, a greatest Depression, a tragedy that would see Biden not finish his term and ultimately, Biden’s very dangerous astrological aspects that ensured that if Trump had been the first president in a long string, that “did not” get America into a war, Biden had the malefic stars to get us definitely into a new war during his first term that could be a world war!
Now we come to present, uncertain times, where we are to believe that the President of the United States dictated this letter of his quitting his presidential campaign, displayed above, signed on 21 July 2024. It is printed on plain white paper, no White House letterhead upon it, no presidential seal either. The signature that doesn’t match his handwriting. The “n” of “Biden” is an “s” and his last name is underlined. The text is purportedly coming from a man who clearly can’t put two sentences together on his own. For years now he has had to read note cards written by others to make “his” talking points. This is well known by those who are watching. Isn’t it interesting that no mention is made in the letter, no endorsement was “coaxed,” to name his presidential candidate successor, the Vice President Kamala Harris?
Oh! Someone had to correct that oversight and pass a second message that Biden endorsed Harris, right after sending the first “signed” letter.
I have been one of the earliest and consistently vocal forecasters warning people not to roll this malleable, mentally declining man into the Oval Office because he is in cognitive decline. I started saying that as early as 2018, to a North American and international audience in the millions who were listening to Coast-to-Coast AM hosted by George Noory. My first warning set down in print came in 2019, the year before campaigning began, in a HogueProphecy eMagazine article dated 17 August 2019, that foresaw a declining mental capacity countered by very “undemocratic” moves of Democrat party leadership to openly fix and choose winners of the primaries for 2016 and 2020 as if these candidates were less than leaders, like Biden, and more than prepared puppets, and I quote:
The time and destiny for him to become president, I’m sad to add—has passed him by. One can almost hear the dying of brain cells to dementia in the slow thinning of his rehearsed and regurgitated Bidenisms in the first two waves of debates…
In 2016 they picked her [Hillary Clinton] in the guise of “superdelegates” a half year before people could vote. In 2020 they could pick Biden if he’s still shuffling and duffing along with rigged polling at the end of the primaries, after the first convention ballot is cast.
Who Will Win in 2020?
Early Intuitions that Will Likely be Fulfilled
If what I Forecast here is Ignored
(HogueProphecy eMagazine, 17 August 2019)
Ladies and gentlemen, through this questionable “letter” purported to be signed by Biden on 21 July 2024, you have just seen happen, and for the first time in US history, a coup d’état by leaders of the Democrat Party—not a “Democratic” Party at all. They are Obama, the King Maker, the former Speaker of the House Pelosi, with her own cognitive issues still under some control. There is also the Senate Majority Leader Schumer who in the days of transition before Trump’s Inauguration Day, made the following comment on Rachel Maddow’s show on MSNBC about President-Elect Trump going against the CIA. Schumer said, “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”
Notice what was overlooked by Maddow and most watching Schumer on that day? The then Minority Leader in the Senate, now Majority Leader today, one of the most powerful politicians in the nation, is openly admitting that the CIA is running the US Government by subterfuge and threat whether you are the President-Elect Trump, or even Schumer himself, should you question or rebel against them. By his own words, Schumer indicated that he was not going to serve the interests of the people who elected him, but CIA interests, or else. He had instead delivered up his spine to the Intelligence Community, who in their ranks include the men who killed John F. Kennedy, who had a spine and the an intention to break the CIA up.
Judge Anthony Napolitano related on his show Judging Freedom to his guest Jeffrey Sachs about his last phone conversation with President Trump while he was still president, not long before the end of his term in office.
JUDGE NAPOLITANO: In my last conversation with President Trump in the White House—he called me a lot and this is after January 6 so it’s two weeks before, or a week before, he’s leaving office. He wanted to run past me the names of people he was going to pardon and sentences he was going to commute. He wanted my opinion on them, some of them I knew.
I said, “How-ya-doin’?”
He said, “Ah, not too well,” and he went off into a tangent about what he thought happened with the election.
I said, “You know, you made a promise to the public many times, and to me privately, that you haven’t kept.”
“What, what? I’ll take care of it right now.”
I said, “You promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination.”
He said to me, “Judge, if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn’t have released it either.”
And I said, “Who’s they? And what did they show you?”
And then he said, “Judge, someday when we’re on the phone.” And then he raised his voice, “And there aren’t 15 people listening to the phone call,” back to a normal voice. “I’ll tell you.”
I mean this makes it sound even worse! Who are they?! Probably somebody in the intelligence community. What did they show him? JFK’s brains blown out?!
JEFFREY SACHS: This is it. You know, it was said by one person that after the Kennedy assassination, “There has been no president. They have only been factotums of the system since then.” And it may well be the most decisive event in modern American history.
I believe Biden was coerced into signing this letter of retreat from campaigning after the donors who control the party froze his campaign assets. Now the karma has come home to roost for the leaders of the Democrat Party, who threw democracy completely out the window starting in the 2024 Primaries. The leadership of “super delegates” just kept changing the rules as they went, moving on, cancelling many state primaries. Putting in a rule in New Hampshire’s primary where they expected many anti-Biden voters that “any vote” for anyone will be a vote for Biden. (I kid you not. They did that! Watch this video).
The Primary of 2024 was a farce. The candidate had been picked in 2024 by the same man who picked him in early 2020, former US President-in-chief of the Democrat Party, Barack Obama, The Obamagogue. He set up South Carolina’s primary in 2020 to be Biden’s first win by calling upon Black Caucus leader and South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn to do some magic: get his state’s black vote out for Joe. After Biden had his first sizable win there, Obama started making calls that had nearly all the competitors in the coming weeks dropping out and uniting behind Obama’s choice for president, many of which were promised nice postings in the future Biden cabinet for their choice to “sacrifice” a democratic, people-voted primary process. Hence, Millions of Democrat Party voters had their votes nullified by one man, Obama. As the Obama slogan currently goes, now see if THAT is a “Change you can believe in”!
The only two left standing to contest Biden’s “succession” for a time was Hawaii’s congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and US Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders. Both would later be forced out of the race even though they were not compliant like all the other candidates who were chess-pieced out of the primary process with cabinet positions rewarded by Obama. It wasn’t an election anymore, but a coronation by Obama and his cabal.
By the time we got around to 2024, political elite disrespect for democracy and the vote of their own rank and file party members was complete. Democratic acts in the DNC’s Primaries are dead. They picked a man, empty of mind and therefore easy to manipulate as he became everybody’s grumpy grandfather with fading intellect and growing orneriness.
However, there was an unusually early, first presidential debate that exposed a problem—or maybe it was contrived to expose a reality, shining camera lights bright and glaring upon Biden’s incontinent mental state to run for a second term. So he’s not going to be renominated in Chicago’s convention 19-22 August 2024. An intervention had taken place. Biden’s enfeebled resistance was aided and abetted by his wife. Apparently, Jill has been playing “President Jill” for years. There are even pictures of her in the president’s office on Air Force One, sitting in his chair going over his briefs while he’s off camera somewhere taking a nap. Biden’s son from an earlier marriage, the nepotist crackhead and sexually deviant libertine, Hunter Biden of the notorious Laptop, presumed to become his dad’s personal “counselor” assuming power over his cabinet, telling his father to resist, to hang in there as president running for a second term.

I first showed this picture 11 February 2024 with the following caption: “The most recent examples that Biden needs to retire from office. And it only gets worse on 12 February 2024 with Biden introducing the King of Jordan. Here also is Third party candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. commenting on President Biden’s need to participate in a debate to prove he is cognitively able to serve in this very challenging and difficult job being President of the United States.”
Gramps didn’t want to drop out. Well, House Obama and House Clinton, who had placed their sycophants in Biden’s Cabinet to “look over” and manipulate President Gramps aren’t done yet. Even they hadn’t anticipated the row growing among House legislators and Senators on both sides of the bench. At first, they were gathering to question how Biden who is not capable of running in this race, could still be capable of fulfilling the much more challenging job of continuing to be President of the United States down the next six months! But these legislators seemed to have memory holed that issue for now, like Biden has been memory holed, as if his presidency, still limping along, never happened; or better, his cabinet have ghosted his place at the helm and just keep making up his policies for him as before.
It would appear to me that Obama’s malevolent stars have once again blinded him to unintended consequences because of stifling democracy in his party’s picks. He was the one who advocated choosing a puppet president the Deep State wanted, was he not? Obama’s eyes wide and blind couldn’t see how this would end up with his own presidential “spare” that he chose, Vice President Kamala Harris, also a protégé of Hillary Clinton, becoming the heir apparent, who is an abject fool.
OK, it’s a variation on the “dummy puppet theme.” Let’s move from a senile fool to a malleable fool.
You won’t find the following, and unique, assessment of what is behind all this comedy of errors in news accounts. It is written in dark stars, and it is coming to its reckoning starting in the second week of October 2024. That is when Pluto, Lord of under-worldly things suppressed from our conscious minds, hatches out a hard karma on the United States when Pluto will make the seventh and final pass over its US Birth Chart natal position at the birth of this nation in 1776.
The first transit was ongoing when Biden was sworn into office on 20 January 2021 as president. I’ve alluded to it many times in earlier HogueProphecy Reports that some of Biden’s worst disasters as a president happened like clockwork during these Pluto returns, moving back and forth, back and forth, over Pluto’s US birth chart position in our skies over this land. Now comes the seventh, the last, and the most devastating. The entire existence of the American experiment in democracy has lived through just one orbit of distant Pluto, taking 248 years. In mid-October it finishes that Pluto-in-Capricorn return started in January 2021. Then it will begin either a new era for America, born out of the coming travail of the old America dying, at the start in October, when America once again begins a new orbital 248-year spin around the Sun. For a new birth comes a dangerous travail process. The birth may not be successful. It could usher in the possible end of American freedoms, through a stillborn American democracy, caused by the “fixed” result of the coming election hastening America’s descent into abject Fascism. It all depends how the American people “mid-wife” this election and confront the undemocratic elections fixed by its elites. This travail’s course to rebirth or still birth will sill last through the years that follow in the second half of the 2020s.

Saturn, (top) photo by NASA, ESA and E. Karkoschka (University of Arizona). Jupiter (bottom. Source Jupiter – PJ14-30. Author: Kevin M. Gill, © Creative Commons.
The Astrological Curse of American Presidential Politics since the dawning of the twenty-first century has seen the first three in a row, out of four US Presidents thus far, suffering the malefic influence of having a Sun Squared Neptune make them unaware of the unconsciously delusional source of their decision-making. Their gut instincts thus far in their decision-making capabilities since the beginning of the twenty-first century, have prepared this nation and the world at large for the rise—and now the current fall—of the worst US president in history, Joe Biden.
The first two presidents, G.W. Bush (2001-2009) and Barack Obama (2009-2017) set this apocalyptic stage with both men afflicted at birth with their Sun (ego/essence) in a 90-degree negative square with Neptune (ruler of crowd-mindedness, also subconscious motivations of the nine-tenths unconscious that is hidden from the one-tenth conscious mind). Donald Trump who succeeded them (2017-2021) was not born with this affliction, but his Sun sign in Gemini is squared Neptune in Virgo in the birth chart of the United States. Although he has a better chance of personally transcending this square, it presents Trump as entrapped by an astrologically three-dimensional-delusional relationship with two halves of a deeply divided American people. These metaphorically consist of a slightly larger voting block of “Blue” Americans who blindly hate him, as much as a slightly smaller half of Red Americans blindly “love” him.
Sun Squared Neptune in my view is best defined by astrologers and authors Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker in their classic The Astrologer’s Handbook. I will quote them in Italics with my bracketed clarifications in normal font inserted in their text, followed by further, and longer indented explanations in normal font on how this applies to the first three presidents:
This is the aspect of self-deception par excellence. If the natives [those born with this square] are mystically inclined, they often consider themselves the chosen vessels of some Master or Divine Being. This belief is often the result of an unconscious desire for importance.
Such as, believing destiny, or God, or America has chosen them to guide the nation in a political version of a Messianic complex, like G.W. Bush, for example. Bush had brushed off a reporter’s question asking if he took advice from his father, President George H.W. Bush (1989-1993) by defensively replying, “I listen to a higher Father…!”
At other times he confessed that god himself had “God told me to invade Iraq, so I did!”
How did that work out?
Just one of many failures of the president with this devilish square who believed he talked to a higher father in heaven which ascended no higher than inside his noggin’s unconscious delusions of spiritual grandeur.
As per another example is the power to influence others to stop thinking equally as much as they do. Barack Obama, a demagogue, doing the Obamagogue, fashioning powerful slogans that emotionally triggered, but really didn’t say anything, such as meaningless, empty-mirrored slogans, like “Change we can believe in!”
In this case, Change is undefined; the we promotes crowd think, with believe in exulting and extolling the mob of listeners to blindly trust what he’s saying in an authoritarian and qualified state of ignorance. So everyone emotionally invested in the crowd-mind takes up Obama’s empty mirror of a slogan in hand to reflect their own subjective and unconscious ideas of what that change they are to believe in, is.
The same goes with Obama’s slogan, “Yes we can!”
OK, yes we can what?
Fill in the blank with your own unconscious projection of what that is.
And there is Trump’s even more powerful MAGA motto, “Make America Great Again.” It is very similar to another demagogue’s famous slogan, “Deutschland Erwache!!” (Germany Awaken!).
What exactly is Germany meant to awaken from, Herr Hitler?
Fill in the blank of your own imagined dream, just like people do with their own projections put upon Trump’s slogan about what America being “Great Again” will be, opened to how each red MAGA glad “mad hatter” imagines.
You see how these political shepherds say nothing with such great and emotionally irresistible force? They play on our emotions, while letting us leave sleeping rationality lying dormant because they too are lost in feeling too. The lion, like the lambs it leads, the shepherd and the “sheeple,” share an irrational relationship.
Back to Sakoian and Acker’s definition of Sun-Square-Neptune:
These persons can be vessels in a pure sense, but only if the rest of the horoscope shows a good mentality, humility, and realistic practicality. A well-developed Mercury and Saturn will do much to offset the negative effects of this square.
Very often peculiar emotional desires and romantic tendencies are indicated, which can range from platonic love to the most morbid and debased physical type of sensuality. Secret love affairs and scandal leave confusion in their wake.
The imagination is often overworked and feeds the native’s desires to the point where they indulge in self-destructive acts, Severe weaknesses in character can then develop, distorting perception of reality. But these difficulties will be manifested only if the rest of the horoscope provides indications of a similar nature.
Bush had no favorable, counterbalancing of this square with his planets at birth. He followed his egoism thinking he was divinely talked into an invasion and occupation of Iraq by the Lord himself and God told him to fight a global “war on terror” too—a completely vague, open-ended title for this imagined world war dream. You can’t win a war on terror any better than presidents before him tried to fight a “war on drugs” or a “war on crime.” Ideas aren’t armies you can defeat. They are subjective.
“God” helped Bush lead the US economy into a Great Recession in 2008. The term was also used in the 1930s and was only changed to “The Great Depression” after the Second World War snapped America out of its “Great Recession” during the 1930s by building an “arsenal of democracy” economy by 1942 to wage a world war with.
Hitler didn’t awaken Germany. He destroyed it.
One of his most ironic demagogic promises was to rant, “In 12 years you will not recognize Germany!!” Beware of politicians who fulfill their promises. By 1945, twelve years into Hitler’s Third Reich, Germany was an unrecognizable ruin—a lunar landscape of bomb craters and death.
Obama’s other birth planets just made his delusions under the Sun-Neptune Square trickier enough to trick himself. They gave him aspects that made the self-deception more subtle and politically “sexual.” Politics with or without the Sun-Square-Neptune for some demagogues becomes a sexual experience. For instance, Hitler’s most passionate love affair was with the German people. He got his ranting-rocks off in speeches to amassed crowds, sending them up, especially the women, into orgies of mob adoration. Once off the podium and out of the crowd’s sight, Hitler acted like a post-orgasmic lover, spent, wringing wet and satiated.
There have been scandalously lurid gossips that Obama made love to men, and his favorite was his wife. Maybe the latter is just delusional gossip, but such gossips feel at home settling and curling around the sexually Avant Garde character of this Neptune Squared the Sun sign in question. What is clear to me is how this square makes Obama have a psychologically sexual obsession about winning an audience to vote for him, like winning a woman, or a “man,” romantically, who is playing hard to get. This Sun-twisted influence through Neptune had further sublimated itself as a black man desiring to win over a hard-to-get majority of white American voters needed to become the first African American president. Indeed the overworked imagination of the Sun Squared Neptune sufferer in Obama’s case might require he win over black and white people to somehow clarify the confusion that Obama honestly wrote about in his excellent autobiographical book Dreams from My Father as he struggled with his racial identity (and I would add his ongoing sexual identity) issues. In short, was he a Black man with a White mother, or a White man with a Black Kenyan father?
When in doubt, strive on intellectually with an almost sexual-like passion, all in your head, to achieve a hard-to-get “union” and exultant be that conquest through winning instead the hearts and minds of both black and white voters loving you!
“Yes, we CAAAAN!”
Winning such games can be fickle when the hard to get are gotten. Sometimes when you win the man or woman playing too hard to get, interest is lost. The thrill, as they say, is gone.
For instance, after his first presidential election win in November 2008, Obama had collected a cyber army of eight-million volunteer lobbyists to pressure Congress online daily when needed to vote for his agenda. I thought it was an original and ingenious idea, as many Sun Squared Neptune individuals can have. Obama would have redefined how private citizens online could become lobbyists. If he had followed through with it, who knows? Perhaps over time the American government might change the constitution through a Bill of Rights Amendment declaring that there shall be no other special interest lobbyist but each American Citizen.
Obama wooed an online army of 8 million nerds to help catapult his popularity with young voters to his first term victory. Filled with his promises of working with them for the next four years to make the change they believed in happen, he lost interest and basically ghosted and forgot 8 million citizen lobbyists.
When it was time to run for a second term, Obama, ever applying his winning charming ways, asked for their forgiveness and sweet talked them into giving him another chance. Millions did. His cyber army reformed, he won in 2012 and he promptly kicked them to the curb a second time.
The first time he dumped them, Obama already had a new target for his passions, and he had his first “date” with them planned in February 2009, just weeks after being inaugurated president a first time. He was blinded and aroused by an ultimate political conquest, to win a new, and hardest-to-get, target: the leaders of the Republican Right and the conservative media moguls.
They all had a group date in one of the finest hotels and expensive feasts Washington DC can conjure. Obama had hardly lost the thrill of being the first Black president. His win even gave him control of both houses of Congress along with the executive branch. He had that rare political capital that presidents lust for, a legislative voting majority to pass his agenda and possibly reshape the third tier of the Republic of the United States, the Supreme Court, in ways that could redefine how the Constitution and US laws are interpreted for generations!
All of that should have but didn’t thrill him, being married to that won challenge was not enough thrill for the next two years. He was turned on by this self-delusional square to appear at that posh dinner, mingle with the Republicans and begin his winning over of the leaders of the white American Right to love him. At the end of the banquet, these conservative movers and shakers told him in no uncertain terms that they didn’t want “the black man” in the Oval Office and that they’d do everything in their power to subvert his work, win back the House and Senate in the midterm elections of 2010 and see him go down as a failed, single-term president.
The president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, has many faults but Sun-Squared-Neptune is not one of them. When in his first term, Trump declared himself the victor defeating ISIS, completely overlooking that most heavy lifting and dying was done by Assad’s Syrian Arab Army, their allies Hezbollah and tens of thousands of Iranian backed and trained Shia Iranian and Iraqi militia. Trump’s handful of American observers and their contingent of Kurdish militia had come in at the end of the fighting and finished off what was left of the routed Islamic State of ISIS.
Trump stepped in and declared himself the conqueror of ISIS, seized for himself and America the Eastern Syrian oil fields as American’s spoils of war, as they remain to this day where most of the oil goes to feed the US proxy Israel’s fuel needs. Where the Syrians, Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iraqi militias and civilian losses were in the hundreds of thousands, Trump’s American overlords of the Kurds, his US military advisors, had only lost a few dozen dead ordering about the Kurds fighting ISIS. Such a cheap and lucky glory goes all to the Americans who still have forces guarding those oilfields drilling the sovereign property of the Syrian people, who can’t use their own oil to rebuild their ruined land that suffered a decade and 600,000 dead with millions displaced from a Civil War with Islamic extremists that Israel and the US exploited.
President Assad’s response to Trump’s brazen imperialist talk and self-aggrandizement was to say, “It is always good to have a transparent enemy.”
If Obama “hadn’t” had a self-delusional Sun-Neptune Square, he might have replied in a similar way that al-Assad did to the Republican leaders. He could have told them that he took their very transparent threat to take his presidency down to heart. Thanks for the warning. Now that they made so obvious and clear their plans, Obama could then go back to the White House and begin prepareing a political fight down the next two years to daily expose on the Democrat dominated news media outlets how the white Republicans can’t tolerate a black man in the oval office. They wanted “black man out.” It wasn’t he, Obama, who was using the race card, it was them!
He had two years to foment and propagate that idea until it took hold with the people that the Republicans and Fox Network, etc. are racists who won’t let Obama, the black man, see a second term because of the color of his skin. Make it a Civil Rights issue. Resurrect the struggle of Martin Luther King, etc.
Who knows? Such a persuasive man as he—if he was without this afflicted square—might have retained his control of Congress, expanding it in the 2010, and following a second election win in 2014, make good all of his political goals in eight years.
Instead, with this squared affliction his reality, Obama was further aroused to win the Republicans leaders over to loving him, blind to realities. He wasted two years of political capital trying to successfully woo them. The more they resisted the more he tried. His lust for seducing them, outweighed nourishing what he had already won, the Executive Branch, Congress, and the power to refresh the Supreme Court with more liberal judges assuring a generation of Obama’s political influence would dominate the Supreme Court long after he was no longer president.
Obama’s Saturn (planet ruling Reality and exposing the limits of self-importance and delusions) with Mercury (ruler of the mind and the mind’s messages to others), could not cool the ardor of winning this lost game, even deep into his second term!
Back to Sakoian and Acker’s description of the Sun-Neptune Squared:
Usually there is a tendency toward escapism as a means of avoiding individual responsibility and discipline. A well-developed Saturn will offset this.
Trump’s Sun-Neptune square with the latter in Virgo in the US birth chart, makes the square exert its influence on how he sees falsely the reality of US economic “boom-bust” cycles. For instance, it isn’t surprising to me that he imagined he left the economy booming when he left it to his successor President Biden in early 2021. It is the downside to being such a masterful art of the deal maker to over sell a powerful pitch that he had made the economy completely recover by the end of his first term. His “boom” economy was in fact a growing and great big economic “bubble” about to pop. And if he had won a second term then, it would have popped in his face, all wet on his watch.
Biden only made the bubble pop faster by imagining he could spend his way to US prosperity by dumping two trillion dollars into the economy his first year in office, making it pop faster. Biden doesn’t have a Sun-Neptune astrological affliction, but he has an assortment of many other square challenges that neither Bush jr., Obama, or Trump suffer. These have led to what I’ve long foreseen, his fall into abject dementia, economic crises for the nation, a wide-open invasion over the southern border not seen since the Goths crowded over the Roman Empire’s Eastern European frontiers in its final days. And most importantly, aided by Biden’s king maker who does decide things for Biden through his afflicted Sun-Neptune Square.
Obama chose him, not the Democrat party rank and file, to be the president elected in 2020. His Joe Biden then ignominiously abandoned the US military presence for nearly 20 years in Afghanistan, like a repeat of images of the US Embassy bugging out of Saigon, South Vietnam, so Biden could later stumble into a Third World War!
Obama is the reason why he’s there, as dictated blindly by Obama’s Sun-Neptune affliction playing shadow president choosing Biden once, now taking Biden out of the race, and lastly, his astrological afflictions will put Kamala Harris in as his “vehicle,” to keep trying to sustain his fantasy of running a “third” shadow term in office through her.
The Obama coup that took Biden out of running for a second term has ushered the world into a very dangerous, and possibly thermonuclear, crisis coming between now and 20 January 2025!
Back to the final warning of Sakoian and Acker’s definition of Sun-Neptune-Square:
Utmost caution should be exercised to avoid involvement in cults and occult mystical activities of a spurious sort. The motives and character of people who interact with the native emotionally should be carefully and objectively scrutinized.
Unstable and unwise financial speculations should be avoided, since get-rich-quick schemes will end in disaster.
It warns of Obama setting into motion a further cult-like, Woke-like, rendering of politics into a fanatical religion that will end in the coming four years with the US dollar abandoned by the world retreating from American influence, causing Americans to suffer not a Great Depression again, but a Greater, if not the Greatest Depression caused by a collapse into hyperinflation of the US dollar in 2025-2026, if Obama gets his Sun-Neptune Squared fantasy dream coming true. But to be fair, if Trump wins a new term, he’ll be hobbled with the same economic disaster that he can’t sell himself out of, given his delusional relationship with the American people and they with him because of his issues with the Sun-Neptune Square being directly involved with the US birth chart’s Neptune in Virgo that influences the US boom-bust economic cycles.
Now to foreign affairs. Obama’s coup has by exposing Biden as a weak leader will see that weakness exploited by America’s enemies.
The days of delusion and damage to the country and the world are not yet over. Obama in the background still remains a shadow president. He’s not done yet. And he’s also not alone. There is someone else nearly as powerful behind the scenes, wanting to play shadow president crowding Obama out.
The House Obama struggles for supremacy in the “DUNE”-o-cratic Party competing for supremacy against House Clinton. Both stake claim on the political soul of Biden’s vacuous VP Kamala Harris being the next presidential puppet.
Back to the once-upon-a-time Democrat congresswoman of Hawaii, now Republican Tulsi Gabbard. He stated on Tucker Carlson Encounter that, “Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not in office right now, but they still continue to wield immense power in influencing the decisions that are being made.”
Carlson then interjected: “So can I just sort of sidebar, but I think relevantly interesting, are you answering the question that everyone watching has, which is who is running the government at this point is obviously not Joe Biden, you think Hillary?”
Gabbard said, “It’s not a leap of imagination to know that that’s true when you look at the people who are in Joe Biden’s Administration. They are the people who are the right-hands for the Obama Administration for President Obama and for Hillary Clinton. Uh, when Hillary Clinton said herself the other day, she said, ‘Oh yeah, I talk to the White House every day.’ So it’s not, there’s no shock or surprise who the influences are behind the policies that are coming out of this White House that many people say is the most radical and woke White House that our country has ever seen.”
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DATELINE: 25 July 2024
A “Political” Assassination Attempt
Using CNN as the “Weapon”
On President Joe Biden

Chicago Convention 1968 montage. (public domain)
The darker corners inside the Deep State might still be set to try “other ways” to take Trump out, but then, that would only see the country rally around US Senator JD Vance of Ohio, Trump’s VP choice. It would not stop the MAGA movement, Vance “is” the MAGA movement, present and future, as I will explain later.
Now the neo-liberal wing of the Deep State can try out a new and amoral puppet to tie their strings to that is a Kamala the “kackling, baby-talking, storybook-rhyming moron” Harris. Don’t be fooled by the artificially propagated bump in the polls and all of this artificially induced “Kamalamania” by the press tools of the Deep State. It’s all a whole lot of gush that Kamala is such a fresh new face, that her lack of experience and accomplishments somehow is a virtue. Soon people will come down from this fake high and remember, it is the economy, stupid, and there are few more stupid than Ms. Harris about solving that…
Initially Kamala wants to appeal to the more progressive Democrat voters who are more critical of Israel and the Palestinian genocide than Biden. As standing President of the US Senate, she made a point of being a no-show so as not to be seen on the podium overseeing the clapping seal Senators and Representatives in Congress trying to outdo their long applauses for the visiting Israeli “President of the United States” Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. He even rudely commanded the seals at one moment to stop their clapping so he could openly disparage mostly progressive Democrats holding a major protest/demonstration in Washington on the same day 24 July 2024. Bibi’s war speech to his AIPAC-paid audience of bought US Congress legislatures—basically doing “Israel’s” foreign policies trafficking for West Jerusalem—wants a widening of the war.
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DATELINE: 17 July; Updated 28 July 2024

Here is a Satellite shot of the roof where shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks would have his bead on Trump’s head. Crooks was positioned farther to the right on the roof than this photo shows so that the snipers on the white barn roof behind Trump’s podium didn’t have a shot because of the trees.
Here is a Satellite shot of the roof where shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks would have his bead on Trump’s head. Crooks was positioned farther to the right on the roof than this photo shows so that the snipers on the white barn roof behind Trump’s podium didn’t have a shot because of the trees.
“I think he will be President, but will they allow him to be the President?” John Hogue (3 July 2024)
We’re done talking about the debate.
It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye.
We can’t go another day, another day,
without explaining what he’s doing,
and we have to go after him.
President Biden said the above on 8 July 2024, on an 18-minute-long video-phone-call with donors of his Victory Fund’s National Finance Committee five days before the shooting of Donald Trump. (Sources: New York Times 1, New York Times 2, Talk TV-London-Minute transcript minute 7:06.
Unless you are a penguin in Antarctica who only reads Penguin People Magazine for your world news, just about everyone by now in the world of Homo Sapiens humanity has caught wind faster than a stray bullet cutting through air, that an assassination attempt on Donald S. Trump took place—not “popping-sounds” of an “apparent” or a “possible” assassination attempt like the lame-stream news likened to project. No, this is the real deal. And it is not at all clear at the moment if it nearly killed a candidate because of Secret Service incompetence or by intent, letting the assassin on a nearby roof, not guarded by the Secret Service, accidentally on purpose, take his shooting position. He got off a flurry of shots before a Secret Service sniper shot him dead between the eyes with one bullet. Teams of snipers had been watching the man on a roof for minutes with his gun, not 134 yards from his target, the former president, speaking on a podium to thousands at a rally in Butler, PA. They killed the assassin only after he took his chance to take out Trump.
Either by abject incompetence or evil intent the Secret Service snipers didn’t get the order to shoot that assassin until he took eight shots at Trump, one of these grazing his ear, missing his brain by a quarter inch. On the adjacent bleachers in the line of fire the assassin’s flurry of bullets, spitting out of a his AR15 Assault Rifle, hit the head and instantly killed a retired fire chief shielding his daughter from the gunfire, plus critically wounded two other bystanders.
A quarter inch.
Just the slightest turn of Trump’s head away from directing the audience to look at an electronic board showing how the illegal alien flood under his watch as president had been completely stopped up to his last day in office, 20 January 2021. Trump was pointing out the sudden rise the graph took afterwards indicating immediately a greater invasion was on of undocumented aliens not long after President Biden assumed office. If Trump, admiring the graph effects, had not turned away his gaze in less than a second, a quarter inch graze of his right ear could instead have fully caught the fatal fury of an AR15 Assault Rifle’s bullet cutting through his back right occipital region of his brain. The world would have witnessed a horror not seen since a bystander, named Abraham Zapruder, holding a home movie camera, documented what happened at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on 22 November 1963. Once again, the back of a US president’s head coming suddenly open in great spreading flaps of scalp and hair-covered shards of broken skull, flip flopping open, out of which erupted an expanding cloud of blood and brains from a fatal head shot.
We Americans were all one quarter inch away from a sudden unravelling of civil order, followed possibly by a hybrid civil war… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 18 July 2024

Top left: Marshal Michel Ney (1769-1814), Duke d’Elchingen, Prince of the Moskova (River), by François-Gérard. Top right: US General George S. Patton and (bottom) Donald Trump. Photo by Gage Skidmore, from Surprise, AZ, United States of America. © Creative Commons.
Was Trump a Brave Warrior in Past Lives?
Through the travail of ages,
Midst the pomp and toils of war,
Have I fought and strove and perished,
Countless times upon this star…
As if through a glass and darkly.
The age-old strife I see,
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.
Excerpts from the poem “Through a Mirror, Darkly” by reincarnation believer, General George S. Patton.
What is the mettle of a man under fire? No one knows until fired upon. Will you shrink into a fetal position with all previous macho bravado collapsed into a frighten child, petrified? Even the bravest of men fallen wounded in battlefields down through centuries of war, have laid low their part of the wreckage of humanity. At death’s door they sometimes call out for their mothers who gave them a life now ending upon the cold and blood-soaked earth. Only in the baptism of fire do we discover just what kind of a man we are made of when advancing over into deadly space of War.
I bore witness to Donald Trump going down, then rising up from a baptism of his own blood, a warrior. A heroic warrior. Alive! It was one of the most amazing transformations of a man that I’ve ever seen in my eventful life. And it hit upon me that there stood a man who was once called by Napoleon Bonaparte “The Bravest of the Brave.” He had the same vibe, and I remembered him from before, for I had lived in that same time and fought in that same French Army. Trump even looks like that man with the cherry blond to red hair. His name was Jean-Michel Ney, Marshal of France.
I smile as I set this down anticipating the shock and surprise, and even mostly incongruity, of those who will read this unexpected turn of narrative tale. Long time readers may recall my confessions of living a past life during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars as a minor cavalry general who got himself killed in Russia in 1812 at the Battle of Borodino, called in French La Bataille de la Moskova, where Marshal Ney for his exploits there was named a Prince of the Moskova by Napoleon.
I do not talk about such a reincarnate claim lightly. I have a forthcoming Book of Things to Come, to complete. It will take you much farther into the distant future in prophetic essays on key themes of human life, such as war, peace, space exploration, sex, death, politics and the evolution of our understanding about Reincarnation. In some of these essays I will evolve many a future theme past 4,000 into the future…! Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 19 July 2024

Uranus in Astrology is the Planet of Surprises!
The President of Surprises
The Power of the American Number 13
On Assassination Assumption Day, 13 July 2024
Trump and Uranus the Revolutionary in the Presidential Years beginning on 20 January 2025
Through 20 January 2029
I had an astrological discussion with Helena Rove concerning the astrology of the shooter and the significance of a Mars-Uranus conjunction that defined this historic week where history’s course was changed by impetuous violence. (Note that this article was written on 19 July, predicting that President Biden would drop out of the race. He did so on 21 July:
Thank you so much for your thoughts about the upcoming Democratic Convention and Biden’s dropping out of the race. Here are some astrological thoughts about what was going on astrologically at the time of the shooting. I attend weekly astrology classes at Carroll Righters in Hollywood. We looked at the shooter’s chart and his mother & father’s natal charts. I think the shooter was quite intelligent, given that he was born while Mercury in Virgo was stationary. He was definitely a loner.
Astrologically, we were predicting some violent, out of the blue occurrence at the time of the Republican Convention because of the Mars conjunct Uranus aspect that was exact on the morning the convention started. Intuitively, I felt there had to be a connection between the shooter’s natal chart and that conjunction. It turns out that he was born when Mars was within a 1-degree perfect conjunction with Uranus, about where it was when the assassination attempt occurred. So the energy was probably building up for some time until he did the very unexpected. Also, his father had a Mars Uranus aspect similar to the son. These astrological
patterns can run in families.
The assassination date was also the 13th, America’s power/identity number. An unlucky number for those America exploits in the world sometimes.
13 stars and 13 stripes, 13-colonies-to-US-states as well.
The assassination took place under Cancer, America’s sun sign too.
It presages change, a new direction for the country. The old direction caught surprised and unprepared with its leader sick and senile, going astray.
This is the Mars-Uranus conjunction in action in this week of assassination and GOP convention. Danger. A close call. Suspense of life and death. A “walking on the edge of a knife” historical moment. A young man born with the conjunction attracted to dangerous, exciting “life on the edge” actions. Bellicose with murder intended, but he missed.
Then Mars-Uranus continued to unexpectedly surprise. Then in martial “Mars” fashion, a defiant fist, a bloodied but unbowed leader arose: “Fight! FIGHT!!” The die was cast. The bullet shot. The assassin taken out by a single sniper’s bullet. Twenty years lived, wasted.
Astrologers Frances Sakoian and Louis A. Acker once wrote about Mars-Uranus conjunctions. Note my underlined points that “Natives [i.e. people with this aspect] gain emotional satisfaction from dramatic manifestations of energy: sports car racing, jet planes, rockets, firearms, or the explosive human situations found in large crowds.”
Need we say any more, un-dearly departed Thomas Matthew Crooks…? Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 July 2024
—An Assassination-Baiting Report—
Tucker Carlson summed up the cycle of hate that karmically can be put into action. He laid out something I’ve also seen years ago from the mid-1980s, when I was living as a resident in the Oregon Commune of my Spiritual Teacher, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (AKA Osho). Just like Trump eventually will have every legal attack overturned, Osho’s cases issued from Oregon State and federally by President Reagan’s Attorney General Ed Meese, were in legal stalemate because they had no evidence of Osho committing immigration fraud coming to America. After they finally kicked him out of the United States, even the head Federal Prosecutor, Ted Turner, openly admitted on TV and newspapers that they had no case. So they escalated to “Get the Bhagwan out” of the US any way they could, hinting of extra-legal ways, so that his commune of 5,000 resident disciples, swelling to as high as 25,000 guests from all over the world during the summer season, would then be scattered out of the United States.
When you beat the system, I told my friends in the Commune, the powers that be next move to violence. I reminded them of Martin Luther King. When you can’t discuss or even win an argument you hire some triple-named assassin, or patsy assassin, to kill the irritant truth sayer. Not long after I shared my comments to fellow disciples, Osho was arrested by Federal police with an unsigned warrant. In Osho’s case he was poisoned while in US custody with the heavy metal Thallium that made him age 20 years in the four remaining to him. He passed away on 19 January 1990 in Pune, India. I was one of the security detail of Sannyasins disciples that guarded over his glowing ashes at the Burning Ghat, before they were recovered in an urn placed in Osho’s Samadhi. That place is the heart of Osho’s ashram (a spiritual retreat)—now called the Osho Resort—where one can sit in meditation several times a day. There is a remarkable presence of silence in that room. From my own experience, if you go deeply into it, the presence comes with you after you depart India to whatever corner of the world you next reside.
And it never leaves you.
I remember this very brave and daring forecast Tucker Carlson made in August 2023, while appearing on the Adam Carolla’s show:
ADAM CAROLLA: Are they going to let Trump be president?
TUCKER CARLSON: No. Of course. I mean, look. You know, they protested him. They called him names. He won anyway. They impeached him. Twice! On ridiculous pretenses. They fabricated A LOT about what happened on January 6 in order to impeach him again. It didn’t work. He came back. Then they indicted him. It didn’t work. He became more popular. Then they indicted him THREE MORE TIMES! And every single time his popularity rose!
So you begin with criticism. Then you go to protest. Then you go to impeachment. Now you go to indictment and none of them worked! What’s next? I mean, you know, graph it out, man!
We are speeding towards assassination, obviously!
And nobody will say that but, I don’t know how you can’t reach that conclusion… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 21 July “Updated” 30 July 2024

The first Scene of Wagner’s Twilight of the Gods (Götterdämmerung) opens on Brünnhilde’s Rock with the Norns, the three daughters of Erda, the German Pagan Goddess of the Earth, spinning the rope of fate in silhouettes made by the backlighting glow of the Fire God Loge’s magic fire wreathing the mountain. Originally the image appeared from Richard Wagner’s Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, illustrated by Arthur Rackman, published in 1911 in London (William Heinemann) and New York (Doubleday, Page). (Public Domain)
Here is the Email I wrote on 3 July, plus further Interchanges with a Reader Sharing Insights starting
Ten Days before the Assassination Attempt
As far back as 1990 I was working on Millennium Book of Prophecy, whilst living in my Master Osho’s Ashram in India. That fully illustrated coffee table book was later published in 1994 by HarperSanFrancisco Publishers. In it, I wrote an essay entitled “Warning! There is a Dark Side to Aquarius.” That was the beginning of evolving and publishing warnings about the return of a globalist corporate version of fascism that would like to preserve the centralization that the Piscean Age had been famous for but was ill suited for the needs of the incoming Aquarian Age which is to “decentralize” civilization down to the individual’s sovereignty lived in “commune-ity.”
Well, 34 years later, here is that Fascist global elite. They are trying to make a Global Police State “with a smile” as I had foreseen in 1990, turning the values of the Aquarian upside down, giving sovereignty to their aristocratic elite class and no sovereignty to the vast majority of equally unique individuals of the greater human race. However, these aristocrats will suffer the same fate as the ones who ruled before, like in France.
A global revolution is coming as Pluto completes its orbit to the place in the heavens where it had been at the fiery birth of the French Revolution 248 years before. Watch out for that global revolution, with counter-revolutions happening too, with greatest intensity in 2034 through 2036 when Pluto passes back and forth on the French Revolution’s natal Pluto in Aquarius position from distant 14 July 1789… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 30 July 2024

The members marked by a black dot graphically indicate those House of Representatives that gladly take AIPAC money to do “their” bidding for Israel and not serve the American people. It is an appropriate color, black as the slippery hides of barking and clapping seals were they when Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu came to Washington DC to wrap himself falsely in the American flag for viewing back home in Israel. They would then know that “he” had America in his pocket to do his bidding. That the US would back him if he widened his war.
Mr. Bibi Netanyahu went to Washington
To Wrap Himself in a US Flag and Show Off to US Congress. If that’s What it Takes to Widen Israel’s War
Netanyahu got his 58 standing ovations from most of both US Houses of Congress gathered on 24 July 2024. They were the best gallery of seals that AIPAC Israeli lobby money can buy to “patriotically” serve another country than their own and its people!
It was a disgusting display of how far a small Zionist, ethno-supremacist nation in the Middle East has managed to buy the Congress of the US Hegemon—and let’s not forget the millions that President Biden pocketed from AIPAC over the years—to cheer on for the cameras this genocidal mass murderer of between an estimated 184,000 to over 200,000 Palestinian civilians-and-counting. Yes, cheer that well fed, overly well fed and chunky, mass murderer of brother/sister Semites Palestinians in ways not seen since the last Semite holocaust, this time of Jews, in the 1940s.
Applause for Netanyahu and his cabinet who, when they aren’t carpet bombing the densely populated urban ruins of the Gaza Strip with all the US ordinance that they demand, they are also waging a war of slow death by cutting the electricity, cutting the drinkable water, slowing to a snail’s pace the lifeline of international food supplies to a trickle into the Gaza Strip. They’ve killed what is left of the ambulance crews, killed the doctors and nurses, destroyed the Palestinian hospitals, flattening the Palestinian Christian churches, the mosques the elementary schools, the Palestinian universities.
I mean all goodness gone to Hell! We don’t know how many thousands are starving to death or dying from thirst. Denying water causes typhoid and cholera outbreaks as well. There is also a serious outbreak of polio which might have been “introduced” by the IDF as some biological weapon experiment, since they are giving their soldiers shots against it. Also Gaza has at least 40,000 civilians suffering from Hepatitis A which Informed Comment claims may have also been “introduced” into the Gaza Strip ruins in Israel’s total war of genocide on all living and dying there.
It is now impossible to find the hard, recorded data on the full butcher’s bill of all these outrages because Netanyahu has destroyed the Palestinian bureaucracy, set missile fire to its government records as well as hospital records of the wounded and sick. They have killed most of the record keepers too.
Israel? You do Nazi SS Doctor Mengele proud!
[UPDATE 5 August 2024: “We bring in aid because there is no choice,” admits Netanyahu’s extreme Zionist supremacist Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich at a conference in Yad Binyamin, hosted by the right-wing Israel Hayom outlet, reports Times of Israel.
“We can’t, in the current global reality, manage a war, adds Smotrich, “Nobody will let us cause two million civilians to die of hunger, even though it might be justified and moral, until our hostages are returned.
“Humanitarianism in exchange for humanitarianism is morally justified — but what can we do? We live today in a certain reality, we need international legitimacy for this war.”
There it is from the Hell Horse’s mouth. Even the Nazis didn’t openly and publicly talk about their mass starvation efforts against the Jews in the Holocaust and the Russians under siege living in the city of Leningrad. And I tell you, the Zionists WANT to kill two million Palestinians. Them dying with a fatal hunger’s whimper is better than bombing and shooting them down, because these Zionist psychopaths need to pretend to be humanitarians, at least.]
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DATELINE: 30 July 2024

Bottom: A levee breaking. Source Army Corps of Engineers, (public domain). Top Right: Russian Soldier advancing over water. © Creative Commons. Top Left: Ukrainian Territorial Guard in despair.
The TAO of Offense—Russian Style
Lao Tzu the ancient Taoist Chinese master described the pathless path, the wayless way, as Tao Te Jing (the Watercourse Way). Water is the most powerful of Earthly elements. And without trying, water has the patience and the power to erode a mountain range, dig the Grand Canyon even, to find itself reaching its ultimate goal, the ocean.
Remember this…
Remember what I’ve said as July lets itself slip into the dogs-of-war days of the late August summertime…. Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 1 August 2024

The US-Israeli attack on Hodeidah oil depot in Yemen, 20 July 2024. The Israeli strategic oil depots at the port of Haifa, Israel can also look like this at any moment. They are well targeted by Hezbollah and Iranian missile systems Source: Almasirah.
A Great Israeli Provocation
To Widen the War with Hezbollah
And possibly Ignite
A direct US/Israeli War with Iran
Early This August!
The Israelis have dropped a false referee’s flag at Lebanon’s Hezbollah forces, calling “foul” because “Israeli” citizens, 12 boys no less, in the Golan Heights of all places, playing (soccer) football, were killed by a Hezbollah missile fired upon them.
All I can say to this claim by Netanyahu’s Zionist genocidal regime is that this pathetically false flagging may be the start of a wider Third World War. If these were Israeli citizens killed, why have the families of these Druze “Syrian” Arabs, under Israeli occupation in the Golan Heights since 1967, are seen on camera chasing Netanyahu’s extreme right wing Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and his entourage away from the funeral ceremonies? They were uninvited. Smotrich was caught on camera trying to crash the funeral for publicity’s sake!
Middle East Monitor reported, “Angry locals accused the cabinet minister of being responsible for the death of their children, saying he came to ‘dance on their children’s blood’. Israel says a Hezbollah missile struck the occupied territory, a claim the Lebanese group denies.” Click on the video above to watch the confrontation.
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DATELINE: 5 August 2024

The destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem 70 AD, painted in 1867 by Francesco Hayez (1791-1882), public domain.
Tisha B’Av?
(12 August 2024?)
August 12th in the Hebrew Calendrical Year is Tisha B’Av, “the 9th” of the month “of Av.” It is an important annual fast day in Judaism on a date in the Hebrew Calendar that has seen a number of catastrophic events on 9th of Av over thousands of years! Chief among these is the destruction of the First Temple and Jerusalem, built by King Solomon in 586 BC, after which the surviving population of the Kingdom of Judah was sent into Babylonian captivity following Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar started utterly destroying Jerusalem and the the Kingdom of Judah starting on 9th of Av.
The rebuilt Second Temple of Zerubbabel, expanded by Herod the Great, was destroyed on 9th of Av, along with Jerusalem with over 1 million Hebrews killed during the siege of Titus and his Roman legions ending in 70 ad. Those men, women and children who were not killed in Jerusalem were made Roman slaves and on that date one can mark the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora, lasting down the next 2,000 years.
Another Jewish rebellion against the Romans in 135 ad slaughtered a further 580,000 Hebrews on Tisha B’Av 9th of Av further completing the flight into Diaspora out of Judaea.
It is amazing to what extent that date has brought catastrophes to the Jewish people! I will only list those that happened exactly on that day, in their Gregorian Calendrical dates, but many more happened just a day before or after, like the expelling of all Jews from Spain in 1492 during the Spanish Inquisition of Cardinal Torquemada:
- 18 July 1290: The Jews were expelled from England.
- 1-2 August 1914: the massive upheaval of European Jewry started when Germany entered the First World War, a prelude to the holocaust coming 20 years later.
- 2 August 1941: The formal approval from the Nazi Party for the Final Solution (the Jewish Holocaust) to commence under SS Commander Heinrich Himmler’s command.
- 23 July 1942: the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka concentration camp began… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 July 2024

Chicago Democratic Convention 1968 – National Guard and demonstrators look on warily. (Public Domain)
Will the Democrat Convention
In Chicago 2024 go “Retrograde”?
Will it Resemble the Riotous
Democrat Chicago Convention 1968?
An Astrological Assessment
I am wondering if such a thing will be allowed, given the dramatic descent of the Democratic Party from democracy into authoritarianism. Let’s see.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo (discernment issues) starts on 5 August. Mercury retreats into Leo (temper, temper, proud hot heads) on 16 August, just three days before the DNC convention is on 19-22 August. It goes direct on 26 August. Communication is a real challenge when the Mercury retrograde happens for three weeks after every passing of four months in our calendar. It is a time to review the previous four months. It isn’t a good time to move forward with new contracts or pick new candidates for presidents. People talk past each other. Communication breaks down. Even mechanical devices more often go on the fritz.
Astrologically speaking, the aspects of these four days will be the most challenging that any convention gathering can endure in trying to communicate, negotiate or debate, at last coming to unity, or instead, the party leaders cat herding delegates to follow their party line. What I’m about to reveal is so jaw dropping bad, that the only way this convention succeeds, at least in pretending to be civil, is if all debate, and back room, behind-closed-door deals, take place in the early days of August and definitely as far removed in time from the four days of the convention later in the month when these following astrological aspects look down broodingly upon them, for this DNC Convention will be a tale of one conjunction shaken by a very nasty square under a cooky Full Moon!
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DATELINE: 25 July 2024

Note that I set down the book cover design for my planned third and final book in my Trump prophecy trilogy around 2017 with a vision of a flag unflurled downwards out of the sky. Seven years later, there is the flag in reality.
The Shot (h)“ear”-ed, Around the World
Might Change Human Destiny’s Course for the Better
Although it is a fact that Trump did not, as I predicted, start a new endless war for America to see its wealth and blood drained fighting, I had been long concerned since getting acquainted and writing about his astrology since the summer of 2015, just when his journey to the presidency began, about the one aspect of his character that the Deep State could manipulate, and indeed, they almost succeeded—not once, but twice—to get him to start not just a new war, but the last war of humanity.
In Trump for President: Astrological Predictions (published on the Winter Solstice of December 2015, nearly a year before the election), I wrote:
This brings me to the tale of two telling Mercury squares in Trump’s birth chart. Mercury’s squares with Jupiter and especially with Neptune are doorways in the birth chart through which Trump can encounter his blind spots. Trump’s Mercury in the Eleventh House aims high to become a populist voice of the masses, more than merely a networker in business. He pursues an exchange of ideas with all and anyone and will generally share his ideas in a friendly if aloof, airy and impersonal way. I call it Trump’s “matter of fact” way of delivering his ideas and his barbs.
With Mercury in Cancer, Trump’s thinking process is deeply impressionable to unconscious emotional motivations. The man who at one moment can so clearly grasp the science of architecture and building, has for a long time completely blocked and closed his mind to the science of climate change. He shrugs off what will be the defining crisis of his presidency if he is elected. It’s as if the core Republican Party voter mass mind psychically possesses him. He’s unconsciously channeling their prejudices and biases to win the primaries. Their mindset—not his genius—is in Trump’s perception of the world.
This is the result of Mercury in Cancer’s squaring of a retrograde Jupiter in Libra. Thus his capacity to expand within, reflect and meditate is impacted. It’s a good thing this square happens on the edge of its orb of influence with Mercury 8 degrees Cancer to Jupiter 17 degrees Libra. That may be why it seems to flip on and flip off in Trump. When it’s turned on, Jupiter can suddenly suffer fits of dogmatic, narrow mindedness and seize a temptation to shut down and wallow in biases and prejudices.
Trump for President: Astrological Predictions
Chapter 4: The Tale of Two Squares
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