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DATELINE: 05 November 2013
Dark Matter signs off the Air on XM Radio,
Art Bell deactivates his Facebook Friend Page,
John Hogue’s Public Statement
Although I have moved on, many readers are asking for a statement about Art Bell canceling his contract with XM Radio and taking his Dark Matter show off the air [yesterday]. Let this, therefore, be my statement. I posted it last night (4 October 2013) for my Facebook friends. Now I post it on Hogueprophecy with some brackets added today for clarity:
I can’t say I’m surprised. I predicted that if Art didn’t redefine Dark Matter beyond some grudge against Coast to Coast AM, and those like myself who appear frequently on it, that the underlying negativity would work to take Dark Matter off the air before a year is out. I didn’t realize the message meant before “this” year was out, but so be it.
Allow me to make two things clear, especially to any of you staunch Art Bell fans from his Facebook page who’ve been writing me and who still harbor raw feelings about my public falling out with Art Bell during and after my 4 October interview.

John Hogue, 1994, the year he began appearing during the era of Art Bell on Coast to Coast Am. Photo shot in London by the Royal Photographer of the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elisabeth’s consort.
ONE: don’t mistake my clarity as anger or aggression. Clarity can cut. My reviews about the 4th October show were sharp. The situation necessitated it in my view. The blade of clarity is ever cool, even if in the cutting it draws forth hot complaint from recipient and sycophant.
TWO: Let’s get this clear, especially people writing me under a false assumption that I closed the door on doing future shows with Art Bell.
I did not shut the door on Art. Read my two articles.
See the review here: Art Bell
And my response to his response, plus being unfriended, here: Dark Matter
I suggested at the end of both articles how his show could thrive and that I was ready to return for a second interview.
Yet a few days later he slammed the door in cyberspace in my face by unfriending me on Facebook. Even then, I wrote that the door was open from my side.
So, if you want your complaints to be constructive about it, please write Art Bell and ask why he unfriended “me”. Especially since the door is still open from my side. It will be hard for you to do this, because I hear he has cancelled his Facebook Page and basically shut the door in all of your faces. I don’t think he did that to be rude. I just don’t think he’s up to speed yet about how the social media works.
I know my critique, and my follow-up to his letter was very hard on him. It was not easy to write it, but necessary. My intention was to use clarity to cut open to the healing air a negativity that had been growing between Art and me for a dozen years that crystalized on the 4 October show. It was time to expose that publicly, so the air could be cleared and we could establish new guidelines and boundaries for future interviews.
Secondly, it felt like time for a Coast to Coast guest to step up and encounter publicly Art’s very public grudge against George Noory and by extension, anyone who appeared on Coast to Coast AM, like me.
Negative core premises have a way of undermining even objective agreements, such as the one Art had with XM Radio, his reason [yesterday] for canceling the show. If XM is solely blamed, that would be an opportunity missed by Art Bell to empower himself. I feel his negative motivations are dis-empowering him.
When negative premises go unaddressed, we see things wrongly and make the wrong deals with the wrong partners.
Art Bell signing off on Dark Matter on XM Radio [last night] EXACTLY one month after our show on 4 October is a strange coincidence, indeed. At the very least, it has sadly vindicated my concern that this show had gotten off on the wrong foot with the wrong premise, the wrong radio provider and so it goes, fade to Dark Matter black.
I’m sorry it has happened, but good can now come from this. A false start need not be the end of Dark Matter. However, Art Bell’s attitude must change.
He needs to let go of Coast to Coast AM. It is past history and he needs to move on to new horizons. If he can do that he will thrive. He needs to move forward into the future, create a better show, and stop being stuck in the grumpy old past.
I am open to such a future, and if Art can let go of the past and go forward, he’ll always find me ready and able to be a guest on that show.
John Hogue
(4 November 2013)
DATELINE: 5 November 2013
Facebook Friends of Hogue Respond
Here was a stream of comments from my Facebook friends, mostly from last night and some from today. I wanted to share our views with my Hogueprophecy readers:
I heard the show. I listened to it several times. I found Mr. Bell to be quite rude. His attack on you was unprovoked as far as I could tell. I thought you handled the situation quite well. Let the haters think what they want. I heard it with my own ears. I think Mr, Bell became too big for his britches, and was out of line. Totally un-professional of him. Perhaps it was his attempt at “shock radio”.
Thank you Lisa. The hate mail has been one thing; the misinformed mail another that my public statement addressed above. A lot of people think I closed the door on Art Bell when exactly the opposite happened. My articles document this, but it seems that people often judge by email first and read articles “later” or not at all.
Dude seriously
You mean, Dude “Sirius”-ly.
I have been watching this situation. I kept quiet for as long as I could. You are far more intelligent than Mr. Bell. I noticed that he was intimidated by this. Not only did the haters not read the posts, but they must have missed the show too. I don’t know how anyone could listen to that show, and say that you were to blame. I have not listened to his show since then. Hang in there John.

Well, that ends another “dark matter”, whether I am the reincarnation of Nostradamus. Clearly I am the reincarnation of Sebastian Cabot. He was in the 1960 movie adaptation of H.G. Wells’ “Time Machine”. Prophecy deals with time travel into the future. Done deal!
All seriousness aside, to tell the truth: Thanks to all of you who have read and listened and support my work.
I wish Art would let go of his grudges…but alas, I guess it was not meant to be. As soon as you cross him in any way, or say, think, or do something he doesn’t like, he abandons you forever.
It’s Art’s loss.
Well stated.
I always hold out the hope. Mind is time, living in the past or the future. Never here and now. Wisdom is here and now. It is eternal, say the mystics of the East. How can one come to wisdom too soon or too late, when it is not of mind and is not a prisoner of time?
Love it. That is why we pay attention to you John. So that we may learn….
As another guest on C2C recently, i understand the sentiments expressed by John Hogue. He has my full support
Ha, ha. Indeed. It is always on time.
Yes David. John has been blessed with a great mind. Sometimes these radio show hosts cross the line.
Wisdom goes where the energy flows…
And… Wisdom goes where it is welcome
I was very disappointed in Art Bell. I wonder if he is suffering from a form of PTSD. Going through what he did with not only his son being sexually assaulted witch is traumatizing in it’s self, but also having to defend himself against false accusations of guilt concerning the matter may have just pushed him to far. I hope he finds peace. Keep up the good work John. I am a big fan of yours.
A public figure can’t make a successful “comeback” by being mean spirited, arrogant, and infantile. Besides, the sequial is rarely as good as the first. Time marched on but A.B. did not. John Hogue has shown great class. A.B. should humble sequel and take a lesson.
I am a long time C2C listener and loved Art’s show back in the day. I also liked Art as a person and even talked to him on the ham radio long ago. I was so excited then to have Art back with a new show and still have George’s show on since I have come to really enjoy it as well. I was shocked to find that the old playful Art who was such a great interviewer and listener to guests was gone and replaced by a cranky old man!! When he talked about politics, you could hear the anger and venom and frankly, his venom directed at George was disturbing. His interview with John was so disappointing, and I was upset because there was no reason for it as he had interviewed John many times before and knew that he needs plenty of time to answer questions. Art was just rude to put it bluntly. In my opinion, Art needs to let go of any bitterness and move on. He needs to become his old self again and then create the show that HE wants to do. Otherwise, in my opinion he should stay retired and take up fishing.
I haven’t listened to dark matter since you were on, disappointed by how you were treated. I love hearing you on c2c. You have so much heart! Thank you for all that you do!
Well said, good sir.
Mercury Retrograde just being Mercury Retrograde…………….!
Never listened. Always asleep at that time, but having lived here ling enough and knowing the Pahrump area well enough…not surprised.
I hope we can just put this to rest and move on. Art Bell was a great host on C2C then and George Noory is NOW. John Hogue is an infinitely interesting guest whenever or wherever he speaks.
“Instant Karma’s gonna get you…gonna knock you right off your feet”
John, I am a long time listener to CtoC… and although I was very disturbed by Art’s treatment of George Noory, I subscribed to Sirius so that I could listen to both shows. I stopped listening after a few of Art’s shows. I simply was not impressed with the way he was handling the subject matter. When I saw that there was some conflict after you were on his show, I listened to the archived show and was a bit dismayed at his treatment of you. I am seriously wondering. And I do not say this lightly. If the early onset of dementia may be a problem that Art needs to address. I worked on the Alzheimer’s and Dementia unit of a nursing home, and I can tell you from my experience that the first signs often go unnoticed, but are increased irritability and personality changes. He certainly is not the Art I remember.
Good point…some folks have a hard time hanging it when its time too…esp. with those symptoms
Wow this is news to me! But frankly, after how he reacted to our commentaries I felt that he is in a different place now and …well not surprise! Nope!
My my…how Facebook ends so many friendships…when its purpose was to make friends…posts, without vocals, can take on several meanings. Let us keep the peace…
Wow! I’m shocked! Well Hogue, it looks like you had an insight we did not, but I’m sure you learned from the experience regardless. Looking forward to hearing you on whatever show you end up on.
Sorry to hear this I enjoy coast to coast am, Art Bell and you, John Hogue … be happy to listen to all of you!! Be well and hope you can iron this out
Personally, I didn’t get Art’s grudge against C2C. He said he didn’t like the way things were going on the show, but in truth, both sounded the same to me. And where Art’s style is different. I like George’s compassion and kindness towards his guests and listeners. You don’t have to be rude to someone to try to get them to make a point if that’s what you are wanting. It’s sad that grudges are being held at his age.
Art tried to explain all that in his first show he did on Dark Matters. It had a lot to do with not feeling backed during a hard time in his life. George is compassionate and rarely gets upset with a guest or caller. But the commercials are so long, I fall so I had to listen on you tube.
This tidbit puts it in perspective. Noory always closes C2C by listing the producers and hosts. He always ends with Art Bell! Noory, always a class act. Enough said!
Yes, James. I concur. Let’s all move on to more amazing adventures into the future and its potentials together. By the way, as many of you have asked when I’ll be on Coast to Coast again for another three-hour talk about the future, I don’t have a date yet but look out for it happening in early January 2014! Those who receive my HogueProphecy Bulletin will be the first to get an early heads up exactly when.
I look at the discussion in these streams and am reminded of what I feel is the way I know to delve inside and understand how people tick, especially how the “I” ticks in us. To understand another, whether it is Bell, me or anyone in your life is first to go in and understand the one person closest to you that you least understand, your Self.
One can explore this “Self” undergoing a subjective scientific experiment call Meditation. Of all the things I share with you, meditation tools are the most valuable things to take away from Hogueprophecy and use in your life. So, if you wish, I can give you links and information about the meditations Osho in India began handing to over 33 years ago. The mind says 33 years have passed because the mind is a prisoner of time. These meditative “tools” for want of a better word give one a glimpse of an eternity that is Ever Present. It gives a taste of abiding Eternity that is unstuck in Time. But don’t believe me. Meditation is not some element of a faith-based religion. It is pure science. It seeks to “know”, never to “believe”. Meditation is a path of experimenting. Someday, it may reframe our view on what is religion and religiousness. There is a new humanity coming that will gently say farewell to the belief-ignorance based religions, lost in pro-Theist and Atheist fairy tales. It will show them a cosmos waiting beyond God and no God, beyond belief and beyond all good and all evil. I am on that journey of Meditation’s scientific exploration. If you Contact Me Here, and simply put in the subject line—Meditation—I will send you the information and links freely.
I’ve got an old and critically acclaimed Hogue classic, refreshed and coming out on eTablets nearest your warm palms any day now. Join my newsletter list, HogueProphecy Bulletin HERE if you’re not already a member and be the first to receive notice of a major book launch with a cover that may be among the most interesting and hypnotically designed for my 23 books and counting!
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If for some reason you cannot leave your comments in the comments box below, just send them to me via the Contact email button. If they are interesting and clearly written, I will post them with my inserted comments. I will even post some of you rare souls disposing promising content with all the dirty literary laundry “spots” of functional illiteracy displayed. So please reread your stuff, use spell check and punctuate. You are being read by the whole world; so don’t look dumb in print. Those who do the best they can will be rewarded with it being published here.
The first deeply insightful letter is from “K”. Thank you very much for it:
So…I’ve been reading the whole Art Bell saga from the beginning. I’ve also been a Coast fan for decades, when Art Bell was the host, when he allowed other hosts to step in for him now & again, and then when he fully transitioned to George Noory (who I happen to like a great deal). I have nothing against Art Bell, although he is not my favorite host.
I am also a longtime XM subscriber (radio & online) and listened to his Dark Matter show. I was excited to hear that it was coming, and had high hopes. Then I listened to a few of them, including your episode. Honestly, I wasn’t particularly impressed with Mr. Bell’s handling of any of his guests. He seemed to me to be incessantly combative – not just with you, but with other guests as well – as if he would win brownie points by discrediting the very people who were the draw to his show. If I wanted to hear someone berate those with alternative ideas, then I’d just listen to Michael Schermer. /sigh Most of the time, I listened for 1/2 hour and then couldn’t deal with it.
Dark Matter’s demise shows that Mr. Bell has unfortunately lost touch with the very people he used to embrace. That’s sad, but if you are objective (and from your writings, it’s clear that you have been), this is nothing more than a product of his own personal evolution. Not everyone holds the same beliefs they did 10, 20, 30 or more years ago. I daresay even people like you & I, although we still adhere to some core tenets, have found our own understanding of the world around us adapt to our maturity and our environmental changes. The way I was in the 70’s is certainly different than how I am today. Unfortunately, Mr. Bell doesn’t seem to have recognized his own changes and his show reflects that.
I believe Coast has evolved into a more provocative, more open-minded show since Art’s departure. Under Mr. Bell’s guidance, it had started to become an aural “Weekly World News” show, and that’s not what I am looking for. I don’t need sensationalism and Kardashian-style drama mixed in with my spiritual/cerebral explorations. Noory’s approach has always been to investigate and delve into topics that aren’t normally discussed on mainstream radio in a way that is respectful and fair. Mr. Bell de-evolved into a more skeptical and in some cases, disrespectful way of interacting with guests. That turns listeners off. Not all of us want our radio to reflect reality-shows. Hell, I don’t even do the Facebook thing due to the high level of drama, and I’m a highly skilled computer geek by trade!!
I’m not surprised that Mr. Bell cancelled his contract with XM. I daresay that it is a good thing, for XM, for Mr. Bell and for listeners who are interested in these types of topics. Thanks for being 100% upfront and keeping us in the loop. Please know that your supporters stand behind you and understand what is really taking place here. There are plenty of people who will want to vilify you…maybe they’re jealous, maybe they’re just mean spirited. Either way, rest assured that those of us who have been following your work, some of us (me) for decades, are in your corner.
Brightest Blessings, friend. Again, if you find yourself out Washington DC way, first, ask yourself “what the hell did I do so wrong that brought me HERE?”, then send me an email and I’ll be happy to meet you for a nice cup of tea!
Thank you for answering me John but I was misunderstood when I actually meant coast went down hill under George.
No, Elaine. Please, I mean this in a compassionate way, let’s get it straight so you can empower yourself with your writing.
“You” didn’t write clearly, thus you will not be understood.
If you take responsibility for that, then your communication will be received.
I know Art is remarried and has a beautiful wife and daughter but the wounds are still there and many nasty things were said about Art online of Ramon’s death (stupid people).
Our wounds linger in us because we do not see how we hold onto them. Again, this may sound hard, but this issue of unhealed, held onto, wounds is essentially just like not owning up to our communication issues. The misunderstanding is not outside of us. We are trapped in a personality, adopted and borrowed from birth onwards that makes us a walking, talking, dreaming “misunderstanding” inside and out.
Even wounds, (especially wounds) can feed this ego. Some people become so identified with their misery that it becomes a reason for being. They don’t know it consciously. If they could know they would never do it. Meditation can reveal this psychological habit to the light of a witnessing consciousness.
Once a person sees this habit in process fully and with a witnessing consciousness watching the whole technicolor soap opera going on about it in the subconscious exposed, “then” an opportunity arises for this habit to lose energy and drop on its own accord.
That’s the power of understanding, Elaine. We’re all capable of it.
Existence is constantly offering that insight to us, but we need to be available to sense it, and then be “response” able to understand and transcend it.
No one can make you responsible. You, me, Art, everyone, every individual human being must take up that openness to look in at themselves, to at least experiment with the hypothesis that all that ‘s going wrong with their lives is perhaps a bad habit of “doing” misery, “doing” wounds.
Meditation is the name of that “experiment”. All of you reading this have a personality imposing itself as “reality” coating the truth of your existence. Unless it is revealed to us, you can’t see a better Existence beyond it.
But don’t believe me. Explore and test this hypothesis. Meditation is not faith based and superstitious religion. It is a subjective “Science”. You, the subject, are explored in meditation. The Scientist and his or her perception of reality becomes the experiment.
Anyway I am so sorry you got caught up in it I hope it smooths out and apologies come in time. Art is a hard radio man to follow and as an artist (since i live with one) they are moody. I have followed you for a long time too John and appreciate your work and am a fan.
Thank you, Elaine, now hear and appreciate this: no excuse is worth delaying our liberation from the false personalities and identities that coat us from birth onwards. There is no excuse for suffering. No excuse for not being an effect of bliss without a cause. There is no cause for bliss. No cause for enlightenment. Only eternal “effect” without a cause, so say the mystics like Osho, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, Raman Maharshi and so on. That is what I understand to be their hypothesis to explore.
Do not believe it, or you’re back in the trap of excuses, which is the manna-feeding ego in us.
There is no “us”.
“Isness is my business,” was what my meditation teacher, Osho, used to smilingly say.
Try the “Isness” meditation, Elaine. Try Isness, Art Bell.
Here is a quote on Osho that could help:
“If you suffer it is because of you, if you feel blissful it is because of you. Nobody else is responsible–only you and you alone. You are your hell and your heaven too.”