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DATELINE: 31 July 2020

In July 2020, Iranian air, sea, land and ballistic forces took part in a nationwide military exercise in response to a rash of nation-wide acts of sabotage Tehran claims were carried out by Israeli and US state-terrorism. Photo:
Tensions between the US and Iran
Are On the Rise Again

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The mainstream media’s attention may be COVID-co-dependent when it should be more “covert” deep investigating what wrench and who is the spooky monkey throwing said wrench in the infrastructures of the Islamic Republic of Iran starting in late June into July of 2020.
I saw footage of Tehran’s night skies brilliantly cast in the light of a huge fireball explosion. At first reports from Iranian news outlets brushed it off as an accident. Now it turns out it was a large gas storage tank set off by some malware command very close to an Iranian military installation.
More “accidents” followed.
A series of explosions rattled Iranian factories across the nation. Pipelines in remote regions suffered electronic malfunctions hinting of some electromagnetic sabotage causing programs to turn valves, burst pipes, wasting away Iran’s important export resource back to tar-pit the desert sands.
Electronic systems went “tilt” at Natanz. The nuclear fuel enrichment plant’s centrifuges got a binary-computed message to go bonkers shattering and exploding the instruments that enrich uranium, and perfect parts for Iranian Shahab-3 regional ballistic missiles.

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Tehran points a condemnatory Ayatollah’s finger at the usual suspects for these cyberattacks, the US and Israel. The signatures of such state terrorism are all there, Tehran says.
Computer skull-“buggery” continued in July 2020. Infrastructures like power plants were winking on and off in widespread power outages. The outskirts of the capital and also the cities of Garmdereh and the Holy City of Qods, had—holy cow! Listen to all of those reverberating series of explosions in the night—around missile depots there.
The Natanz facility, believed to have been involved in assembling advanced centrifuges used in the enrichment of nuclear fuel, was heavily damaged, setting back efforts by months, if not longer. The Hemmat facility, believed to be involved in the production of advanced Shahib-3 ballistic missiles, also suffered serious damage, but to what precise extent remains unknown.
Move next door to Iraq. Lots of Iranian-supported and armed Shia militia in Iraq, itching for some payback after the US assassinated both their top two commanders Iranian al-Quds commander General Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi top general commanding the militias, the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis with a drone attack on 6 January 2020. Their motorcade was struck en route from landing at Baghdad International Airport to meet the Iraqi Prime Minister and discuss what kind of reply to draft in response to possible overtures for peace from Saudi Arabia.
Iran and the US almost went to war over that.
Now this…
On 11 July 2020, Sputnik reports, “Four trucks were attacked in the Najme region between Diwaniyah and As-Samawah, an Iraqi security source told Sputnik, adding that the attackers ‘asked’ the drivers to get out of the vehicles before torching them and fleeing the scene.”
The US logistics vehicles and their cargoes were set on fire, by Iraqi Shia militiamen. The US soldiers were left unharmed as the militia ran off into the night.
Back to Iran, at the port of Bushehr four days later on 14 July. At least seven civilian fishing ships were set ablaze.
Ten days later, a Mahan Airline Flight 1152 from Iran destination Beirut, Lebanon, crossing over the Southeaster frontiers of Syria was given the “visual inspection” treatment by two US F-15 fighter jets. According to the US Air Force they were checking the Iranian Airbus to see if it posed a threat to US forces at al-Tanf which the US had seized to create a base of operation in Syria.
What I could see from cellphone videos was a US fighter jet approaching below from away in the passenger window coming up under the airliner in a rapid maneuver—what I call a “brush away” sweep of its wing. I’ve seen that done by a Russian jet recently to a US jet, requiring it perform a quick emergency maneuver to pull away. Easy enough for fighter jets to do, not a heavily laden Airbus stuffed with passengers.
The other videos I saw support what Adam Hazimah and Feryal al-Ali, a Lebanese couple interviewed at Beirut upon landing said happened next.
“I just saw them [the US military jets], but felt something is wrong because, as far as I know, there should be no planes around,” and Feryal al-Ali told Ruptly.
Adam Hazimah described “a huge… scary strike, then we felt the plane changing its course.” The knock, the panic all through the cabin. People flying out of their seats into the air and he said that “many children were rolling all the way down the aisle since they are light,” adding, “We were waiting to see smoke or fire to realize that we are about to die.”
The USAF officials at Central Command overseeing US military in the Middle East theater deny any harassment of the airliner—just coming close to inspect it.
This is a clandestine war few of you watching the mainstream media for the last decade or so will be told next to nothing about.
I’ve been reporting it at HogueProphecy over the years in articles and updated editions of my book Nostradamus: The War with Iran. Israel and the US have waged a state-sanctioned stealth war of terror against Iranian assets, usually pressing into service insurrectionists belonging to breakaway non-Persian ethnic groups inside Iran, such as Iranian Kurds or Baluchistanis, even UN identified terrorist organizations like MEK (Mujahedin-e-Khalq) to set off bombs in mosques killing hundreds. There have been dozens of assassinations of nuclear scientists, generals, officers and many acts of sabotage at Iran’s nuclear and military facilities. Foreign agents have even fomented rioting. The intensity and rapidity of the most recent Israeli/US aided attacks across Iran and the harassment of a civilian airliner makes this different.

John Bolton: Source Gage Skidmore, from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, Flickr, © Creative Commons.
Now there’s a new “wrinkle.”
A parting gift to the Trump Administration’s covert operations around the world that Trump himself “channeled” into being, under the advice of the man playing the celebrity “nut-job” just like certain kooky celebrities did in Trump’s NBC series Celebrity Apprentice. I call it Trump’s “Gary Busey” move. Where unconsciousness meet intent in Trump’s mind, the Donald let a chicken hawk in the National Security Council in 2019, John Bolton, the most notorious and kooky bully-wimp of them all. This is the man that avoided military service but helped President Bush’s neocon cabinet get Operation Iraqi Freedom through to bloody invasion in early 2003 without the OPCW arms control agency’s prevention. Bolton flew into their headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands, successfully threatening its head José Bustani to resign saying, “You have 24-hours to leave the organization, and if you don’t comply with this decision by Washington, we have ways to retaliate against you.”
There was a pause.
“We know where your kids live. You have two sons in New York.”
Thus spoke the walrus mustachioed, glaring grump that Bush couldn’t even get the Republicans in the Senate to vote in as his new US Ambassador to the United Nations. He had to appoint him by executive order when the Congress was on recess.
Trump called Bolton the guy who wanted to fight everybody. I can see his Busey signature move to keep a kook in his cabinet to stir things up, keep all those competitive people on their toes but this ain’t NBC Mr. Trump. This is the Washington swamp feeders. They’re playing “you” sometimes. The celebrity apprentice is “you”!
It was big bad John Bolton as Trump’s National Security Adviser that convinced Trump to sign on the dotted line to enact unlucky National Security Council Memorandum 13 some time before Bolton nearly talked Trump into a retaliatory US airstrike inside Iran. It was in June 2019. The target was the missile battery and its crew of 150 Iranians that shot down a US drone invading Iranian airspace. Ten minutes before the strike, Trump changed his mind purportedly saying, “Why are we killing people because a robot plane was shot down?”
Bolton’s sacked but the memorandum is still active.
Trump has admitted to ordering a cyber-attack on Iranian missile installation software, but not all the other attacks. Whether he is behind them all or not, NSA Memorandum 13 has basically given US spy networks like the CIA the right to basically attack any country “without” seeking permission from the White House. In short, the next major war in the Middle East can drag the US into it and it’s not only Israel or Saudi Arabia that could lure them in. It is also the Central Intelligence Agency.
DATELINE: 31 July 2020
The Next Two World-Changing Portents
Of the Roaring 2020s:
Remember, Remember “Surprises” in September
Then November…
This decade changes everything for everyone. It is showing us how in portentous ways. On my last appearance on Coast to Coast AM on New Year’s Eve 2019, I spoke of a number of possibilities, some clear and inexorable, such as the coming Greater Recession, others less so. I won’t say for my part they are unexpected. I’ve been writing about pandemics coming in our near future more than once at and in my books. Where the when was clearer in astrology and the Oracle’s intuition for the economy, the “when” for other issues, such as plague, famine and war, prey on us from a more subtle predator’s blind in psychic jungles of tomorrow’s potentials.
They’re out there beyond future’s veil.
I can hear them breathing, but not always in time to step aside from surprise’s pounce.
Sometimes the window of danger in future time emerges. The point to brace oneself and be ready for whatever is anticipated. I told the millions listening in to Coast to expected something big changing everyone’s lives in April. It had an economic element whispering strongest to my Oracle. Although it could have been a war in the Middle East or both. US and Iranian brinksmanship in January and February, even the intense games of playing naval chicken in the Strait of Hormuz in April brought war’s potential pounce way too close! As you see from the last article, things are heating up for that again.
But about my portent in April, look what happened starting to disrupt everyone’ life around the planet in mid-to-late March 2020 completing its shutdown of the world when we entered April. The Coronavirus Pandemic emptied the streets of cities across the globe, sequestering billions of people to homes and hovels, putting much of the global economy in a coma for two months solid. And as we try to resuscitate it, by opening up the economy again, it doesn’t matter if regions opened too soon. Even those nations who are overly cautious; it seems not to matter. Shutdowns are returning to many places. The global economy as a patient, stirred a little but relapsed into its coma again.
The world will just keep on turning in 2020 around corners to confront other unexpected events. The kind of social breakdowns and civil upheaval I began writing about in 1998 erupting in 2020 are right on time. Where they gaslight or tear gas us, all will be changed. But summer rages and riots, of the police and of the looting protester kind will rage to its peak in the dog days of Summer. Black Lives Matter might be lost in a crowd of the demonstrating unemployed, the bankrupted, the householders cast out of houses.
Then we enter the next advent window of something changing everyone’s life on this planet, in September, as I warned people on Coast as well last New Year’s Eve. And after September, something rivaling the upheavals and quarantines of April 2020. It comes after the Presidential Election on 3 November. It hits hard by mid-November through December. It is both a travail and global teaching moment.
Let’s look inside the Oracle’s magic mirror bravely to divine what it might be…Complete reading this important article and get full access to all nine articles by choosing one of two options:
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DATELINE: 31 July 2020
The Next Two World-Changing Portents
Of the Roaring 2020s:
Remember, Remember “Surprises” in September
Then November…
This could end up a reprise of what happened in first 14 years of the twentieth century. Great Britain having to come to grips before actually physically coming to grips in trench warfare with a competing Imperial superpower, Germany.
The Balkans was the flash point of the collision of German and Britain in 1914, what is called a reprise of the Thucydides Trap: when an emerging Hegemon (The German Empire) threatens to displace the preeminent international hegemon (The British Empire).
Today China is the on the rise. Its very existence threatens the waning hold of the greatest superpower hegemon yet created, the United States.
Iran is rapidly becoming to China what Austro-Hungary was to Imperial Germany, a close economic and military ally. As Austro-Hungary declaring war on Serbia in 1914 was the flashpoint dragging Germany and Britain to blows, so could be same if America goes to war with Iran dragging in China…Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 July 2020

The USA from Space. Source: NASA, public domain.
How Humans will at Last become Collectively
And Categorically Aware of Extraterrestrials
In prophecy work you start with the end result—a vision—and from there you work back looking for practical signs that either refute or support the vision’s efficacy. Early in the last decade, perhaps even before the 2010s started, I saw an endgame in seeking the final, unequivocal proof of alien intelligence.
It wasn’t what I expected. It didn’t end up big and operatic like a mothership landing at Devil’s Tower in Wyoming in the Steven Spielberg’s movie Extraterrestrial. There’s no Patricia Neal ordering a big silver robot from a flying saucer, “Klaatu! Barrada nicktoe…!” Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 July 2020

Do you see a light at the end of the Masala Dosa tunnel? Inside the Masala Dosa @ Saravana Bhavan @ Paris, cc Creative Commons.
Who Serves up Tasting Better as a Caretaker President
For the Deep State Cannibals:
Joe Biden or Donald Trump?
Consider the perfect recipe to satiate the Deep State Oligarchy’s hunger for power “and” identity politics: Dinner at the Whitey House on 20 January 2021, with Biden served with Rice.
Susan Rice!
Put some Rice on that dish! The former US Ambassador to the United Nations and Barack Obama’s National Security Adviser. You serve Biden up with Rice, flavored with seasoned knowledge of how the government works (in the Deep State’s grip). Rice and Biden have been on the same White House dinner dish list for years. Rice with Biden, they go together. She’s known Joe in circles of power longer than anybody else on CNN’s dish list. Moreover, Biden in cognitive decline needs a familiar political friend to take care of his presidency. Harris may be in the lead, but as much as I adore Masala Dosas, I’m thinking Biden will be served up with Rice when the meal is announced in August 2020… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 July 2020

Comet NEOWISE 7 July 2020, Germany, over noctilucent clouds. Photo: Jochenk2002. CC Creative Commons.
Comet Atlas Shrugged
Is Comet NEOWISE the Mabus Comet?
In astronomical terms it seems to be a record breaking hunting season for comets transiting our skies that could play as portent to one of Nostradamus’ most infamous prophecies, 2 Q62. It gives us the codename in anagram of the Third and Final Antichrist who unlike Napoleon and Hitler is definitely our contemporary. It ends with a flourish about either the rise or complete annihilation of this young “Arab Prince” coming at a time when “the comet will pass.” Nostradamus’ hunt for celestial portents ties into the Hopi Native American prophets’ visions of the “Blue Kachina” star. It also could be a cometary sign of the end of the world as we’ve known it. Both seers and their interpreter hunting parties are loaded for some dangerous cometary game… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 July 2020

Early book cover (public domain) of a lesser known masterpiece of Science Fiction literature than War of the Worlds and The Time Machine possibly because of its scandalous ending for a book published in prim and proper Britain of 1906. His vision that scandalized, I lived! (See below)
NEOWISE and Halley
A Cometary Reflection
In Bright Prophetic Portent
In brief, H.G. Wells took up the theory that as Earth passed through the comet’s tail it would alter the nitrogen in the planet’s atmosphere and change the behavior of the human race for the better. They’d come to their senses just the moment before the British and German Empires were about to clash in a naval battle beginning a world war. Instead of disaster—a word that comes from the Old French disastre, once used to describe comets “from the stars”—Wells waxed utopian, writing, “The great Change has come for evermore, happiness and beauty are our atmosphere, there is peace on earth and good will to all men…” Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 July 2020

Chinese New Year 2019 – Year of the Pig.
Photo: Tomás Del Coro: cc Creative Commons.
Several Plagues hit Humanity
So Forecast Nostradamus
Step Aside COVID-19, a New Pandemic
May be Emerging
Since early February 2020 I began getting reports out of China of a new strain of swine flu outbreak in a province neighboring Hubei. Though my main attention focused on the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei Province, I kept monitoring my sources about the other danger until it became categorically clear it was time to report it… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
A Sample of Hogue’s 50th Book

Coming out in eBook and Printed book in 2024!
The Coronavirus
And The Pandemic Prophecies
Several Manmade Plagues
Will overtake the World
We now come to something rare for Nostradamus, a hopeful labor of human beings fighting a pandemic in future verse in space, in low-gravity labs. Perhaps they find a cure for the troubled earth beneath them 270 miles below.

Source: NASA, public domain.
6 Q5
Si grand famine par vnde peƒtifere.
Par pluye longue le long du polle arctique:
Samarobryn1 cent lieux2 de l’hemiƒphere,
Viuront ƒans loy exempt de pollitique.
So great a famine through a pestilent wave.
Through long rain will it extend the length of the arctic pole:
Samarobryn, one hundred leagues from the hemisphere,
They shall live without law, exempt from politics.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1928.
1Unsolved enigma with any number of translations from noted scholars: a) Leoni—Latin Samarobriva = Amiens? [doubtful; this does not fit the context]; b) Leoni—Sam R. O’Brien, some future astronaut; c) Cheetham—from the Russian samo (self) rabotin (operating), for a Russian space station (Mir, perhaps, decades after she wrote this?); d) Noorbergen—Latin samara = seed-pod, with verb obire = to wander, to travel or to encircle; e) Noorbergen—a smara is a seed from an ash, elm or maple tree and is composed of a central pod with either one or two projecting wings (just like a space satellite with solar panels). 2cent lieux = 100 leagues. In sixteenth-century Europe, the measure of a league varied considerably, from 2.5 miles to as much as 4.5 miles. Various scholars estimate Nostradamus’ league to be 2.7 miles each, so that 100 leagues equals 270 miles. The International Space Station (ISS) has an apogee altitude of 254.8 miles (410 km). Nostradamus is off by only 15.2 miles, well within the variances of sixteenth-century league calculations… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 July 2020
What is the Spiritual Intention
In-between my Words about the Future
At last, that “something” that is behind all my writing has pushed [her] political mind button—the very thing Osho is talking about in the quote she shared. I’m so glad to have at last disappointed her. I’ve tried for years. We can only be disappointed if we have “Appointed” ourselves with our own egos to be disappointed. Only an ego can be disappointed.
Now [she] has AT LAST come to an important moment of truth with me—a place of reckoning. I work to see ALL of my readers, if they are fortunate enough, to reach this moment of reckoning about my writings… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.