Nostradamus, Dolores Cannon, New Age Sewage

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I do not have to put a person under hypnosis to peel back the centuries to speak to Nostradamus. This is what Dolores Cannon claims to do in her three-volume book series Conversations with Nostradamus. I have challenged her since 1997 to prove the foundation and credibility of her work. (click on Nostradamus.)

In the beginning, only two people were witnesses to this – the two being Dolores and me. We met at a dinner party held for guest speakers of the first Axiom Prophecy Conference, sonically overshadowed by the airline jet thundering shadow of LAX in March 1997. We stood, drinks in hand. I cordially forewarned her that I would publicly criticize the basis of her purported “conversations” the next day. I would ask her to explain before a large audience how she can prove she talks to Nostradamus in the 1550s through the conduit of one of her hypnosis subjects.

This might surprise some of you who have suffered my withering critiques, but I do not like to ambush people. I say what I have to say in my writings here or in my printed or e-Books. You freely enter the Hogueprophecy realm by your own choice. I do not come into your inbox to leave an unsolicited comment about your politics, religion or beliefs.

Nevertheless, if you feel compelled by what I write to leave a comment in my inbox, or in the comment boxes of, I will respond and if necessary attack your views, vigorously if need be and dismantle your cherished points of belief in detail.

Thousands of you have thanked me for being taken to task or challenged to think and feel differently. Thousands more have hated me for it. So be it. I do not seek to be popular or write books that make a lot of money because they add butter to the bread of  spiritual bullshit on a shingle. You will infrequently see me invited to this new age expo or that. It is not because I am a recluse. I am not. Nevertheless, as the Axiom people in 1997 soon found out, I am spiritually incorrect as well as politically incorrect. Since they were paying my way and paying an honorarium too, I felt obligated to forewarn them that I would make a public show of my attack of Dolores Cannon’s premise about talking to Nostradamus. I gave the administrators of the Expo the chance to dis-invite me.

The person on the other end of the phone chirped that controversy was healthy and good for the Expo.

I listened to her, thinking, “you have no idea what you are saying yes to.”

So, it was agreed I come on my terms.

I use a kind of code of Bushido, the code of the Japanese Samurai, when I am on the attack. I do not ambush people. There is no surprise. I warn you that I am coming for your head.

It is like what I said to Bill O’Reilly’s producer when I appeared on Shawn Hannity’s Hannity and Colmes on 31 December 1999 for Fox News. There were some rumbles about having me on O’Reilly’s show to talk about Catholic Prophecy. Talk about the Third Secret of Fatima was loud enough to buzz some ratings biz for cable news networks.

I told her to tell O’Reilly to “do his homework or I’d have him for breakfast” on camera. Duly warned, he was free to avoid my attack, which he did.

I warned the Axiom people. They smiled it off. I warned Dolores Cannon the night before the panel meeting to prepare for my attack and for the sake of enlightening the audience, take the time overnight to prepare a good defense.

She held her drink and just smiled it off.

On some level she did not take it in. That following afternoon I came after her theory and I did most vigorously. There almost was a riot. The transcript of what transpired will be the subject of a future article.

(If you are on my free newsletter list, you will be the first to know when that or any other article of interest on prophecy and current events will be posted here.)

Today I want to give Israel and Iran a break to answer two very different reaction-responses to my Dolores Cannon article from 17 March 2012.

There are any number of books interpreting Nostradamus prophecies, yours being only one of the many.

Delores Cannon, indeed, published channeled information regarding the truths relating to her experiences with Nostradamus.

Why would this be a threat to you?

It is not a threat to me. If you actually read my works on Nostradamus before judging them, you would find Dolores in them when she makes an interesting interpretation. I cite her fairly for it. However, I cannot in all fairness to truth, support a contention of channeling Nostradamus that again and again shows she is not getting fundamental facts straight. These are facts that are beyond question about the well-documented life of the prophet. She describes Nostradamus’ secret study as “cold, dank and dark and made completely of stone” in Part One of Ancient Prophecies (NBC). Nostradamus abhorred damp climates. He lived in a Mediterranean style house of stone and wood. The house still stands.

I pointed this out in my public challenge and asked her to explain why her hypnotic subject would miss these details in his or her travel through time back to the house in the mid-1550s.

Marianne, do not be threatened by trusting and verifying paranormal claims. Dolores Cannon’s “truths relating to her experiences with Nostradamus” are based on channeled information about Nostradamus and his secret study that are patently wrong. Indeed, talking to her over cocktails, Mrs. Cannon did not know the difference between Nostradamus’ birth house in St Remy, Provence, and his three-story house in Salon-en-Provence. Cleary her mesmerized subject did not know one house from the other when he or she was having these “conversations” inside said house and secret study with Nostradamus.

There are as many truths/realities on this planet as there are souls.

This is “new age” pabulum. As if you actually know. This is just something you have borrowed from others and made part of your ignorance support system, otherwise known as a “belief-system”. It is better to embrace the unknown and become intimate with the “unknowable” than coat your soft and open soul with the hard shell of these borrowed bromides and platitudes. They retard our growth in spirit.

For millenniums Earth has been ruled by a “chosen few” using fear, greed and hate as controllers. But ~ our world is in a process of being reclaimed by the downtrodden souls awakening and the proof is everywhere! There are many of us who chose to accept and honor all truths, even when we disagree ~ as you might wish to do also.

Nice words of intention but if you really understood what you are saying, questioning Dolores Cannon’s claims would be part of accepting and honoring truth. Truth cannot be hurt by tests. Only lies and illusions can be destroyed, or better, revealed to have no substance, like shadows cast suddenly in the light of truth.

Why not ask Dolores why she has not gladly and happily taken on this challenge. Why is she avoiding it all these years? Does truth avoid a challenge?

If she were a lover of truth, would she not ask her channel to tell Nostradamus to prove this connection is real? Imagine what good it would do for others if Nostradamus could clearly tell us what he meant in his prophecies.

Would not the real Nostradamus want to prove for the last time that he had found his portal into these currently apocalyptic and revelatory times he so often seems to describe?

Would he not want to claim his channel in the 21st century and send packing people like others and me publishing “a number of books interpreting Nostradamus prophecies”?

No, Marianne, meeting this challenge has not happened. It will not happen, because we are not talking about honored truths here. We are exposing the masquerade of “belief”, or qualified ignorance, pretending to be “truth.”

This world will not be reclaimed by downtrodden souls if they are caught playing an “I’m OK, you’re OK” new age politically correct pretense. Belief is the opiate that your “chosen few” use to keep people downtrodden. The “controllers” as you call them, do not want you to question opinions. They want you to leave all claims untested. They want you to feel comforted and go back to sleep dreaming nicey-nice spiritual bromides like: “there are as many truths/realities on this planet as there are souls.”

Wake up!

Whether there are many truths or not, what about your truth? Your Reality? Are you pleasantly bleating and lowing along in a herd with the other “truthies”, the other “sheeple” so that you can feel comforted by this truthiness in the security of numbers?

If you do not completely encounter and understand your whole truth, how can you recognize the many herded together truths of others?

In such a socio-political mind game as this, it is more important not to make waves than to question and explore. That is EXACTLY what the controllers want you to do. Be an obedient and compliant member of a herd of dreamers, fantasizing that the world is undergoing a “process of being reclaimed” by the poor schleps of the world. Your passive, spiritual docility is just what they need while they are taking the world over and returning the world full circle since the 1930s and 1940s to a new form of Fascism – this time it is corporate, rather than Nazi.

I cannot honor what you call “many truths” because I do not see that truth is what your statement perpetrates.

Sorry to say all of the above, but someone has to love you enough to say it. All your friends who support your belief system are doing you a disfavor. The sheeple leading the sheeple into an abyss.

I experience “belief” as one of the ugliest, retarding, four-letter words (in six letters). The sooner belief and its soul mate, “disbelief” has dropped from human consciousness the better for its golden future. When both of them have faded away, people will only have knowing and experiencing as a free option. Each of us will embark in our unique ways within and without in an exploration of this Mystery of Existence. And society free of its belief-based religions will at last ‘know’ religiousness liberated from dogma and spiritual politics. That society will be available to support and nourish every human being to become religiousness unto themselves.

I see that future eventually coming.

I exult in joy for it.

I fight for it.

I am ready to take your slings and arrows for pouring the message of the new man coming, like sand poured into the oyster of your belief-systems so that it chafes you and makes inside you eventually a new hu-womanity pearl of transcendent people.

I have dedicated my life and I am happy to give my life for that future, if those programmed to stay in the shell of belief should violently react to my constant outpouring of sand each week in these articles at Hogueprophecy, or suffer the initiation of a deeper chafing that awaits readers of my books.

Just understand if you can that I do not throw sand on your oyster blithely, letting it fall into the shell cracks irritating your belief-systems’ tender weaknesses from within.

The light of tomorrow’s potential – your potential to become human beings in a way you cannot imagine as long as belief-systems retard – makes me say these hard things to you yesterday, today and tomorrow.

You, Marianne, are not the first and you will certainly not be the last of many thousands that have come into my inbox with your views or left a comment at Hogueprophecy that an abiding compassion coming through me must upturn and shock. I too am being shocked because I am only the medium for these messages. They come from No-Where to Now-Here.

Rajneesh Chandra Mohan (Osho), prophet of a new humanity.

The creation of the new man in us will require the old man’s destruction in us. Faith, hope, belief are in the way of a brighter tomorrow and a golden destiny for humanity waiting beyond the breaking of chains of mind, prison bars of dogmas and the wooden pillory of a soul restraining personality.

When I am hard on any of you it is done with the love of a true friend and fellow traveler into that future.

This might sound odd, but in time, I trust it will be understood. What I am saying above, and what I have written to over 10,000 of you in personal letters since 1999 comes through this medium as a presence of pure love and concern for your freedom and spiritual growth.

This oracle, this portal to a better future, cannot remain silent as you dream of being a truth seeker seeking un-confrontational agreement from other dreamers when in reality your religious progress is being retarded and fossilized by bromides of belief-systems.

I cannot. I will not enable your dream because I have seen the nightmare your dreams of belief are making in my self.

It is time to wake up and become the new humanity.

Meditation is the way. Ask me for pointers and information about meditating. Contact me. Here are some words from my meditation teacher about what is needed to give birth to a new morality, a new humanity:

Obedience is not a value to me at all, neither is disobedience a disvalue. Your own understanding is the value. Out of that, obedience is good; out of that, disobedience is also good.

Morality does not disappear, but acquires a totally different meaning… Language provides numerous terms to pinpoint [the traditional] type of morality: loyalty, duty, discipline, obedience…

Great words! They can drive you into an unconscious, robotlike behavior.

This is now the greatest danger to human survival: the capacity for man to abandon his humanity; indeed, the inevitability that he does so as he merges his unique personality into larger institutional structures. It is not anger, violence, aggression, destructiveness, which is so dangerous, but the greatly valued idea of obedience…

Remember, if we want to create a new humanity, we will have to reconsider the whole mind of man. The past has created a very ugly mind – of course, with beautiful labels, with beautiful painted smiles, and behind is great animality.

My emphasis is on the individual – not on the society, not on the nation, not on the religion… The individual has to be freed from all kinds of social bondages and slaveries… Become aware…and out of your awareness, obedience is good, disobedience is good. But it has to be rooted in your awareness – then everything is good. And out of unawareness, obedience is bad, disobedience is bad.

Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Vol. I, Chapter 3



Next, I want to share with you what “K” said. As a preface to it, I will simply say, K gets me and she gets the “Great Work”:

As someone who has read lots of varying interpretations of Michele de Nostredame over the past 30+ years, including Ms. Cannon’s works (I’m sure you knew there were three volumes of “Conversations With Nostradamus”), I was so happy that someone else called her out for her work. Open as I am to all kinds of spiritual transmissions, I felt her information was a little too perfect, too contrived, to be real…but gods forbid you question anyone in the new age community. I believe that most every connection with the Divine is valid, but I get really skeptical when it is used as a revenue stream, and to be honest, her “channelings” smack of pandering to her audience.

As a part-time professional tarot reader, I have seen this before – a psychic / divination / etc., reader will tell their client what they want to hear in order to ensure future business. It has no bearing on ethics, or integrity, or even what is right. That kind of stuff gets me sick because it transmutes the sacred into the profane. Channeling, psychic work, divination, or any other activity that connects one with the Divine, and helping others connect to the Divine, is what we call the Great Work. To cheapen it by claiming something that isn’t true, or to say things which only further book sales / future meetings / public speakings / revenue streams is unethical at best. Look, I don’t begrudge anyone to make money in order to support themselves – and I don’t think that just because one is “spiritual”, that they have to live two steps above homelessness. But I don’t think it’s right to do it by bamboozling one’s audience and client base.

Thank you for calling her out. She’s not the only one, but she’s one of the more popular ones who uses a combination of New Age (my teacher told me it rhymes with “sewage”) buzzwords, popular but dead (therefore can’t speak with them) figures, and greed to further their own bank accounts. To me, it ends up being little more than a scam.

Thank you, K and thank you all for getting through this read.

John Hogue
(31 March 2012)

Books by John Hogue

Here are links to some of my books and e-books where we can take the themes of this article far deeper:

Predictions 2015-2016

Click on the cover.

Click on the cover.

Nostradamus and the Antichrist, Code Named: MABUS


The Millennium Book of Prophecy (Deluxe Illustrated First Edition)

Messiahs: Visions and Predictions for the Second Coming

PS–A note to a certain “Gail Sh.” who requested the meditation information. You’ve been sending  me a server address that doesn’t work three times now. Please try again with a gmail account. Thanks. To the rest of you who are requesting the same free information, If you don’t hear back from me in a week, there is a problem from your end. Check your spam blocker, or your spam file. If you don’t find the meditation information there, then set up a gmail account and send me a request again.

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  1. Ben
    Posted 5 August 2015 at 12:21 am | Permalink


    The relief of finding this sanity! I’ve just come to your site after looking around the internet at another aspect of Cannon’s work’ – QHH (Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapy, formerly known as Advanced (oh yes, it had to be advanced!) Past Life Regression). The more I read, the more I was feeling like I was in some strange parallel universe where even the most outlandish claims were blindly stated and then accepted as fact. From what I can see, QHH is just a cobbling together of just about every ‘healing’ therapy, bodywork, metamorphic technique, energy rebalancing, reiki/meditation/ascension/regression/soul retrieval visualisation/ reincarnation practise and pseudo-spiritual belief system I ever grew up with since the 1980s. And so professionally presented – the original QHH website I looked at that brought me into this madhouse (run, please remember, by a devotee and disciple of Cannon and her ‘world-class teachings’) was notable mainly for it’s shock! horror! tone (“Do you want to be a loser? No, seriously, do you want to stay an ignorant failure”) and a liberal use of four letter words with which to emphasise that this ‘caring concern’ could transform hapless victims into rebirthed successful and happy winners – after payment of a not inconsiderable amount of money of course. Because as we all know, access to our higher self can only be achieved with some mind and body scans (whatever they are), the application of Cannon’s ‘Advanced Past Life Regression’ techniques…. and a lot of cash. Eat your heart out L Ron Hubbard!

  2. Cynthia
    Posted 22 July 2015 at 4:47 am | Permalink

    Hi John,
    I had never heard of Dolores Cannon until recently when someone I know was reading one of her books and loved her. I looked her up and listened to some of her chats online. I was dismayed that she is touted as a knowing person, for a variety of obvious reasons, but what I find most disturbing is the unwillingness of so many to use any kind of critical thinking.
    There are so many things happening in our physical sphere right now that many don’t want to pay any attention to, but that will affect us all dramatically in an outcome that is scary to envision. The Land of the Free is no longer free. The Home of the Brave has a shortage of bravery in something as basic as speaking up. We now call the United States the “Homeland” and are encouraged to rat each other out if we “see something”. I’ve not paid that much attention to history, but even I know that sounds eerily like Nazi Germany.
    There is a lot of time and money spent on feeling better, but we seem to have lost our own sense of power, lost our voices and just hope someone else is looking out for us.

    Hi Cynthia. You’re points are important for all reading to contemplate. The mass mind has a primal fear of critical thought or questions. I saw this first hand when I confronted Cannon on the panel with rational facts that showed her often described details of Nostradamus’ house where factually wrong. That meant the fundamental core of her suggestion to be part of a team and their main messenger that communicated with Nostradamus living in the 1550s was factually in serious doubt. Rather than respond to this challenge–rather than the audience consider what was said, my statements started a riot of people in the audience shouting me down and the head of the panel telling me I could no longer pursue these questions. “So I am silenced?” I asked, looking into the eyes of the audience from left-center-and right. I looked at them, smiling and said, “The truth hurts.” Then I looked down at my hands savoring the phenomenon of how masses of people suck all the individual’s consciousness out of the room. Individuals become zombies in an emotive mob. Dolores, feeling triumphant, had her turn but she started to raise her voice and speak about a great genius who’d put is consciousness in a computer so that this messianic figure could answer everyone’s questions and would steer (read: be dictator of) the world in a 1000 year millennium of peace. Even the people who had moments before glowered at me like a lynching mob got uncomfortable as Cannon’s voice became more hysterically demagoguic. (I have this all on audio tape, by the way, as critical evidence.) Then it was my turn to speak. I leaned in, a conspiratorial grin stretching on my face and made slow eye contact with the audience who also leaned in. Then I rhetorically said, “What do we do with our geniuses…?” I let that sink in and added, “What did we do to Socrates, Plythagoras, Jesus Christ? We poisoned Socrates, burned Plythagoras and his students alive, poisoned Buddha, even. Crucified Christ. Look, I don’t ‘talk’ to Nostradamus…” (The 2,000 people cracked up as one.) But this genius better get into his computer quick. They’ll silence him, censor him, perhaps kill him. Because that’s what we do with our geniuses.”

  3. Christy
    Posted 28 May 2015 at 2:06 pm | Permalink

    Regardless of who Delores Cannon is or what she writes, clearly she’s made a name for herself that the author of the article on this site is jealous of. Take notice of how often “I” is used to start each sentence. Does it need to be explained what that indicates about the author? Not only is it not subjective information, but it’s written from a place of egotistical hostility. You’ve made it clear that you prefer a hostile approach therefore I cannot take your emotional opinions seriously. You’re clearly in a place of attack, which somehow makes you feel good.

    I write this, not from a rude standpoint, but in hopes that you will be able to see a different perspective as you may have some good information that educated people might be interested in, minus the hostility and need for power and control. There is a way to debunk while leaving the emotion and attacks out of it. Whoever Delores is, she is a human & likely feels she has a job to do. Whether people follow her or not really isn’t your concern. Most of what I see in this article is a need to feel powerful on behalf of the author, I have seen nothing that factually opposes Delores Cannon’s work, whatever it may be.

    I do hope you take something positive away from this post and apply your energy and efforts into something that contributes to a better world as opposed to adding to the many others out there right now following this same format. It seems as though we never learn to evolve and are stuck in our same old arrogant ways. Hopefully you can learn to rise above.

    Thank you for your letter, Christy. I appreciate the time and energy you put in it. Now, let us look at some of your observations. First off, your letter loses its fundamental credibility by blowing off the core reason “why” I attacked Dolores (not “Delores”) Cannon in this article. To be “regardless,” bottom line, is another way of saying you are “not going to regard, and not going to ‘look’ at why Mr. Hogue has savaged Ms. Cannon so relentlessly.” So, if you do not address those issues, your letter misses addressing wholly my points.
    Your letter therefore is written on a foundation of sand. That sand is made of reading my article and not going to the link displayed pointing to the facts I laid down. That evidence was linked up for reading in the first paragraph. Here is that paragraph:

    “I do not have to put a person under hypnosis to peel back the centuries to speak to Nostradamus. This is what Dolores Cannon claims to do in her three-volume book series Conversations with Nostradamus. I have challenged her since 1997 to prove the foundation and credibility of her work. (Click on Nostradamus.)”

    Those who are Internet literate click on that link and see an article that lays out my factual grievances in detail.
    I even gave readers the link a second time later in the article:

    “Today I want to give Israel and Iran a break to answer two very different reaction-responses to my Dolores Cannon article from 17 March 2012.”

    It’s obvious to me that Christy had only read the opening part of my introductory article. So she missed the “Marianne” interchanges posted a little deeper in the article that also backed up my attack on Cannon with the details she says she never found.

    To those who read articles completely before writing an opinionated review, they know I laid out my views why Dolores Cannon deserved such an attack on her person and her works in both articles. They know that I exposed her theory in public concerning her “conversations” with Nostradamus. She could not even produce accurate, basic information about the Prophet. I contend that many of her “channeled” English translations read almost verbatim from lesser-known interpreters of Nostradamus. Cannon openly used Erika Cheetham’s translations as well.

    OK, I guess, but someone well versed in the study of Nostradamus’ sixteenth-century French must ask, why would Nostradamus talk to someone in our time and approve such second rate translations of his Renaissance French prophecies?
    If, in her “conversations” she couldn’t even accurately describe what is documented and “known” about Nostradamus, his health issues, what his secret study actually looked like, etc., doesn’t that beg for more skeptical inquiry into her “channeling” technique?

    She is dead now. Yet as long as I live I will write and call her work fantasy writing. I predict someone will write a book entitled “Conversations with Dolores Cannon” next. Perhaps it’s the best karmic consequence that a person who imagines they talk to Nostradamus will soon imagine they talk to Cannon.

    Christy, you say I’m jealous of Ms. Cannon. Why would I feel that? My readers are generally more educated and less prone to fly off into fantasyland. I am read, watched and listened to by millions of people around the world and my 30 books and counting are read in 20 languages. It is a fact that I have been in more television documentaries on prophecy, filmed more interviews and taped more radio programs on four continents than anyone in the history of this prophecy scholar field. I’ve lived—and go on this eternal moment living—an extraordinary life that’s taken me several times around the world and led me to sit in India at the feet of Osho, one of the most beautiful masters of meditation the World has ever crucified. I am the luckiest man in the world, because despite all my many faults I can at least do something apparently very few people can do, though it saddens me to see that’s so. I’d like all of you to be able to do it: recognize a truly enlightened human being. If you can, then you’ll never be able to go back to a spiritual sleepy, pseudo life.

    I have no desire to be like Dolores Cannon because I don’t look good in a curly perm hat of hair stiff with hairspray. My first face to backside impression of her was that that she was prideful bully. I was walking up the stairs to the Axiom Convention in March 1997 about ten steps behind Cannon and she was putting on a pretty loud and boastful “look at me!” show to her fans. She seemed to be someone who needed, sucked in, attention. I also felt she’d turned up the foghorn volume after she looked over a rounded, meaty shoulder espying me below. I’m not jealous of pathetic people.
    Now to Christy’s contention that the way I used “I” is some litmus test evidence of my spiritual evolution. I notice she used “I” five times in your short missive. That’s a lot of I’s. Certainly not as many as I use, and “I” think “I” know why.

    I don’t pretend to be any more evolved than I am. Those who pretend to be more evolved suffer under the worse kind of ego, a “spiritual” ego. It’s the hardest kind to recognize and most people live and die under its illusory burden life after life on the path.

    I’ve lived in many ashrams, spiritual retreats, communities, and religious communes in India and in the West. I know what spiritual ego looks like and I recognize it in your letter, Christy.

    The “I” suppressors have the biggest “I” hiding behind their effort to appear to themselves and others that they have a higher spiritual attainment.

    Dolores had the same problem, although unlike Christy, she was none too subtle about it to those who recognize the signs. It’s no wonder that she fumed and smoldered hatred about me to her dying day. I saw that first hand and my contacts in her movement concurred. There was an opportunity for Dolores Cannon to see just how much anger she suppressed under all that “spirituality.” My confrontation gave Dolores an opportunity to see herself and recognize the spiritual pride that overshadowed her work. Instead, she did what most of us normally un-evolved and less spiritually superior people do–she missed.

    By the way, I didn’t ambush her. She knew what was coming.

    If I had been a power monger, I would have attacked her without warning. Instead, I came to her at the cocktail party on the night before the panel. I gave her a heads up that I was going to attack her fundamental theory that she either talks or helps facilitate others talking to Nostradamus. I listed each issue, each statement I was going to address in her work. I told her I didn’t want to ambush her but hoped that by giving her a chance to prepare herself and answer my contentions we’d be serving our audience and educating them. For a person who claimed such psychic intuition, she did not intuit that I was sincerely going to go after her in public and was quite surprised and unprepared when it happened the following day.

    I think, Christy, that you misread what kind of power is working here with me. I’m all for the truth’s power shining a light dispelling the false. And I contend that people who have too much investment in the false resent such an honest attack. In my experience Dolores Cannon was one of the more successfully idiotic figures in the New Age channeling movement and I see no reason even after her demise to alter my views. Sometimes it is loving to help people “wake up and smell the New-Age Sewage.”

    The truth can look arrogant to those who shrink from truth.

  4. cindyjames
    Posted 8 March 2015 at 1:36 am | Permalink

    You may be correct about Cannon, though I should expect you to apply the same rigor to ‘Osho’.

    Hi Cindy, perhaps the difference between you and me is that I personally knew both Ms Cannon and Osho. I would add that whatever any of you readers of my work find enlightening, you can thank Osho for it. Without his meditation techniques and loving guidance I would have never opened to a higher and deeper understanding that–on the side of my path of meditation–appears before you all in these hundreds of articles and dozens of books. Cannon was a mediocrity. Osho is an Enlightened Master. But you don’t have to believe or disbelieve what I just said. Explore. Test it. Meditation is not faith based, it is fact based. It is a science looking into the hypothesis of the soul. It asks you if you indeed “have” a soul. Perhaps not. Perhaps you and I need to earn it. Perhaps we have a soul but its just a seed that never grows. A true master helps your seed grow. He gives you the right amount of water of life and live and the right soil of wisdom to mature and sprout. There are many YouTube films of Osho out there. Just type in ‘Osho’ and you’ll see and listen and you’ll get a little taste of what I experienced sitting at his feet for ten years (1980-1990) when I was listening to him, loving him. Cindy, I have that rigor, more than you apparently know or are currently open to seeing. There’s no human being I’ve ever loved more than Osho. What I have experienced can be yours this moment. Just put the judgmental mind next to your sandals, before you enter the temple.

  5. Craig
    Posted 27 February 2014 at 10:42 pm | Permalink

    This is something that Mr Hogue doesn’t understand.
    There will be only 1 person that will have the credentials to dispute his ‘writings’. That person is Henry II.
    He (Hogue) sits aloof, yet Michel asked Henry to speak about Wisdom trampled by swine. Bad Luck ‘Hogue’ , your works will be known as ‘HOGue’ Wash.
    No ambush here.
    Your head or the face of RoMerica.
    The Swine do not survive.

  6. Matlocklization
    Posted 20 November 2013 at 4:39 pm | Permalink

    Firstly to John Hogue. Thankyou for your voice of reason, common sense and an individual who like many, does not like being bullshitted to or taken in as a fool. Before I entered this website I finished writing a critical piece about Deloris cannon:
    ‘Dolores loves to spin a yarn, get attention and bring out another book. And the claims she makes can’t be verified. Were you taken in as a fool by her somewhat interesting stories & other unsubstantiated quackery ? Do you listen to what she is really saying or blindly accept her bullshit. Did her diatribe of fact, fantasy & lies help you to profoundly improve your standard of living or pay the rent ? Has her profound knowledge that span’s the universe stopped people committing crime in your neighbourhood ? All these everyday things matter to us. Not fanciful notions that lay beyond the horizon !’

  7. Dr.Venu
    Posted 1 July 2013 at 10:24 pm | Permalink

    Hi, I read this as I have a person I have been trying to help to heal herself. I came across DOLORES as it can be seen widely claimed on the internet that she heals miraculously. I have been healing people by energy since the past 7 years when I got this as a gift after a prolonged illness in my meditations. I find it surprising that the healers of the world charge so high for healing because I know for sure that it IS A GIFT OF THE DIVINE and is for ALL. In fact, recently I lost my dog as he walked out somehow and tried all logical ways to find him. Then I even tried some psychics who were suggested to me. What came out of this whole experience was that every time one of them told me where my dog was, I found that they were correct in describing the surroundings and the places but….the dog was not there! I was very puzzled and so, I sat in meditation (I have been meditating for many years) and asked this question from the Divine. I would like to share the answer I was given with you. I was asked about the state I am in or the psychic is in when they make the connection. I replied that you are in your pure spirit state. Then I was also reminded that in the pure state there is no TIME and SPACE. So, the vision you get can belong to any parallel reality!. How would you know which reality the vision belongs to? Until and unless, you are so adept at the matter-energy-time-space continuum that you can be specific! Well….it explained my puzzle and I can only say this from my experience that each one of us has this ability to connect…you just have to have the unquenched thirst for finding the answer and the answer is within…ALWAYS.

    Thanks you.

  8. Suzie
    Posted 6 June 2013 at 10:22 am | Permalink

    Hi, I have only listened to Delores’s talk on youtube, so I do not know enough about her work to offer an educated critique. I did however, note that she is grossly overweight, while promoting eating raw foods, and grazing as an eating style. Why is she not practicing what she is preaching? And I found it very off putting that she would “push” the purchase of her books on her followers. I felt the questions from her audience were not challenging, and that Delores didn’t give a straight forward answer. She referred them to her books, or said the answer was too complicated.
    I am disillusioned with the world too, politics, wars, etc…but for me the answer to this is to do what small things I can to help the few people I can, and not to follow some dangerous cult. I would lots rather donate 5.00 to the humane society than to purchase one of Ms. Cannon’s “damaged” books. I just unburdened myself of the stiffling burden of Christianity. I’m not about to mire up in another “revealed” religion.
    I had to laugh out loud when Ms. Cannon said her daughter was in the other conference room selling her books! Couldn’t one of her ET’s channel her books into my Kindle? If she were really concerned about humanity…she would stop this charade, loose some weight, and go do something really worthwhile.
    But again, if it weren’t Ms. Cannon, it would be some other kook or church convincing us to empty our wallet into the offering plate…..out of fear, hopelessness, and ignorance.

    Thanks for the overview, Suzie. As the article shows, I gave Ms Cannon a chance, before an audience, to back up her claims about talking through an intermediary to the living Nostradamus in the 1550s. She couldn’t come up with the goods. Sometimes we get our karmic comeuppance when someone with compassion shows us our reflection in the mirror they hold to our faces. Some of us touch the feet of the mirror holder in gratitude, while others break the mirror and hate its holder with a poisonous passion for the rest of their lives. I would like to hope that Ms Cannon will not go to her grave sustaining the latter. She is only doing harm to her soul. What I did was only done to help a bully receive the “reward” that most bullies seek, even though they do so unconsciously, their comeuppance.

  9. Will Christie
    Posted 8 April 2013 at 2:32 pm | Permalink

    I assume you heard Dolores Cannon on Coast to Coast radio in April 2013, and the quote from George Noory that Dolores Cannon is one of the most enlightened beings on the planet that he has ever met.

    Oh, My, God! I always thought George was a loon, but this was just way over-the-top. I am surprised he didn’t invite her and Sylvia Browne (another obvious fraud) back to his apartment for a drink after the show.

    • Matlocklization
      Posted 20 November 2013 at 4:46 pm | Permalink

      You never know.
      I’m afraid some people love taking money from the gullible, its in their DNA !

  10. Cecilia
    Posted 25 December 2012 at 9:10 pm | Permalink

    I have finally found someone who disagrees with the Nostradamus books Dolores has written. After reading all three of her books, I would always wonder why other Nostradamus experts didn’t call her out publicly, specially since she claimed hers was scholarly work. Now that I have read this article about Mr Hogue calling her out in the late nineties, I realize that is about the same time she stopped promoting the prophecies and moved on to other discoveries. Her excuse was that after the millenium, there was no need to talk about the Nostradamus material because her work had awakened people and the worse of the prophecies had been averted.

    I studied with Dolores over two years ago because I wanted to see what new techniques she had to offer. Turns out her method is already used by others who call it something else, nothing new or earth shattering. What gets to me is her students have become nothing more than cult followers. The woman can do no wrong, they all fit the descriptions you give on your article which can be quite frustrating if you want to engage in an actual debate. Any dissent or disagreement in regards to her work/views are shut down by her hardcore followers who will then accuse you of not being spritually evolved.
    It doesn’t cease to amaze me that a housewife with so little education has made a lot of money by claiming to have hidden knowledge.
    I wish more people would come forward and make her followers accountable.

  11. Rick W.
    Posted 1 April 2012 at 7:41 am | Permalink

    Hope, Faith and Belief.

    How can anyone deny a person his/her Hopes? Hope springs forth, often, unsolicited. It exposes our inner spirit, our inner voice, indeed, our soul. It is based on rational possibilities and can inspire people to achieve great works.

    Faith may seem to be Hope taken to a higher level. But, it is, in fact, Hope taken to a neurotic level. It is capable of following irrational possibilities. It does not require rational explanations or logic. It does not require belief in fact or fiction. Faith, simply, requires a willingness to accept a belief system based on unproven authority.

    Belief goes one step farther. Belief is Hope taken to a psychotic level. Belief is delusional. Incorrect facts, impossible schemes and outright lies are accepted as fact and given life in the delusional mind of the Believer. There is a disconnection with reality in the Believer that defies correction. Don’t try to argue with a Believer. You know the old adage, “You can’t argue with a sick mind.”

    The spiritual world was around long before religions and charlatans tried to confiscate its energy. And it will be around long after. I cherish the spiritual experiences that I have been lucky enough to have had. And, I maintain a Hope that humanity will, someday, achieve the level of spirituality that it is capable of.

    Great and thoughtful comments like yours are rare in these pages so I will share my response with you and everyone in a future blog.

  12. Brenda
    Posted 31 March 2012 at 4:57 pm | Permalink

    When Dolores Cannon came to London I went to her meeting and could not believe her. I was the only one and felt an outsider. Twenty years on I thank the younger me for beginning to cut off from the crowd mentality. Now I am older being an outsider is no problem. But having it confirmed by you feels good. I have a reason to ask this, what do you think about nuclear explosions being very bad for the structure of our souls.

    I do know that it is bad for the environment in which our souls are enchased in form. In the Millennium Book of Prophecy, I had an essay about how we have already waged nuclear war on the planet when practicing for it since 1945. I think there have been 650 atmospheric test blasts of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons and around 1,500 underground tests. These have added radioactivity into our ecosystem that didn’t exist before 1945.

  13. Shirley Palugyay
    Posted 31 March 2012 at 10:47 am | Permalink

    I am copying and pasting what I just wrote on a John Hogue thread on a forum I belong to..
    “Just read John’s current newsletter about calling out Delores Cannon and her so called channeled information from Nostradamus that she got through a third person in the beginning and then was able to channel him herself, at least that is her claim..I have followed her work off and on through the years and have heard a few interviews to did on Nostradamus and always felt something wasn’t right.

    John is right about the so called New Age which someone said rhymes with Sewage….how appropiate. He actually forewarned Delores he was going to call her out at a conference in person, apparently she just looked at him and smiled and continued to drink her drink.

    One of the interviews I listened to recently talks about 2012 and if we are in the right mind and advancement we go to a new dicmenion on Dec. 21, 2012, we have to be prepared to leave everything behind including family, cannot take anything of the old earth with us. This new earth is like the present one with the exceptiion that everyone and everything is perfect…and went on to say this earth and it’s people will never be perfect, now that is something to look forward to, that is of course if you buy into her garbage.

    Thank you Mr. Hogue for calling her out.”

    You are welcome, Shirley. Sounds like I’ll have another challenge to make with Dolores Cannon. I predict she’ll still be around after 21 December 2012. The question/challenge to her will be, “Hey, Dolores. Why didn’t you leave people on ‘this’ earth alone and get lost into your ‘higher’ earth? Are you not yet in your right mind for such an advancement?” 🙂

    • Sandra
      Posted 8 April 2012 at 5:16 am | Permalink

      I find it sad that so many so-called “New Age seers” criticize Christianity with its concepts such as the rapture when they believe pretty much the same thing, just wrapped in slightly different packaging. How is the idea of a Revelation Doom And Gloom end and rapture so different from what they believe? Many Christians believe the world is going to be destroyed in fire and brimstone. And that’s what many Newagers believe just with somewhat different details. Maybe not quite fire and brimstone. But Dolores Cannon has created a map showing a future United States just about completely covered with water. Many New Agers believe this is what will happen to the United States and many other parts of the world caused by so-called “Earth changes” that are geologically impossible. They like to preach how, unlike Christians, they are so filled with light and good vibrations and yet they completely support and even embrace the destruction of a good portion of humanity and other Earth lifeforms. And like so many Christians, they feel it’s alright because they too have the “bye suckers” attitude and feel they will get “vibrated” away from this existence into a higher reality. Alot of them are not the spiritually advanced people they think they are. They claim they get their information from a high vibrational source beyond the mind when in fact they are just stuck in their low vibrational minds “thinking”. Thinking destructive unenlightened noncreative thoughts just like politicians and religious leaders they think they are not instead of trying to go beyond to a truly creative and loving state.

      Hi Sandra. Thanks for a great comment. I will share my response to all in a future blog that examines the “High vibrational source of New Age Sewage.” Thanks for the inspiration

    • Minti
      Posted 15 February 2013 at 2:15 am | Permalink

      Dolores Cannon has always said that nothing major or drastic will happen on December 21st, 2012, and that it is just dramatization. Transition on to 5d is supposed to be gradual.

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