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The color footage taken most likely by a US Navy drone of military attired men without insignia or flying a flag returning to detach a dud magnetic Limpet mine from the Kokuka Courageous after it was abandoned by its crew. Source: US Navy.
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DATELINE: 19 June 2019

One of two tankers attacked in the Gulf of Oman, 13 June 2019. Source: ISNA.

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Trump Neocons Bolton and Pompeo are planning an Air Strike on Nuclear Installations in Iran in Response to the Tanker Attacks
This is just came in on the news wire yesterday as I was preparing to go to press with this second wave of articles about the Iran Crisis becoming a war, and soon, it unfortunately seems. I will just quote passages from the Jerusalem Post which is the English language source of this story that was originally investigated and reported by the Israeli (Hebrew) newspaper, Maariv:
Diplomatic sources at the UN headquarters in New York revealed to Maariv that they are assessing the United States’ plans to carry out a tactical assault on Iran in response to the tanker attack in the Persian Gulf on Thursday.
According to the officials, since Friday, the White House has been holding incessant discussions involving senior military commanders, Pentagon representatives and advisers to President Donald Trump.
The military action under consideration would be an aerial bombardment of an Iranian facility linked to its nuclear program, the officials further claimed.
“The bombing will be massive but will be limited to a specific target,” said a Western diplomat.
The decision to carry out military action against Iran was discussed in the White House before the latest report that Iran might increase the level of uranium enrichment.
The officials also noted that the United States plans to reinforce its military presence in the Middle East, and in the coming days will also send additional soldiers to the area.
The sources added that President Trump himself was not enthusiastic about a military move against Iran, but lost his patience on the matter and would grant Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is pushing for action, what he wants.

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A few comments and snap intuitive observations before we look at who’s behind the tanker attacks and then plunge into the prophetic significance of this escalating situation.
We have never been closer to a shooting war between the US and Iran since I began writing about this in articles in 2006 and wrote the first of two editions of Nostradamus: The War with Iran—Islamic Prophecies of the Apocalypse in spring 2007 and October 2013. I’m trying to rush out a third edition before the war might start but things are moving so fast that I suggest if you are interested in just how far the unintended consequences of a war with Iran takes the world, read the Second Edition. My third edition will contain 90 percent of the material already available in it. Virtually all my prophetic forecasts from the first and second editions will unchanged in the third.
I will say the following points briefly and then we’ll move to my four featured articles:
1.) It sounds like this US option to strike Iran is just an option. Trump is showing what I’ve often said is the case, deep down he doesn’t want a war but he’s picked people around him who do. The leak of this intention is an attempt to scare the Iranians. It is not working.
2.) Secretary of State Pompeo and NSA chief advisor Bolton believe a massive strike on one nuclear installation is merely “tactical” and measured to the attacks on tankers that as of yet have not been proven to be the work of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The US Navy drone footage does show smoke but as of yet no “gun”. More on that below.
3.) A strike on any target by the US inside Iran will launch a full-scale, region-wide war. The IRGC commander, Brigadier General Salami, has made it clear today that Iran will respond with all of its assets spread across the Middle Eastern region. I read that to mean that ALL US assets, naval and air bases in Bahrain, Qatar, the US Embassy in the Green Zone of Baghdad, all US bases in Iraq “and” Syria, including all oil installations and military assets of Saudi Arabia and the UAE will be attacked. Israel will also be attacked. We’re talking about thousands of US military and government personnel will be attacked. Trump being dragged into a new war by the military industrial complex he promised his base he would never let happen. And as events and the prophecies of Nostradamus indicate, many of which are in the clear to bring emphasis to his concern about this potential catastrophe, this will be the greatest war yet fought in modern times in the Middle East, setting the region on fire and ultimately dragging the US against China and Russia into a nuclear confrontation.
I’m hoping none of this is about to break loose but we are entering the period of history, soon to plunge into the roaring 2020s, where many times we’ll wake up in the morning to a new and completely changed world that directly impacts our present and future lives. That’s why is here to make sense of current events as they activate potential futures foreseen by the world’s greatest seers of all cultures, faiths and rogue visionaries—seen in the clear, beyond the usual dogmas and projections of cultures and religions.
Here then are the featured four articles on the Iran Crisis, part two…
DATELINE: 19 June 2019

The tanker Front Altair aflame and abandoned by its crew after 13 June attack.
Source: ISNA.
Two Oil Tankers set on Fire by Torpedo Attacks in the Gulf of Oman Plus an Interesting lead to who is Responsible: Pompeo may be Right for all the Wrong Reasons.
On 13 June 2019 two tankers were attacked and set on fire. Reports are confusing about what weapons were used. Some crew members of the two ships—all fortunately surviving the strike—described a flying missile. Others said they were torpedoed. It would appear at the time of this writing that neither tanker suffered damage that might cause them to sink. Indeed the gaping hole on the starboard side of one of them above the waterline would rule out a torpedo.
By the way, this attack happened exactly a month after three Saudi tankers and a UAE tug were holed by limpet mine explosions on 13 May while anchored in the port of Fujairah, also on the Gulf of Oman. Whoever is involved has a flair for the unlucky number 13 as a message.
ABC reports the two oil tankers damaged in the more recent incident were the Norwegian-owned Front Altair and the Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous which were carrying petroleum products from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. Front Altair is owned by Norwegian oil tanker and shipping magnet John Fredriksen who created Frontline Ltd., possessing the world’s largest oil tanker fleet. Fredriksen made his billions trading with the Islamic State in the very risky business of shipping Iranian oil through the Persian Gulf during the eight years of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988). He is among Iran’s most respected and loved Western businessmen. One of his biographers defined hm in the war years as the “lifeline to the Ayatollah” Khomeini, the founding supreme leader of the Iranian Islamic State. Fredriksen literally kept the Iranian oil export industry afloat throughout the war.
Why then would Iranians, sink one of Fredriksen’s ships as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hastily concluded?
It gets more implausible.
The Kokuka Courageous, the second stricken ship, filled to the gunwales with a volatile cargo of methanol is Japanese owned. On 13 June, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe was in Tehran on the second day of the first state visit of a Japanese head of state to Iran in over 40 years. The moment of the attack he was enjoying a cordial meeting with the current Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Abe’s surprising, last-minute state visit to Iran intended to give Khamenei a private note from President Donald Trump as his mediator to start negotiations. Trump has stated more than once in contradiction to the hawkish bombast and military threats of his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and NSA Chief Advisor John Bolton, that he wants to talk with Iranian leaders not make war. He wants a redo the Iranian nuclear agreement giving the US a better deal than the JCPOA Treaty signed by his predecessor Barack Obama.
I don’t know what was in the private letter to Khamenei, yet I am certain it included Trump’s willingness to talk about the above themes. If that is a correct assessment than the letter is classic Trump maneuvering. He unleashes his bad cops threatening war while he plays peace-loving, Mr. Nice Guy “good cop” with the kind and gentle prompting of Abe.
Whatever one thinks of the Iranian leadership they are not into this bellicose bait to peace-making switch game. Ayatollah Khamenei politely but pointedly told the Japanese Prime Minister, “I do not see Trump as worthy of any message exchange, and I do not have any reply for him, now or in future.”
The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, later reported that the targeted ships during Abe’s meeting, now floating adrift in the Gulf of Oman were carrying “Japan-related” cargo.
So, let me get this straight. If Pompeo is correct, then the Iranian leader tried to cripple a ship in the high seas of the man who kept Iran’s oil industry alive during war and Iran’s supreme leader did the same to a Japanese vessel while having a cordial meeting during a very rare state visit from the Japanese Prime Minister, Japan being one of Iran’s main oil importers?
These actions drive me to respond with a variation on what the giant in the Jack the Giant Killer fairy tale declared: “Fee Fi Foo Fum! I smell the flaming of a False Flag begun!”
But whose flag is being burned by whom?
The timing of all this, such as tanker strikes a month apart on unlucky thirteenth days of May and June. The aim to maim but not sink ships in a UAE port in May and Norwegian and Japanese Tankers struck in open seas near the Iranian coast, exiting the Strait of Hormuz in June.
Both these clandestine strikes follow a pattern. They happened when tensions between the US and Iran were settling down, such as when the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike force in May passed through the Strait of Hormuz to patrol of the Persian Gulf with no Iranian naval incident. So three Saudi tankers and a UAE barge get holes blown into them by limpet mines in the middle of the night by men on boats, or so the sketchy photos released of US spy satellite images presented by Pompeo suppose, even though it is impossible to see who they are. The wakes left by boats leaving the mined ships in Fujairah harbor look the size of water bugs.
Tensions in mid-May mount again but then go flat again by mid-June. Abe comes to Tehran to play peace mediator and BOOM! Even more dramatic pictures of more egregiously damaged and flaming, derelict tankers abandoned by their crews in the high seas of the Oman Gulf take US and Iran even closer to the brink of war.
What’s the motive? Why would Iran’s government do something to increase tensions?
I’ve seen a similar game played when the Syrian government, winning its seven-year civil war: a self-destructive chemical attack that goes against motive. Take for instance when the Assad regime was inviting UN inspectors to verify their claims that Syrian rebels are the ones lobbing chemical weapon attacks. The day the inspectors fly to Damascus—not once but twice in 2013 and 2018—Syrian rebels (read al-Qaeda affiliate terrorists) stage a chemical weapons attack and blame it on the Syrian government.
The US government then blindly believes whatever the al-Qaeda affiliates tells it—not questioning the fact that these people support the terrorists that killed nearly 3,000 Americans back in 11 September 2001. No matter, facts seem unwelcome when US missiles are eager to fly into Syria hitting Syrian military targets and factories. No one in government or in the mainstream US media makes a consistent effort to question how this goes completely against Assad’s motives and needs. What? You to start a fracas with the US now? Just when you are winning that can only degrade and setback your victorious forces?
How could the Ayatollah Khamenei, watching his Syrian allies be blasted by the US for false-flagged chemical attacks step right into the same trap with these tanker sabotage raids on 13 May and 13 June 2019? That would be so un-Iranian regime of him, or so it would seem.
Cross over from Syria to the approaches of the Strait of Hormuz through which 30 percent of all sea-based shipping of global petroleum products out of the states circling the Persian Gulf steams out of the region to energize the world. The region where 20 percent of all petroleum products are mined and processed.
A Japanese head of state playing peace envoy from Trump brings seemingly out of the blue another mysterious strike on tankers, which the US has said are grounds for a military response. By the way, the Abraham Lincoln strike force at the time of the 13 June attacks was stationed in the Gulf of Oman.
Who is trying to turn the Gulf of Oman into another Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam-US military quagmire?
Enter Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reading a statement to the press throwing similar and breathless conclusions like those leveled at Iran on the 13 May and now 13 June outrages against civilian shipping. Pompeo echoing what Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said back in 1964 about the Gulf of Tonkin incident that never was. Apparently US destroyers were firing on the gun flashes of thunderstorms (BAD thunderstorm!)
“This is only the latest in the series of attacks instigated by the Republic of Iran and its surrogates against American allies and interests,” declares Pompeo. “They should be understood in the context of four years of unprovoked aggression against freedom-loving nations.”
He’s pushing that narrative as ever, Bolton even more so. I wish to remind you about what I said in my last wave of articles about this Iran Crisis. There are a cluster of converging interests, vassals of the Americans for one, that would like to drag their superpower friend into a war with Iran to take down their regional enemy number one. These vassals are Saudi Arabia and Israel. The two have neocons Bolton and Pompeo in positions of influence over President Trump to make that openly unconscious but powerful medium channel up such a war.
However, in my last wave of articles about this current Iran Crisis and in my book on a war with Iran, I have also alerted my readers to threats coming, hinted in Nostradamus’ prophecies, about the other side’s “rebellious vassals.” These would be long-time vassals of Russia and less so the Chinese. I speak of the Iranians and their allies, Hezbullah.
I’m talking about “Iranian-style” neocons that equally play “Ayatollah” Pompeo and “Ayatollah” Bolton. There are hardliners on both sides in Tehran and Washington begging with bellicosity to start a fight and who are even extreme enough to sabotage moderate efforts to walk back their nations from full-scale war because it is not in their interests…
Gain FULL ACCESS right now to all FIVE Articles with a donation of only $5.00, or a little more to sustain Hogueprophecy. Put June One in the PayPal memo line. I will send a PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal.
DATELINE: 19 June 2019

One of two tankers attacked on 13 June, abandoned and cast adrift in the Gulf of Oman after sailing out of the Strait of Hormuz. Source: IRIB.
Iran, China, the Iranian “Mabus-turned Mabus” and Nostradamus’ “King of Terror” Prophecy
Last summer (2018) a Hogue Reader asked for “divine help” for the US in its self-inflicted Iran Treaty dump and the consequences.
I hope GOD favors President Trump. As imperfect as Trump is; we still need to support him. Does Nostradamus predict China’s part in WWIII?
To which I answered:
First let’s take on China. It is indirectly mentioned in the famous “King of Terror” prophecy of Century 10, Quatrain 72:
10 Q72
L’an mil neuf cens nonante neuf ƒept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d’effrayeur.
Reƒuƒciter le grand Roy d’Angolmois.
Auant apres Mars regner par bon heur.
In the year 1999 and seven[th] months,
The great King of Terror will come from the sky.
He will bring back the Khan of the Mongols.
Before and after Mars rules happily.
In brief, line 1 holds a number playing an anagram switch hinted strongly by the double entendre ƒept mois (seven or seventh) month which is not July but September if you follow Nostradamus frequent use of classical knowledge. September is called Sept-Seventh month because until Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus created a new seventh month called “July” (Julius) and an eighth month called “August” (Augustus) it was the seventh month rather than the ninth. The “999” in 1999 may be nudging us to notice this and see the point that we need to switch the ones and nines from 1999 to 9.11.1.
Because in line 2 and in other prophecies hinting that this “Great King of Terror” descending out of the sky is an attempt to describe the history course changing 9.11 (2001) al-Qaeda terror attack using hijacked airliners as missiles to take down the “Hollow” Mountains in the “New (York) City” (10 Q49) positioned at latitude 45 (6 Q97). The latitude is off a few degrees as would be expected by Nostradamus using his sixteenth-century maps which did not plot longitude lines and could be notoriously inaccurate.
History took its present-day, dire course on September 11, 2001 with a global terror war sending the US into land war quagmires in the Middle East that launches it on its present-day course to Arab and Persian “vassals” (INDEX) there dragging their handlers, American and Russia into a potential nuclear war in the early 2020s.
The last two lines may refer to America’s chief antagonists in the near future.
Line 3 gives us China. It is emerging as a great empire accurately pinpointed by Nostradamus for around the time of the dating of 1999-turned-9.11.01.
Turn to a classic understanding of Nostradamus metaphors. In the sixteenth century far off China was best known for its near threat of conquering Europe from Mongolian hordes. These hordes have absorbed China as the matrix for the largest land empire in history, the Sino-Mongolian Empire. Genghis Khan began the work. At the peak of its power it was ruled by Kublai Khan, whom Italian Marco Polo met and I’m sure Nostradamus had read about as his journeys were well known by Italian and French scholars around the Renaissance period.
In the latter days of the 1990s the Chinese Communist-Command Capitalist government feeling is growing glory of empire had officially rehabilitated (bring back) Genghis and Kublai Khan of the Mongols to be taught in Chinese elementary schools as a noble examples of the virtues of totalitarian Mongolian leaders absorbed into the Chinese culture, like Alexander the Great was converted by the Hellenistic (Greek) culture.
The final line gives us Iran, once again, if you know your Renaissance love and understanding of classical metaphors of Ancient Rome and all the Mediterranean world that it dominated, which included fighting the Persian descendants called the Parthians in the Middle Eastern edge of their empire. Parthians made the classical world aware of Zoroastrianism and Mithraic Persian religions. Indeed the latter may have contributed to the mythology of Christianity its Holy Eucharist, virgin birth, death and resurrection story of Jesus Christ (the Romanized name of the Hebrew Yeshua). Why? Because Mithras was a messianic figure who is said to have been born of a virgin, broke bread and drank wine to consecrate his blood and body before dying and being resurrected.
Mars has two sides in occult astrological symbolism. The lower potential is that of God of War. The higher potential is the “Magus”—an enlightened magician. The term Magus comes from “Majus”, a Persian Zoroastrian priest. Taken in a modern sense, Persia is modern day Iran.
The word play includes Iran for Majus or Magus. It is easily translated by rules of anagram because it hides a letter by turning it upside down. Turn “g” to “b” and you get the code name for Nostradamus’ “Arab Prince” and Third and Final Antichrist, a contemporary of our times: Mabus.
Nostradamus in 2 Q62 makes it clear his grasp of classical knowledge because Baal Hammon, the God of the Carthaginians after his defeat in the Punic Wars was not overthrown but Romanized as much as Christianity was greatly changed and Romanized centuries later by Rome. Baal Hammon (aka “The King of Terror…coming out of the skies” as one of his attributes) makes him associated to 10 Q72’s King of Terror descending from the sky. Also, the Romanized name given to him was Thurbo Majus (Magus). That is another inadvertent attempt to spell the name of the Third and Final Antichrist.

Click on this link and Learn how to free yourself from the Antichrist Unconscious. Click on this thumbnail cover.
As I have already written and detailed in Nostradamus and the Antichrist, Code Named: Mabus, by following decoding rules of the seer you can get a number of Middle Eastern figures’ names decoding Mabus, such as Saddam (Maddas=Mabus Hussein), Usama (Ma[a]us = Mabus) bin Laden, and (M)Abu(s) al-Baghdadi (Caliph of ISIS).
All are Arabs, but though some tried to put on airs of being the “Arab Prince” that Nostradamus describes (5 Q25) as his Antichrist only recently has a true Arab Prince of the royal blood arisen as the most formidable candidate yet: the Saudi Arab Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman the present and officially future king of Saudi Arabia as he is already de facto king as his father King Salman is stroke-ridden. He’s also a “young” Arab Prince filled with evil doing, as his war of annihilation of Iranian-backed Houthis in his Yemen War and his barbarous murder of the Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Embassy in Turkey attest.
Muhammad bin Salman has the best fit for the anagram Mabus too. You’ve heard him called on the news MBS shortening his long name. MBS = M(a)B(u)S. His first and last names also convert to Mabus: Muhammad (Mmmaadu = Maa[b]u = Mabu[s]). Bin Salman = “n” x 2 turned to one “u.” The dropping of a maximum of two junk letters “i” and “l” gets you maabu. Replace redundant “a” with missing “s” = Mabus.
MBS/MaBuS intends to destroy Saudi Arabia’s main regional power threat, Iran (land of the Magus-Majus from line four of the Great King of Terror prophecy 10 Q72). This Arab Prince as King of Terror aims to manipulate either the US or Israel or both to inflict terror of conventional and perhaps even nuclear weapons from the skies on Iran. But as he is slotted to be an early casualty in his War of the Third Antichrist (8 Q77) perhaps the formidable regional ballistic missile forces of Iran obliterate him plus the Saudi and Gulf States’ capacity to produce oil as the Iranians have threatened if a full-scale US war upon them, pushed by MaBuS-MBS should take place.
This could drag Iran’s allies Russia “AND” China (Khan of the Mongols) into a direct confrontation with the US and Israel over Iran. The great “King” of terror ends up possibly being the man who would be responsible for triggering World War III, either President Trump or Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, who pull Trump’s unconsciously open channel strings.

Click on this link and read more about this forthcoming book and how you can get a personal notice when it’s out.
As I’ve detailed in my first two books (Trump for President and Trump Strikes Syria And North Korea? and will bring to a climax in the forthcoming President Trump Predictions) a non-biased read of Trump’s natal astrology reveals him to be a very powerful medium picking up on the desires of crowds and individuals. However, he his tragically unconscious of this intuition and unaware of how psychically gullible it makes him as an object of manipulation by dark souls like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton.
The gullible lead the gullible it would seem for many of my Trump supporting readers like the one below, put all their blind trust in his “channeling” to make America great again. But to be fair, their delusion of blind belief is equal to the Americans who hysterically hate Trump and therefore blindly fall into the trap of trying to tear him down with their negativity, an effort that every enemy of Trump tried and failed to achieve. Indeed they are taken down, all the 21 Republican candidates, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party, not once in 2016 but perhaps twice in 2020 if they don’t drop this Trump-hating negativity that consumes their energy and vision to win the next election.
So read then in the following passage my compassionate answer to my Hogue reading friend’s comment, which I repeat again:
I hope GOD favors President Trump. As imperfect as Trump is; we still need to support him. Does Nostradamus predict China’s part in WWIII…?
Gain FULL ACCESS right now to all FIVE Articles with a donation of only $5.00, or a little more to sustain Hogueprophecy. Put June One in the PayPal memo line. I will send a PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal.
DATELINE: 19 June 2019

USS Harry S. Truman supercarrier: capital ship or a capital loss to carrier-killing ASBMs?
Source: US Navy.
The Prelude to a Battle in the Persian Gulf foreseen in a Terrible Vision inspired by the final apocalyptic bars of Vaughan Williams’ Fourth Symphony
My first wave of Iran Crisis articles introduced an excerpt from Nostradamus: The War with Iran where I visualized a future battle in the Persian Gulf. Search for article three of my 25 May articles: The Battle of the Persian Gulf. What it would look like if it happened in our Near Future—Another potential cause for Mourning on US Memorial Days to Come?
I want to share something very personal. One of my divination tools that triggers the thin flame of vision opening to the kind of realistic, as if I was there, visions, hearing and seeing in detail beyond imagination’s capability to grasp a potential and terrible future.
The kind of futures of which anyone who has the prophetic gift must bear witness. One in this field has to acquire a strange and transpersonal centering that makes what is seen even more real and terrible, yet even as I cried and shuddered with my whole body-mind at these visions unlocked by this symphonically apocalyptic music, the center of me was untouched. It is witnessing all of it, including the human being impacted by the vision watching in enfold.
What Henry shares is what many of you have stated about the Vision of the Battle of the Persian Gulf.

This image gone viral on Internet shows a Chinese Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM) on hypersonic terminal approach over a US carrier. Iran (possibly with Chinese help) has recently and successfully tested their own ASBMs. Source: China.
Hi John. Your description of what would happen to our fleet is terrifying.
It certainly is, Henry, one I hope never to see made present-day. What I’ve put into print in that narrative in the best words can try to convey was so clear and vivid a vision as if it was actually happening and I was living it as if I was channeling some PTSD-traumatized survivor yet to be picked up from the ocean after that battle, yet to be fought. Hopefully never.
Yet I’m “already there.”
It was music that triggered the vision. The final hundred bars or so of Vaughan Williams 4th Symphony.
I saw the first ASBM descending from space at Mac 12 (at minute 32:25) with a flurry of anti-missile fire from the carrier starting at (32:55). The aerial explosion scattering the “lightning-rain” cutting apart flight deck crews and igniting parked jets at (33:15). Then with a terrible rush (33:23) came the second ASBM from space with its AWFUL ship-igniting fireball at (33:34) as clear and detailed as if I had seen this horrible potential as reality.
Like the horse in WW! and the battleship in WW2, aircraft carriers are now obsolete missile “magnets”. Since Iraq’s parliament just voted for American forces to leave, we won’t be able to mount a land invasion unless we invade Iraq again.
Yes, if Iraq can actually get them to leave then the US plan to invade Khuzestan, the western-most, Arab majority province in Iran that has most of the Iranian oil fields will not be seized and occupied. In my book I foresaw American Marines trying to seize all the disputed islands in the Persian Gulf current occupied by Iranian troops who are heavily dug in and fortified. Think Iwo Jima in the Persian Gulf, or the Battle of Tarawa. That level of intense fighting between Iranian and US troops looks more likely on those island Iranian bases.
So we will be limited to the Persian Gulf as a theater of war. And yes the Israelis and the Saudis (led by Mabus) will do anything to get it started. With “friends” like this ….
It really looks like it is all lining up and MBS “is” Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist “M(a)B(u)S”.
I must bear witness to something. I know many of you will react negatively to it or misunderstand. Others will think you are part of what I’m about to say, even though this is a delusion of your imagination.
A very small number of you, if you truly have the medium’s prophetic sight that spouts effortlessly out of your silent witnessing consciousness, as if reflected in a mirror that is neither for or against what is seen, a mirror that equally reflects the ego, emotional and body centers in reaction-response to wonders and horrors seen.
If you are able to be completely available but completely, equally removed, not desiring at all to have the prophet’s vision, not ambitious to own it as some most-subtle ego adornment. If the identity-shaped “wave” that shapes the One Soul of all Existence itself can, at unguarded moments, forget it is a wave, a drew drop, and re-member-regather the understanding lost by playing a game of awakened ones one day pretending to forget awakening and then forgetting that the forgetting game was only a game, and forgot it was a game; if this IN-o-sense be true, then what I’m about to say will be received as I intended it and not how most of you will project your identity-hopes, fears and expectations upon it:
I know… First hand… What it was like for Nostradamus to have these visions shake his soul. I know what aloneness and difficulty he had and the courage he had, to risk trying to warn against their fulfillment. I know the depth he knew of how deeply people would take his statements according to their own lack of awareness and idle and trifling need to be entertained by his visions, until they began happening, and they became frightened and fearful of him. I know what Nostradamus felt when these attempts to help people change course were ignored and he faced slander, calumny, death threats from the very people he was trying to help avoid following down unnecessary and tragic fates they were mindlessly bent to fulfill.
You call him prophetic success.
Nostradamus and I know better.
We call us, prophetic failures.
We tried to warn you that the future is potential and you can change its inclination to darkness before it is too late. And when it is too late and Nostradamus and I are admired for our accuracy being proven by some and condemned by others who think we seek that kind of recognition—that we want dire prophecy’s fulfillment to aggrandize ourselves in your eyes, in both cases, we are sad for your misunderstanding of this work.
Hindsight is useless, unless you learn from its mistake to then PREVENT a future we warn from happening.
We challenge you to make us wrong.
I know each moment what he knew and struggled to accept and reconcile. He as well as I mostly see people with eyes and enlightenment wide shut, step into these catastrophes, admiring his and my prophetic gifts in hindsight, which is a futile regard of fools.
We meant you to heed and forestall by your awakened and intelligent action those dire futures meant not to happen.
With this in heart and mind, let me take you to a future I lovingly want you to prevent:
DATELINE: 19 June 2019

Illustration of Chinese ASBM “downpour.” Iran works on its own version.
Source: Chinese Internet.
General Commentaries and my Replies on my first wave of Iran Crisis articles
This will also include Comments and Answers about the Climate Crisis and the REAL Chemtrails coming soon to a Sky over You
The first letter is from Sarah. She is commenting on my ? War With Iran ? article wave from late May that also included the powerful vision of what a naval battle would look like between the US carriers and Iranian sub and supersonic missile barrages that Henry earlier discussed with me:
Hi John, I’ve just read your article on Iran and it has devastated me. My daughters are half Persian with family all across Iran. I’ve just returned from a visit to former inlaws and folk are terrified.
Conditions… Are dire . Unemployment, is very high, food shortages, medicines. These people are dying right now.
I was there in [19]79 at the start of the revolution and have visited every two years. Iranians are secretive and paranoid. US intervention or attack will be met with such force it could wipe out half the planet.
Which is your latest book on Iran? I need to read more to get a handle on what’s going down.
Thanks for your superb work.
If the America of this dark passage in its life as a nation had to withdraw from all its military adventures, release the world from all of its inhuman sanctions upon others. If this America would confront its warmongering addiction, return its men and women and weapons home, this America could rebuild and rebirth itself into something truly wonderful.
If this America could drop war, most war in the world would be dropped.
Every war-addicted nation, like the Germans before Americans, will finally face a war their addiction deserves. A war with Iran could be such a war that rapidly collapses the US military empire.

IRGC assault boats doing fire training on dummy US carrier. Source: FARS News, Hamed Jafarnejad, 2015.
The other way it will collapse is the way that I would prefer. By weaponizing their money America is even alienating its allies and therefore the world is turning its back on the dollar in the first half of the next decade. Without the value of the dollar, the military empire cannot be sustained. That will force an end to this madness of America without a shot being fired.
In either case, Americans need to come home and rebuild their nation, rebuild their vision, return to their constitutional laws and start living by example rather than by hypocrisy and violence.
Iran is an ancient nation that knows how to endure such flash-in-the-pan Empires, from Alexander’s to the American.
The book I would suggest you read is my forthcoming third and most recent edition of Nostradamus: The War with Iran—Islamic Prophecies of the Apocalypse—The New Third Edition. This edition will have additional chapters about the Trump Administration’s, Israel’s and Saudi Arabia’s current threats and dangerous games of brinksmanship. This new material will follow what I said about the Bush and Obama administrations, taking us huge steps to the precipice we stand at now with Iran. In every case there has been a bipartisan effort by different Israeli governments, left leaning, centrist or right wing to lobby the US hard for a war with Iran. Their lobbying includes Israel’s deeply embedded influence in the US Government that includes many a key neocon possessing equal US and Israeli citizenship. I would suggest you also read the Second Edition now, 90 percent of it will be unchanged because of its shocking accuracy so far.
Jessica Adams has announced she’s writing a book on Nostradamus. Take care she doesn’t plagiarize your fine scholarship.
Thanks for the warning. Fortunately, my book on the Nostradamus and the Notre Dame fire will be published much sooner than her book. And in it will be the devastating review of her Nostradamian and astrological skills.
Next a follow-up session with Henry who inspired my earlier article from today. I will reveal in the following discussion some secrets about how I cope with my prophetic visions’ impact on my psyche. We also discuss Chemtrail theory and I explain the Chemtrail program planned that’s soon coming to a sky over you that is verifiable…
Gain FULL ACCESS right now to all FIVE Articles with a donation of only $5.00, or a little more to sustain Hogueprophecy. Put June One 2019 in the PayPal memo line. I will send a PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal.
DATELINE: 14-15 May 2019, Updated 19 June

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – The Mock Turtle drew a long breath and said: “That’s very curious.” Artist: Arthur Rackham (1867-1939).
Two attempts to Write John Bolton a Prophetic Role as The Walrus in Louis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland
Louis Carrol of Alice in Wonderland fame inspired two Hogue readers to insert a prophecy into a famous few lines of the Walrus (Koo-koo-Kachoo!):
Louis Carroll Prophecies well who knows ..?
“The time has come, the walrus said,
to speak of many things.
Of shoes and ships (CHINA),
and sealing wax (FISA),
and cabbages (clinton,obama,comey,trudeau), and kings (Trump).
pretty darned prophetic eh? God Bless.
The next example rather than just inserting words tried another tactic. This reader tried retaining Carrol’s spirit of tone, poetic meter, etc., but also attempted to make his inserts sound as if Carrol had written the Walrus a new line topical to our political and economic times:
The time has come,
John Bolton with the Walrus mooch said,
To preach of many things.
Of Shoes and Ships,
Tariffs and sales slips,
And Huawei Sino-memes.
And sealing wax,
Upon press attacks,
To phase out by FISA
The Free Speech dreams,
Of Cabbage heads of state and kings.
Comely Trumping we Go,
Tral-la! Tral-ah! Trudeau
Oh Canada,
We ottah-wah!
B‘cause Obama-Nation,
We know.
Which Prophecy is Cabbage?
Which Prophecy is King?
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