Michael Nostradamus. Line engraving. Welcome Collection. Public Domain Mark PDM 1.0 Deed Public Domain Mark 1.0 Universal. Source: Welcome Collection. © Creative Commons.
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DATELINE: 28 February 2021

Nostradamus and James Randi. Author, James Randi Educational Foundation. Photo: Eduardo Aparicio. © Creative Commons.
An Introduction
Let’s take a break from the world events of 2021 and explore the prophetic genius of Nostradamus through the choices of ten verses that are among his best purportedly fulfilled prophecies. They’ve been picked by James Randi. This former American magician-turned-evangelical atheist may be the twentieth century’s most famous debunker of everything paranormal and especially the prophecies of Nostradamus and those who would dare interpret him—the more well-known like myself, greater his predatory attack. My subscribers will remember his appearance in an obituary I wrote in the November-December article wave. (New Subscribers since then can write me at hoguebulletin@hogueprophecy.com to request a PDF downloaded copy of that article wave with the article, once you’ve made your subscription (see the Green Eye logo and link).

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Randi saw me as public enemy number one Nostradamian as did his disciples, the theatrical-and-TV magicians Penn and Teller who are responsible for Showtime’s Bullshit Show. Although I tried to set up a one-on-one videotaped debate with Randi several times he at last did an absolutely magical disappearance trick on 20 October 2020 at age 92, rest in peace. He avoided being in my physical proximity to the end. He especially didn’t want to do any interview where his victims could have the last word. Randi knew as I did there was much to correct and counter-challenge. His debating style was more showman than showing a man up who knows what his mentalist game and tricks were.
One of my dearest friends, one-time writing partner and professional magician going by the life and theater name Ma Parivarta (Sanskrit for “total conversion”) has met Penn and Teller and I think also James Randi. It happened when she was an honored member and performer at the who’s who of magic in the 1990s, Hollywood’s Magic Castle just north on a hill overlooking Grauman’s Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard. It was then the Mecca of parlor magic, the El Dorado of Las Vegas lads and lassie illusionists who do bunk-and-poof before magic mirrors and spellbound audiences around the world.

Maharani Parivarta, Magician Extraordinaire! Source: Meg Hodgets.
Maharani Parivarta taught me to embrace a different kind of vision concerning what performance magic can be. In a way what she did was radical, compared to the mainstream modus operandi of Randi, Penn and Teller, which was more negative, like “ha, ha!” we tricked you, we fooled you (i.e. made you a fool). She told me how Penn thrust a business card in her direction that said on it very boldly “F*CK GOD!” as he was as much an evangel for atheism as Bill Maher on the HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher.
Golly, James, Pen, Teller and Bill, why proselytize the canon of no God so hard and holy if he doesn’t exist? Why become an anti-deity, deist?
Parivarta certainly performed magic “tricks” but her more Jungian feminine approach was not to deceive the audience but bring them to a moment of magical wonder. She let magic tricks be her device to entice children of all ages into a gap of surprise, to have a taste of mystery and see the world beyond her smoke, mirrors and humorous performances (such as my favorite where she saws a Barbie doll in half but the trick, doesn’t work… um… Oooops!)
The openness of the unexpected in a stage performance reflected in Parivarta’s magic mirror gave hint of ways life outside the show will surprise you and lift you up miraculously.
In my obit of James Randi there is this passage where he delivered me a challenge, and this article wave is my updated and expanded answer to what I wrote in the mid-1990s and published in 1997 for Element Books entitled Nostradamus: the Complete Prophecies. To set it up, in the mid-1990s I was working on this 950-page epic, and took an offer to do another History Channel documentary with a woman director who had just flown in to Seattle from a taping of James Randi appearing in the same show. The director carried a message from Randi, a challenge. I talked about it in my RIP James Randi article from October:
I was led to understand that when my Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies came out, that HE would be THE FIRST to order and purchase it and that HE would let me be the first to see how he trashed it!
I told the director to tell him that I would happily take up the challenge by inserting my review of his attempt to debunk Nostradamus in his Scribner’s published bestseller The Mask of Nostradamus that came out in 1990.
I had that book already. In it was James Randi’s thorough, but I would say flawed, ten most famous Nostradamus predictions that he claimed to debunk. I took those ten debunkings and when those verses scattered throughout Nostradamus’ Les Propheties (The Prophecies) came up for an interpretation I debunked the debunker who needed a little more scholarship and true skeptical inquiry, and a little less cynical bile.
Not surprisingly, Randi never handed me his anticipated trashing of my 950-page book when it came out in 1997.
Originally I had planned to serialize these ten segments, but why wait? Life is so uncertain. I’ve decided to give my readers today the entire list of ten quatrains (four-line poems) that Randi did his worst to destroy their prescient credibility. And you will be seeing this updated and expanded version first. Then a few years from now they will be inserted in the greatest mega writing project of my career, a three-volume set (750 pages each) of the most complete examination of ALL of Nostradamus prophecies ever made in 4.6 centuries.
Additionally, I will end this wave with a sample of four more updated and expanded quatrains Randi carefully did not choose to take on. The reason being that stage performers-turned-into-“expert” debunkers have good survival instincts not to throw themselves on the horns of a dilemma, one of Nostradamus’ debunkable-proof quatrains, unless they can distract this bull with some entertaining bullshit chosen to enlarge their flim-flam performance as cynics in skeptic’s clothing. Better the predatory lion should pick the weaker quatrains in the herd, the ones you can cover enough with the smell and distractions to produce doubt in their efficacy. Beware the Nostradamian hunter who knows far more than the debunking prey your trail of thinking and maneuvering. Here then comes a debunking of the debunker.
Not only are you going to see the deconstruction of Randi’s entertaining tries, but you will also, perhaps for the first time, encounter what are breathtaking visions of the future as seen from the mid-1550s and if you had not known why many call Nostradamus the “King of Prophets” you’ll at least understand why some people believe that he was, while others do their best, jealously even, to knock the crown off Nostradamus’ head.
I call this jealousy PME (Parlor Magician’s Envy).
The Randies, the Penns and the Tellers of the world are pretend magicians of the stage. Nostradamus was a “real” magician. He conjured authentic visions of the future.
But don’t believe me, be a true skeptical inquirer.
Don’t do the Randi and start your journey with a negative conclusion seeking to project itself on Nostradamus’ verses before you’ve ever seen them.

Nostradamus in his study plotting the future with the stars.
See for yourself, as we begin this journey with the first debunking attempt, a battle royale of a parlor magician versus Nostradamus the authentic magician with the prophecy that made him famous across the courts of Europe in 1559. It is a quatrain, a four-lined verse, written by Nostradamus sometime in 1554, published in May 1555, that foresaw the death of the King of France, Henry II. He would later write an astrological pamphlet in 1558 describing the malevolent moment it could happen.
I say again “could,” not “will.”
Nostradamus was prophecy’s greatest champion proving the future is open to free will. And when summoned to court to explain his prophecy by the King and Queen France, he would attempt to change that future for the better for he also gave the king in his verses another future option.
Now we begin…
DATELINE: 28 February 2021
Nostradamus Famously Predicted the Death
Of King Henry II of France in a Jousting Accident
1 Q35
Le lyon ieune le vieux ƒurmontera1,
En champ bellique2 par ƒingulier duelle:
Dans caige d’or les yeux luy creuera,
Deux claƒƒes3 vne, puis mourir, mort cruelle.
The young lion will overcome the old one,
On the field of combat in single battle:
He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage,
Two wounds one, then to die, cruel death.
1Le Vieux, in this sense is not an elderly old person. French military jargon then as now would tell us Le Vieux is slang for the seasoned “veteran.” 2Latin bellicus = of battle. 3Usually Latin classis = fleet, or army . In this case, however, allegedly from Greek klasis = a break, a fracture. Arthur Prieditis adds that klasis is a term used in geology for fault-line implying a double meaning: the fatal wounding of the King of France caused by the fractured lance would cause an earthquake in European politics.

Click on this link and read the first full-bodied biography every written on Nostradamus’ life “and” Afterlife.
[Please note that except for the opening paragraph, we journey into is a distillation of the full story of this quatrain’s fulfillment that you can read in my biography Nostradamus: A Life and Myth.]
The verse where it all began. It launched Nostradamus’ fame and infamy, making him the talk of the courts of Europe. This is the verse that propelled the fascination and the controversy globally that was, and remains, Nostradamus, a hot prophetic topic down 4.6 centuries to the present day. We begin with what may very well be the first person, the First Nostradamian, the first fan. She picked up and read a premier copy of the earliest published serialized installment of what would become his history of the future, Les Propheties (The Prophecies). It happened sometime in the late spring of 1555. She is none other than Catherine de Medici, the Queen of France.
Nostradamus could count himself lucky that his publisher Macé Bonhomme and his team were unusually efficient and prompt for designing, typesetting and gaining royal permissions to distribute his book for their day. The first installment of a planned serialization of Les Propheties contained the Preface and 353 quatrains from Centuries (Volumes) 1, 2, and 3 and over half of Century 4. These were completed by Nostradamus on 1 March 1555 and sent to Lyon shortly thereafter, most likely by expensive special courier. They might have reached Lyon in a month.
Bonhomme received the imprimateur of royal privilege sanctioning the production of the book on the final day of April 1555.
It was signed by Hugues de Puis, Seigneur de la Mothe, Counselor of the King and Seneschal (Lord Lieutenant Governor) of Lyon.
The imprimatur was an official privilege sought by publishers across France and dispensed by representatives of the king before a book could be published within the kingdom of France. A manuscript must first pass the scrutiny of royal authorities to see whether its assertions were offensive to the Catholic faith, or to the person of the king. If deemed politically and spiritually correct, the publisher would receive a letter of endorsement that often found itself printed on the fore page of the book. This royal privelège was an early form of copyright, granting the publisher sole rights for a certain period of time to reprint or sell the book in the area under the Lord Lieutenant Governor de la Mothe’s jurisdiction. Thus, publisher Macé Bonhomme and Nostradamus’ book had to pass a similar censorship check before receiving a royal privilege to sell his book in each province of the French Realm.
Copies of this first serialization of Les Propheties were in print from 4 May 1555 onwards. That means the completion of manuscript, mailing, and the approval process by royal censors in Lyon leading at last to printed copies for sale, took only nine weeks!
Next, Bonhomme would send one of the first finely bound copies straight to the Royal Library in Paris. The rapid spread of the information revolution of the printed book and free ideas across France compelled François I, in 1522, to decree that all publishers in the realm were obligated to send a copy of every newly printed book, post haste, to the Royal Library where it was indexed and scrutinized. There, too, a new book would pass through another process of royal scrutiny and approval for the coveted right to be published in the French capital, the intellectual center of the French Renaissance.
A volume of Les Propheties de M. Nostradamus, pungent in its gleaming leather cover and new ink, found its way to the Royal Library, and not long afterwards, perhaps in early June 1555, a librarian or a courtier in the library—possibly an avid reader of Nostradamus’ earlier Prognostications, or someone appointed especially to be on the lookout for the newest occult, magical or astrologically oriented books—made his mistress aware of this exceptionally ambitious stab at divination. Thus it came to pass that one of the first persons to lay her laced and richly bejeweled hand across the opened pages of quatrains was none other than the Queen of France.
Catherine de Medici was wont to collect books, astrologers, necromancers and magicians in her private apartments at the Louvre, or sequester her soothsayers and their magical and scrying tools for secret ceremonies at Chaumont, her private château along the Loire River. Inside her private apartments in Paris, at the Louvre, or at the summer residence of St.-Germain-en-Laye, she would lay aside the pretense of being the most Catholic Queen of the realm. The defender of the Holy Church practiced the occult arts because she believed it was her royal right to use them—sometimes as a window of insight, at other times as a weapon to preserve her reign and protect her children. On secret sessions held in her apartments she would enter the proceedings by ceremoniously reversing her crucifix so that Christ was against her breast, and revealing on the reverse side to all assembled an effigy of naked Apollo, god of divination, founder of the prophetic line of Brachidae.
In the company of her young priestesses and brooding astrologers she would consult her gods beyond the magic mirror or read the signs hidden in a wide variety of forbidden arts, which could help her map a future course, put hexes on her enemies, and further her ambitions. Behind the mask of a submissive and tolerant queen, there lay coiled and primed a great will and expectation that her four sons and three daughters would follow the Medici tradition, and bring greater influence of the Medici/Valois upon the kingdoms of Europe through strategically arranged marriages into dominant royal bloodlines.
Lately the signs were not good. The portents showed a threat to the continued good fortune of her husband, the king. His cloudy fate could endanger the future of the French throne and that of their children. Consequently, her captivation with Nostradamus and his new book of prophecies was instantaneous. A number of spine-chilling clues in the hypnotically wild and cryptic quatrains must have caught her eye.
She would read on and soon come across Quatrain 35, Century 1. Perhaps her own initial and unguarded reactions later gave rise to gossip whispered through the court that a fellow named Nostradamus dared publish a prophecy of mortal danger for the king:
The young lion will overcome the older one,
On the field of combat in single battle:
He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage,
Two wounds one, then to die, cruel death.
The queen, like many of her courtiers, believed the older lion mentioned was the king. Henry had a passion for ritual combat, and he usually thundered down the lists like an advancing lion, leaning on his steed with lowered lance behind a shield. Even though Nostradamus beclouds specifics in the cryptic riddles of lines three and four, a hint of malevolent destiny came through clear. If the older lion was Henry, he faced a cruel death from a double wound of some kind, delivered by a younger lion-like combatant, either through war or, nearly as dangerous, a clash of weapons in ritual combat.
Surviving correspondences dated from the following year clearly indicate that Nostradamus’ quatrain rekindled Catherine’s interest in a similar prediction delivered years earlier by one of her occult counselors back in Florence, the celebrated astrologer and mathematician Luc Gauricus, the Bishop of Civitate. Before Henry’s accession to the throne in 1547, Catherine had ordered Gauricus to draw up their horoscopes. Because the future king and queen were born a mere 10 days apart, Gauricus wrote that they had similar malefic aspects of Mars and Saturn which made them prone to illness affecting the head or violent death from a head wound. If two two-headed omens could inspire Nostradamus with the temerity to publish his prophecies, two similar portents from two seers of Florence and Provence resolved Catherine to bring this issue before Henry even though he was loath to indulge her infatuation with the occult.

Henry II of France.
Henry’s first impressions are unknown, but it is safe to say that he remained skeptical, yet intrigued enough by the serendipitous parallel forecasts of two noted astrologers from distant quarters that he humored Catherine’s desire to have this Dr. Nostradamus summoned from Salon to explain himself.
Nostradamus received his summons from the king for an audience and left Salon de Crau [present-day Salon-en-Provence] with pensive relations and some public fanfare on 14 July 1555. This would precipitate the demise of another popular myth. It was not the momentum of public interest in his work that eventually brought him to the attention of Catherine de’ Medici and the court the following summer. Indeed, the spread of his fame and reputation might have come to the rest of France starting from the top down instead in the summer of 1555. The queen by June being one of the first people to read Les Propheties spread the news around court; a few months later, the tome would arrive at bookstalls across the kingdom in the first sizable numbers.
New evidence does not color Nostradamus’ mood very brightly after receiving his summons to Paris. We might consider with a little irony that our 51-year-old wayfarer, enduring rough-housing of sixteenth-century roads inside a coach, after too many pleasurably sedentary years, marked the onset of his first harrowing relay from post to royal post on 14 July—the date on which future Frenchmen would celebrate “Bastille Day,” the overthrow of the Bastille keep and dungeons that ignited the French Revolution in 1789. When Nostradamus rode through Lyon on 27 July, he expressed a premonition of foreboding to an associate that one might expect from a condemned man on his way to the Bastille prison. Nostradamus confessed a fear that his trip to Paris would end with ill treatment, imprisonment, and the chopping block before 25 August.
Paris at last stretched out before the weary and anxious traveler on 15 August 1555. The date of Nostradamus’ arrival happened to coincide with the Assumption Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Either by intent or chance good omen, Nostradamus reached the southwestern approaches of Europe’s second-largest metropolis (of 160,000 souls) on the feast day of his sacred namesake Notre Dame. Following the lead of other self-fulfilling omens he lodged himself in the Inn of Saint-Michel near Notre Dame Cathedral.
Early the next morning none other than Anne de Montmorency, the Grand Constable of France, summoned the exhausted Nostradamus from his hotel room. Such was the queen’s urgent desire to see the prophet that she had summoned the Commander-in-Chief of all French forces to escort Nostradamus for a prompt royal audience outside of Paris at St. Germain-en-Laye.

Anne de Montmorency, Grand Constable of France. For those of you who know the country music song about a boy named “Sue” it applies well to this burly warrior named “Anne.” Don’t mess with Anne.
The entire French court awaited his arrival. The Constable and his charge dismounting the carriage and made a path to the royal apartments through a gathering crowd of immaculately dressed and bejeweled nobles and ladies, pressing close over a forest of lace and plumes for a peek at the little scholar in his plain four-cornered cap—the “prophet,” the “humbug” from the Midi. It is safe to assume that Nostradamus was assailed from all sides by questions (as well as the aroma of perfume). He accepted their queries and jokes in polite silence. It was three months since printers began lifting copies of Les Propheties off their presses, and by now the prophecies had been devoured and discussed by many in court; and certainly many others who had not read his book nevertheless offered their unqualified opinions for and against the prophet. Les Prophecies of M. Nostradamus were all the rage among the upper classes and nobility thanks to a readership Nostradamus had already cultivated from the success of his almanacs.
Nothing but a most dry and matter-of-fact account by his son César begins to address a biographer’s interest in knowing intimate details of what transpired or was discussed at Nostradamus’ royal audience. We know that Henry excused himself early, and that Nostradamus and Catherine, once alone, spoke without break for two hours. When Nostradamus left the audience, he was not ushered away to the dungeons by dark-humored guards. Instead, a bank of pages in festive Royal livery politely directed him to fine guest apartments at the neighboring palace of the Archbishop of Sens in St.-Germain-en-Laye.
Beyond these dry facts, there are a number of themes for discussion that we can assume transpired between a reverent (yet secretly nervous) royal subject, a moderately interested (yet intellectually lightweight) king, and a queen suppressing her excitement sufficiently to sustain the proper regal airs. It was said that Catherine de’ Medici had the ability to adapt herself to whoever she met and place herself on their level at once. By putting Nostradamus at ease, she could begin the process of unmasking the secrets this inscrutable yet kindly eyed and deferential Provençal held about her husband and her children’s future. Beside her, Henry was a model in studied French boredom. If Nostradamus had written a book about tennis, or a treatise on jousting and hunting—now that would have conjured more than a passing interest.
Henry most likely excused himself as soon as Nostradamus had diplomatically explained quatrain 35 of Century 1 to his satisfaction. What could Nostradamus have said to please the king and send him happily off to the tennis courts or out riding in the royal hunting reserve? Nostradamus’ future dedication of the final three centuries of Les Propheties reveals that he knew how to stroke Henry’s vanity with the turgid, syrupy eloquence of his words. He was also aided by Henry’s often-recorded sense of fair play with fate. Henry could serenely face any outcome of a test of arms, be it victory or death, as long as he carried himself into the fog and violence of war with honor and nobility; the rest would be for God to decide. The fulfillment of prophecies from astrologers such as Gauricus or Nostradamus were rendered unto God. Because God alone controlled his destiny, the king found it easy to shrug off the words of soothsayers.
Once the flattered monarch had made his excuses and left, perhaps Catherine and Nostradamus warmed up to each other, discoursing on a wide range of topics leading at last to astrology and prophecy. It is safe to say, based on the following historical events, that Catherine was deeply impressed by Dr. Nostradamus; indeed, she might have been the royal who arranged to move his lodging to the magnificent palace of the Archbishop of Sens. Once ensconced in his luxurious surroundings, all the excitement and strain of the audience brought on illness. The following day a page presented the bedridden soothsayer with a velvet purse from the king and queen containing a financial reward to compensate for his long journey from the south of France. Once alone, he poured out the contents of the purse, and it can be surmised that he flared up into one of his short but powerful rages.
Years later in 1561, Nostradamus relates his own reaction to this paltry sum to Jean Morel in one of his few authenticated correspondences:
As a fine reward for having gone to court, I became sick, whereupon His Majesty and King sent me one hundred crowns. The Queen sent me thirty. There you have a fine sum for having come two hundred leagues: having spent a hundred crowns, I made thirty crowns out of it. (Letter to Jean Morel, Nostradamus, Fonds Latin, no. 8589 French National Library.)
Nostradamus soon rectified his financial woes with a steady flow of courtiers and nobles paying for astrological readings. However, the upset and workload, added to the strain of the long journey, and the heat-inducing wines and heavy northern French cooking landed the aging man at the 51-years and eight-month’s mark in bed for 10 days with his first serious recorded attack of gout.
Sometime that autumn, after Nostradamus had returned safely to honors and a life of celebrity at home, Catherine received Henry’s permission to send Luc Gauricus a letter asking him to re-examine the king’s horoscope. In a reply dated 5 February 1556, Gauricus told Henry “to avoid all single combat in an enclosed place, especially near his 41st year [1559], for in that period of his life he was menaced by a wound in the head which might rapidly result in blindness or even in death.”
Henry remained serenely noncommittal about dire fortune awaiting him with lances and lists. Claude de l’Aubespine, who translated the letter of Luc Gauricus into French (from Latin) for Henry, mentioned the king’s reply in his Histoire particulière del la Cour de Henry II (Archives Curieuses de la France, s. I, vol. III, 1835, pp. 295–6); the courtier Brantôme also confirmed that the following conversation between the King and Montgomery took place.
Henry told the captain of his Scottish Guards, Gabriel de Lorges, Comte de Montgomery: “I care not if my death be in that manner more than in any other. I would even prefer it, to die by the hand of whoever he might be, so long as he was brave and valiant and that I kept my honor.”

Gabriel de Lorges (left) Henry II (right) at the moment of the collision.
This conversation, confirmed by two sources would document an ironic prescient fate awaiting the King and his Captain of the Scottish guard awaiting fulfilment four years hence!
April 1559 also brought hope for the future of France. The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis was signed on 2/3 April 1559. Henry had ceded continental dominance to Spain, yet the Valois’ loss in the half-century-long Franco-Spanish struggle for European hegemony was considered a small price to pay. French territories had actually increased. The injurious drain of war on the economy was over.
The Franco-Spanish peace now solidified by blood alliances brought celebration across Western Europe. The celebrations of peace and the dual royal marriages would commence in Paris by mid-June 1559. Young 14-year-old Elisabeth de Valois would marry the somber, middle-aged Spanish monarch (by proxy) on 22 June. On 28 June Marguerite de Valois, Henry’s sister, and the Duke of Savoy would ceremoniously sign their own marriage contract, launching a three-day-long ritual contest of arms, pitting Henry II against his finest captains of the guard, after which a long series of banquets and festivities would climax with the marriage of Savoy and Marguerite on 9 July. Invitations were sent to notable personages across France and Europe. It would seem likely that if Nostradamus had been invited, some record of the invitation would have existed—some comment at least—even if he had declined. Perhaps it was not good form to invite one who was believed by many at court to be an augur of ill tidings for kingly jousts

Henry II of France.
His specific opinions about the planned festivities are unknown, but the astrological predictions recorded in August 1558 for publication in a booklet in Paris (published by le Noir) clearly indicate that he expected some great catastrophe would befall France. The essential prophetic warning of his paper entitled Les Significations de l’Eclipse, qui sera le 16. Septembre 1559… is that malevolent aspects of the planets Mars and Jupiter would magnify the effect of a lunar eclipse on 16 September 1559. The evil influence of the stars and moon would begin manifesting in March and show their first powerful and destabilizing impact on the French community by June. The effect would last all the way through 1560, with the potential to foster civil and religious discord a further two years. In short, Nostradamus warned that by June 1559, and until 1563, France would suffer great doubt, enormous social and religious fracture, violence, conspiracies, and great profanities against God committed by the “Jovialists” (his name for the Huguenots). Starting in June a shadow of great fear and doubt would cover and darken the land, clouding over the reasoning of Christian monarchs of the true (Catholic) religion.
Already the first inclinations of that gathering shadow had arrived when on 2 June Henry set in motion his long-anticipated purge of Protestant “heretics.” Some members of Parliament resisting his edict publicly denounced it in Parliamentary session, in the presence of the king and Charles de Guise, Cardinal de Lorraine. They were arrested.
One of the councilors, de Bourg, was condemned to death by the king in person for heresy after he had compared the monarch to the evil king Ahab.
“It is thou that troubles Israel!” said de Bourg, standing before the king at parliament.
Execution by hanging and burning would take place sometime after the festivities had ended. Thus at the onset of state celebration of the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis and the dual weddings, some at court were already whispering that the first influence of malefic stars for June was already in effect. As festive fluttering banners, pavilions and magnificently dressed gentlemen, ladies, and the princes of Europe converged on the city, Paris was already divided over religion. Many believed Henry’s persecution of the parliamentarians was the first step taken towards a religious civil war… Complete reading this and get full access to all eleven articles by choosing one of two options:
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Want to choose my monthly articles waves one at a time? Here’s what you do. Donate $5.00 or a Little More, to sustain HogueProphecy. Put 11 March 2021 in the PayPal memo line. I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021
In 1555
Predicted the Death
Of King Henry II of France
In a Jousting Accident
Foretold four years Before it Happened!
The drums rolled. Both adversaries reached for new lances. Catherine—with François and his wife Mary of Scotland sitting at her side—had stoically endured the terrible suspense of the last three days. Now she must endure a few moments more.
The ritual warriors circled around the lists pressing their chargers forward for the collision. Twice they missed one another, orbiting again the sawdust course and finding their range to hurl themselves at each other a third time.
The crowd fell silent.
Suddenly, there was a loud crack letting fly an explosion of tumbling wooden shards from Montgomery’s shattered lance.
A cry of horror rose from the crowd.
The king, reeling in his saddle, rode out of the explosion of wood with a gnarled and bloody splintered end of lance protruding out from where no shard of wood should be. Catherine de’ Medici let out a blood-curdling shriek and fainted, as did the Dauphin François and Dauphine Mary of Scotland beside her… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021
Montgolfier, the Inventor of the Balloon
and the Sixth Pope Pius named
By Nostradamus in 1556?
Or do we POP! this Balloon?
What the “ƒ” is “f”-ing going on here?
5 Q57
There will go forth from mont Gaulsier and the Aventine,
One who through the hole will warn the army.
Between two rocks the booty will be taken,
The renown of Sextus the celibate will fail…
…Neither Leoni or Randi explore a deeper layer of meaning. Nostradamus was a typical Renaissance thinker and scholar. He used Roman, Greek and biblical mythology to hide his clues. The mystery revealed could be something divinatory. The Aventine Hill was the site where the divinely fathered twins Romulus and Remus held a contest of augury. The winner earned the right to found, name, and lead the new city. Remus pitched his tent of augury on the Aventine Hill, Romulus tenting on the nearby Palatine Hill. Remus lost the augury game, thus Romulus named the city “Rome” and established it on the Palatine Hill.
Both twin brothers used ornithomancy divination—bird watching, concentrating upon their habits of flight, song, eating, etc. The Aventine was known as the “hill of auspicious birds.” In Remus’ case being the loser, the hill became known as the haunt for “inauspicious birds…” Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021
In 1555
Predicted the Fire of London
Happening in 1666!
2 Q51
The blood of the just will be demanded of London,
Struck down loudly by the stunningly bright fire
in [the year] twenty three [20 x 3 = 60],
the sixes [66 = 666]
The ancient dame will fall from her high place,
And many of the same sect will be killed…
…The fire broke out on Sunday, 2 September 1666. The homes of 100,000 of the city’s estimated half-million citizens were consumed after a fire started in Thomas Farriner’s bakery on Pudding Lane.
The quatrain supports the date with details of the fire itself. A change in the easterly hot summer winds helped London firefighters set controlled explosions with gunpowder kegs blasting down houses to build firebreaks. Perhaps Nostradamus in line two described these explosions as fouldres (lightning fire, from the old French foudoyer, which Kidogo reminds us means: “to strike; down or severely; suddenly, stunningly; with a loud noise and a dazzling bright light…” Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021
The Flight and Capture of King Louis XVI
And Queen Marie Antoinette at Varennes
And their Execution by Guillotine
9 Q20
By night he will come by the forest of Reines,
[Alternative Line One:]
“By night he will come through the doors
of Queens…”
A married couple, devious route, Queen white [diamond?] stone:
A monk-king in gray in Varennes,
Elected Cap. [Sauce] causes tempest, fire, blood slice…
…This Elected Cap. is the sixteenth Louis of House Bourbon. In the opening years of the Revolution he had been demoted to elected Constitutional Monarch of France. The fight to Varennes in June 1791, and finally the storming of the Tuileries in August 1792 ended any remaining pretense of royalty presiding for the French Revolution. He was stripped of his Bourbon surname and addressed as Citizen Louis Capet, taking the surname of the earliest French King, the Hugh Capet of the first Capetian dynasty ruling the Franks from 987 to 996.
By breaking his promise never to flee France the blood slice of the guillotine awaits Cap(et). Thus the broken promise causes tempest igniting the French Revolutionary Wars, a vicious civil war inside France between Royalists and Republicans and later the Terror purges of anyone by guillotine in France considered counter-revolutionary, ordered up by bloody Monsieur Robespierre after he took dictatorial control over the ironically entitled Committee of Public Safety in 1794… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021

Two months before the 10 August 1792 Insurrection Paris Commune attacked (see p. 55), Louis XVI’s apartments in the Tuileries were broken into by an armed mob of Republicans. They forced him to wear the scarlet Cap of Mithras (mitered), the symbol of the French Revolution. See it held above his head.
King Louis XVI Imprisoned
And the Attack of the 500 Marseillaise
On the Tuileries Palace
The Man who arrested the King
And the King’s Minister of War Named
9 Q34
The party [individual] alone, afflicted, will be mitered,
Returned, conflict will take place at the Tuileries:
By the five hundred one betrayer will be ennobled,
Narbon and Sauce we have oil for blades.
…The betrayer…ennobled may be Narbon standing for the French noble Count of Narbonne-Lara, a moderate revolutionary who the king dismissed as his mediocre Minister of War for being too eager to fight a war with Austria, putting the king on the spot with the National Assembly. The assembly in turn would seek Narbonne’s arrest after his dismissal for being too moderate.
Saulce, spelled with an l in the Old French form stands for Sauce, Mayor of Varennes, bridging this quatrain a second time to 9 Q20 for he arrested the King and Queen there. Line 4’s cryptic play of words and Sauce we have oil for our blades hints the approach of beheadings. As a grocery store owner, Sauce would also have been an olive oil merchant. In poetically figurative terms his role in the king’s arrest oiled the blade that would sever not only the king’s head but Sauce’s, in the Reign of Terror to come… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021
The Execution of Charles I of England
9 Q49
Ghent and Brussels will march against Antwerp
The Senate of London will put to death their king,
The salt and wine will overthrow him,
To have them the realm in disarray…
…Question: How many times between 1555 to the present has a King of England been executed by Parliament? Answer: Just Charles I in 1649. Furthermore, the quatrain indexing is 49, the year of the execution was (16)49.
How many economically challenged English kings were executed by order of Parliament during the division of the Spanish Netherlands that nearly destroyed the mercantile power of the Port of Antwerp around the year 1649?
Is this mere chance, or are we keeping our heads in the Scheldt mud, Mr. Randi…? Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021
Napoleon’s Anagram
And the Imprisonment of a Pope Named?
8 Q1
PAU, NAY, LORON will be more of fire than of the blood.
To swim in praise, the great one to flee to the confluence.
The Piuses [the Magpies], entry will be refused.
The depraved, Durance [of France] will keep them imprisoned…
…The anagram PAU, NAY, LORON swiveled once becomes Nay Pau Loron, and twice, Napaulon Roy (Mod. French, Roi) = Napoleon King. The spelling for Napoleon, a native of Corsica, in Corsican style, Napauleone, is even phonetically closer to the anagram. In a more sinister decoding, one drops an N, reverts the u phonetically to y. The anagram then forms a version of the Greek horror of the Apocalypse, Apollyon, the angel of the abyss from Revelations 9:11 (funny how that looks like an American emergency phone number). Apollyon in this case, is the Corsican horror Apaulyon Roy or “King Destroyer.” This is the man with the ferocious name of destroyer from 1 Q76. He is the first of three Antichrists foreseen by Nostradamus. The second and third (present-day) candidates are code named Hister and Mabus… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021
Is Adolf Hitler Named
Or the River Danube?
2 Q24
Beasts ferocious with hunger will swim across the rivers,
The greater part of the battlefield against Hiƒter will [they] be.
Into a cage of iron will the great one be drawn,
When the child of Germany observes nothing…
…Hitler’s conversion into an German Nationalist and anti-Semite, the future mass murderer of Nostradamus’ race in the Holocaust is one of the themes arising in the three Hister and two Ister quatrains. See the themes in the following overviews:
2 Q24: The greater camp on the battlefield (the Western Allies and the Soviets) against Hister. The cage of iron (cement bunker under construction) where the great man will be placed. The German child observing nothing, i.e. losing all reason under Hister.
4 Q68: Hister and his greatest Axis allies Italy (represented by Venice-and Mussolini’s African conquests of Libya, Somalia and Abyssinia) and Imperial Japan (from Asia). Places of great battles against Hitler on the Rhine, the bombing of Mussolini’s Genoa-Ligurian coast by the Allies and the Nazi air assault on Malta all named.
5Q29: Pope Pius, Mussolini and Hister vexing Venice (synecdoche for Fascist Italy). In a bridging prophecy linking the great Pontiff Pius XII to it, Nostradamus describes in 6 Q49, the crooked cross of the Swastika in play with the Vatican.
Presage 15: (H)Ister and Malta return. The people of Irale (an anagram for Israel) in the great furnace (the Holocaust) and the source of Hister’s destruction foretold in the clue Barb.—an apocope abbreviation for Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 that was called Operation Barbarossa!
Presage 31: Barbare-Ister (Barbarossa-(H)Ister) and geographical locations listed that match the Allied landings on Sicily, Solerno and Allied control of the Strait of Gibraltar…! Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021

RAF (Royal Air Force) bombers lighting Genoa up with Flares to be “lit up” by bombs. (Public domain)
Randi’s Second Wrestle
With another Hister/Hitler Quatrain:
Is it all River Danube Wet?
4 Q68
In the year very near [but] not far from Venus [Venice, Italy],
The two greatest ones of Asia and of Africa:
From the Rhine and Hiƒter they will be said to have come,
Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian shore…
…Cries, tears at Malta, issue from 1,300 Maltese dying in the rubble of 30,000 buildings demolished in ceaseless air raids by the German Luftwaffe during the Siege of Malta (11 June 1940 – 20 November 1942). The Ligurian capital and port of Genoa (the Ligurian shore) was a prime allied target for ocean and aerial Allied bombing raids because it was the busiest port in Italy with prime military targets like the Ansaldo and Piaggio shipyards. Between 14 June 1940 up to 7 March 1945 many tears in Genoa were shed for the loss of 11,183 buildings. The harbor, and marshalling yards were heavily bombed with three-quarters of the city’s industrial plants leveled. Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 February 2021

Empress Eugénie of France?
Randi’s Tenth and Final Debunking Attempt:
Upon which Queens do these Fateful Words Fall?

The defeated Emperor Napoleon III (left) sitting with the victor and his captor,
Otto von Bismarck (right) after the Battle of Sedan.
Dating the Death of an Emperor
317 Years Before it Took Place
An American President
Called the Doubtful One Revealed
(4 – 5)
The Duke of Berry Assassination:
A Nostradamus Pre-Cog Murder Mystery
Solved 265 before it Happened!
3 Q96
The chief of Fossano will have his throat cut,
By the guide [with the leash] of the bloodhound
and greyhound.
The deed is executed by those of the Tarpeian Rock,
Saturn in Leo, 13th of February.
…The planet Saturn was definitely not in Leo on the night of de Berry’s assassination. It was 28 degrees Pisces. And yet, Louvel did murder the duke outside the Paris Opera on the night of 13th of February 1820… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.