The Heirs of Nostradamus–2

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Heirs of Nostradamus, Part 2

In Heirs to Nostradamus, Part 1, David Pitt Francis got a little Looney with the lunar calendar clues of Century 3 Quatrain 94, said to give the year of the penultimate interpretive tome on Nostradamus would come out no later than 1987-1988. However, the lunar calendar calculation had doomsday set for 1997. Since we are all still here — including yours truly who published his first book on the prophecies of Nostradamus in 1987 — we must admit now that we have been psychic cowboys on the trail of a bum-seer theory. That leaves us Quatrain 94 as a possible index-as-prophecy date for the next try.

I think many people published Nostradamus books in 1994, I know I did: Nostradamus the New Revelations. I recall Knut Boeser published his Nostradamus; V.J. Hewitt did her Nostradamus, His Key to the Centuries. She had some other key competition from Bardo Kidogo’s The Keys to the Predictions of Nostradamus. Finally, there was Francis W. King’s Nostradamus: Prophecies fulfilled and Predictions for the Millennium & Beyond.

My favorite prophecy yarn coming out in 1994 didn’t have to do with Nostradamus that much. It was John Dollison’s little book with an epic tongue-in-cheek title: Pope – Pourri: Little-known facts you may not remember from Sunday School, including why the Pope wears a pointy hat, the strange fate of the Singing Nun, what the Baltimore Catechism says, and why St. Lucy carries her eyeballs on a platter.

I’ll have to write a blog about her. Anyway, here’s Century 1 Quatrain 48 wherein we might find further (hopefully better!) clues than last time as to who is the A-One-in-Auguring interpreter of Nostradamus and when. Is it any time soon?

Here’s Century 3 Quatrain 94 again:

De cinq cens ans plus compte l’on tiendra,
Celuy qu’estoit l’ornement de son temps:
Puis à vn coup grande clarté donra,
Que par ce siecle les rendra trescontens.

For five hundred years more they will take notice of him,
Who was the ornament of his time:
Then suddenly a great revelation will be made,
Which will make people of that century well pleased.

Five hundred years more from what? Perhaps the end of his legacy, foreseen here?

Century 1 Quatrain 48:

Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez,
Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie:
Quand le Soleil prendra ses iours lassez,
Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.

When twenty years of the Moon’s reign have passed,
Another will take up its reign for 7,000 years:
When the exhausted Sun gathers up its days,
Then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished.

Nostradamus (1555) 1 Q48

This quatrain might clue us in to the length of the prophet’s legacy. Roussat believes the astrological lunar cycle mentioned above is that of 1535 to 1889. Twenty years after 1535 is Les Propheties publication day, 1555. This could extend Nostradamus’ chronicle of human history beyond the ninth millennium.

Then again, the Nostradamus controversy (whether he is a prophet or a practical joker) is approaching 454 years in running at the time of this blog’s creation, in May 2009, the same month in 1555 when he published the first three volumes of his ten volume set of quatrains as prophecies. Just another 46 years and we will be at the 500-year publication anniversary. On the other hand, perhaps the prophet meant his birthday back in 1503. That means 2003 was the advent window.

Who then is Nostradamus’ number one homey of hoary hocus with the most interpretive pocus? Yo, Nostradamus, say what?

All interpreters of Nostradamus like to play “Nostradamus says.” Because of this I’ve often formed my responses to the question “What does Nostradamus say…etc.?” on email, radio and TV with the caveat, “Nostradamus hasn’t said anything for a long time. He’s been dead for nearly 500 years. What is true is that I’m saying something according to my understanding of Nostradamus.”

I wish more latter-day diviners of the long-departed seer would take this line of discretion.

Beware of the interpreter’s ego. I always try to keep this in mind. Still, it would be redundant to tag “in my opinion” to every interpretation made, so let me say up front that anything I write about Nostradamus’ prophecies is my interpretation. I won’t hide behind the etheric cop-out that I’m “channeling” his ghost, some New Age angel, dolphin or space alien-leprechaun. If I get it wrong it is my fault, not someone or something else’s.

I am partial to the winner of the “most favored interpreter” label being the one whose interpretations gain strength over the coming half-century. The jury will warm the benches and make their call about 46 years from now.

I don’t think I’ll be alive to see it in this current corporeal form, but I can predict this. In my future reincarnation, I foresee a lot of people thinking I look like John Hogue, (see below).


John Hogue

(24 December 2009)

Books by John Hogue

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