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DATELINE: 09 June 2024

US Navy, public domain.
The Collective West has Already taken a Step Beyond
Where the Cuban Missile Crisis had Ended!

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The World is now entering a potential “End Time of History” in an acceleration/escalation. I will begin by listing a number of historically dire and significant things that have begun developing, starting in the last 8 days of “Mayday” May 2024.
The Russian Federation’s early warning SHF radar Voronezh DM towers near Armavir was attacked on 23 May by Ukrainian long-range drones. On 27-28 May, more attacks by Ukraine penetrated as deep as 1,800 kilometers inside the Russian border hitting a second Voronezh-DM radar in the Orenburg region. This time the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR) confirmed they were the source of these attacks. At the time of finishing this article on 9 June 2024, both Voronezh radar systems are still off-line. Pictures of the first attack (immediately below) show damage to the outer, enclosing tower structures. The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that the early warning radars, capable of over-the-horizon detection of nuclear cruise or ballistic missiles attacking Russia from the South will be down for a month or more.
Dima of Military Summary Channel reminds us that Russia only has ten of these early warning radar systems that can alert the Russian Federation to a surprise US nuclear strike coming. With two systems damaged by GUR drones, that’s 20 percent of their early warning system down.
Dima said, “The Ukrainians were just the hands of the owner party that, let’s say, has interest in the attacks which, of course, were NATO countries.”

The drone blast holes in the first 23-24 May attack in the SHF radar Voronezh DM towers near Armavir, Russia.
At no time throughout the First Cold War (1948-1989) did the United States or the Soviet Union EVER take such a destabilizing step directly or indirectly through a proxy! At no time in the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis were any US or Soviet early warning defense radars touched. Such a move by either nuclear power would have been met with a full, retaliatory nuclear attack, a MAD end to human civilization, as the acronym M.A.D., according to both nation’s written down nuclear doctrines, meant “Mutually Assured Destruction” of both nuclear superpowers. Hundreds of millions of Russians and Americans would have been killed starting 30 minutes after the nuclear missiles of both nations had launched. The flaming cities would cause a blotting out of the sun for years in a “nuclear winter” that would further perish billions—less from radiation sickness falling from the beclouded skies—most dying from the disruption of agriculture, causing a lingering, global famine.
I believe it is more than a coincidence that news of the second attack damaging the Orenburg Russian radar towers was reported on 30 May by the Biden Administration. This happened to be the same day that former President Trump, running for re-election, was convicted of 34 felony accounts for what are misdemeanor crimes—a flagrant attempt to use “Lawfare” to end his campaign—just as Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, was bombed by US Navy jets taking off from the US Carrier Enterprise in the Red Sea, just as US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken stepped before the press to announce that the United States will allow Ukraine to hit old Russia (the undisputed territories within Russia’s pre-2014 borders) with US-supplied arms in the area around Kharkov.
Semafor reported this American permission to be an apparent shift from Washington’s position forbidding Kyiv from using American weapons to strike inside Russia. In other words, the US made its direct involvement in the Ukrainian war with Russia officially known, letting its “proxy” Ukrainian war mask slip off an ugly face involved in a direct war with Russia.
Semafor stated, “The move comes a day after Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the US may ‘adapt and adjust’ its position, and follows comments from the NATO chief and several European NATO members that they would not stop Ukraine from using Western weapons to defend itself, including by striking military targets in Russia.”

Jens Stoltenberg, outgoing (as in leaving) NATO Secretary General in early July 2024. Source, President of Ukraine’s Flickr, © Creative Commons.
Before the events of 30 May took place NATO’s Norwegian Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, soon to finish his decade-long term as NATO chief, just could not help himself to retire without dropping another provocative statement. It rivaled his open musings at other times just before the war in January 2022 about a preemptive strike on Russia with a tactical nuke aimed at gathering Russian forces inside Russia near their borders with the Donbass region of Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts (provinces) that had broken away from Ukraine.
Just start the escalation of a war with Russia not at stage one but stage 10! Throw a nuke because NATO’s conventional forces are inadequate for the job of fighting Russia conventionally, so Stoltenberg reasoned. Just drop a 10-to-20 kiloton, Hiroshima sized nuclear bomb IN RUSSIA, on its gathering forces who were there in order to potentially protect the Russian speaking Ukrainian people living in the Donbass from suffering an imminent, NATO trained, Nazi infested, Ukrainian Army attack and ethnic cleansing of over a million Russian speaking Ukrainians.
Stoltenberg, ever fidgety and stuttering through dyslexic re-edits of his thoughts while sharing them tentatively, had been quoted on 24 May by the ever NATO/British chauvinist rag, the Economist, saying the following:
“The time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have put on the use of weapons they have donated to Ukraine. Especially now when a lot of the fighting is going on in Kharkiv (Kharkov in Russian), close to the border. To deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves.”
The Economist added: “Mr. Stoltenberg warns against expecting any significant long-term issues in Ukraine’s favor at NATO’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington later this summer. At his final summit, he may be a bit de-mob-happy, but he is as committed as ever to NATO’s central mission to preserve peace. ‘And the way NATO has preserved peace for 75 years,’” he said, “‘is not to fight the war, but actually to prevent the war by making absolutely clear that we are ready and able to defend every NATO ally.’”
Well now, Stoltenberg’s idea of NATO being a defensive organization keeping the peace since the First Cold War ended in 1989 is a hypocrisy in motion since then, ever advancing east, ever breaking promises never to make one step Eastward towards the Russian frontiers after Russia agreed to NATO’s request to unite East and West Germany. It has already directly broken its own NATO charter twice by waging direct wars of aggression with Serbia in 1999 and Libya in 2011. It has sent NATO forces to fight far from the Northern Atlantic area that its acronym NATO stands for (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) waging war in the heart of the Middle East in the Persian Gulf War, etc. And again, add that to Stoltenberg, NATO’s current and “peaceful” leader, musing openly in meetings to jump ten steps of escalatory aggression to start this Ukrainian War with Russia by the first shot fired by his “defensive” organization being a tactical nuke on Russian camps and staging areas along their frontier.
Some peace maker, he.
Well he can take that hypocrisy to the bank, the Norwegian banking system, his next job, if he likes.
The Kremlin has suggested that Stoltenberg coming into the open about direct NATO involvement in this war (chased a week later by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken) amounts to a direct provocation by NATO, and has warned that it would have “inevitable” consequences.”
President Putin of Russia gave a public response to Stoltenberg’s comments that the Western media, in propaganda’s lock step, grossly misrepresented.
Alexander Mercouris of the Duran pointed out, “I find it astonishing that this warning from Putin has gone almost entirely unreported in the Western media and that it has not been discussed publicly or responded to by Western governments.”
Here is what Putin said, with my bracketed inserts for clarity on 28 May 2024, the day the second Voronezh Radar towers in Orenburg were hit by NATO drones built by the Portuguese and directed to the target with the coordinates and satellite telemetry by NATO British officers. The Ukrainians only dialed in the firing codes of NATO:
PRESIDENT PUTIN: With regard to strikes, I’m not frankly sure what NATO’s Secretary General [Stoltenberg] is talking about. When he was the Prime Minister of Norway we communicated and addressed challenging issues concerning the Barents Sea and other issues and generally we were able to come to terms. And I’m positive he was not suffering from dementia back then. If he’s talking about potentially attacking Russia’s territory with long-range precision weapons, he as a person who leads a military/political organization, should be aware of the fact that long-range precision weapons cannot be used without space-based reconnaissance.
This is the first point.
The second point is that the final target selection—and what is known as launch missile mission—can only be made by highly skilled specialists who rely on this technical reconnaissance data. There are some attack systems, such as the Storm Shadow [the British cruise missile], these launch missions can be put in automatically without the need to use Ukrainian military.
Who does it?
Those who manufacture, and those who allegedly supply these attack systems to Ukraine, do. This can and does happen without the participation of the Ukrainian military. Launching other systems, such as ATACUMS [US missiles] for example, also relies on space reconnaissance data. Targets are identified and automatically communicated to the relevant crews that may not even realize what exactly they’re putting in. A crew may—maybe even a Ukrainian crew that’s put the corresponding launch, then puts in the corresponding launch missile. However, the mission is put together by representatives of NATO countries, not the Ukrainian militaries.
So these officials from NATO countries, especially the ones based in Europe, particularly in small European states [hinting at the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania] should be fully aware of what is at stake. They should keep in mind that theirs are small and densely populated countries, which is a factor to reckon with, before they start talking about striking deep into Russian territory. It is a serious matter and without a doubt, we are watching this very closely.
More broadly, this unending escalation can lead to serious consequences. If Europe were to face those serious consequences, what will the United States do, considering our strategic parity?
It is hard to tell.
[I’m reminding us all that Putin mused this question two days before Blinken announced the United States would openly allow Ukraine to hit Russia if it were only Russian military targets. The Ukrainians would not follow that caveat, of course, choosing to pummel Belgorod city’s civilians in terror attacks as they always had for two years—an escalatory act! Back to Putin asking rhetorically:]
Are they looking for a global conflict?
I think they wanted to agree on strategic arms, but we do not really see them eager to do so. They are talking about it but not doing much to make it happen.
We will wait and see what happens next.

US Navy, public domain.
Simply put, pinprick drone attacks not far inside of Russia are one thing but cruise missile and long-range drone attacks deep inside the Russian heartland can only be launched by NATO officers, and/or US officers using their satellite systems overhead. The Ukrainian crews are just punching in the codes, mostly unaware of where they’re launching at.
The attacks on Russia’s early warning Voronezh towers, the plotting of deep strikes into Russia’s oil infrastructure and military bases, like Engels airbase near Volgograd, where Russia parks some of its strategic bomber squadrons, can only be struck by US guidance. Now that the Americans and European NATO allies are in the clear about what they are doing, the next strike on Engels will be rightly recognized by Moscow as a NATO attack requiring a full retaliatory response, because they have admitted as such how NATO is the targeting source, not Ukraine.
No one on either side of the First Cold War (1948-1989) would have dared doing this. They wouldn’t dare do it in the Second Cold War that began in the spring of 2014, and ended with the beginning, so I contend, of the conventional phase of the Third World War, starting in Ukraine on 24 February 2022.
Not a thing ever ventured in two cold wars, but it is ventured by the NATO alliance now in this Ukrainian proxy farce, the disguise of which is getting quite threadbare over what is a body of moves that is naked aggression by NATO attacking the Russian Federation, openly desired by a number of NATO European leaders—not all of course—but enough.
The Biden administration might officially for now limit its range of targets inside Russia to defending the Kharkov region from Russia’s incursion, even though that incursion is not intended to take Kharkov but to pull more Ukrainian units off the Donbass/Ukrainian Eastern front to weaken it. The US and Russia have a strategic parity with humanity-ending nuclear deterrents, but blinking Blinken and ice-cream slobbering Biden can let its European vassals run wild with pledging deep strikes into Russia with their cruise missiles.
[UPDATE, 22 June 2024. The Biden Administration has given the green light for American made missiles used by Ukraine to strike anywhere deep inside Russia!]
The NATO “defensive” BS is out of the bag at last.
France is on board, so are the British, as are the Poles, the Czechs, and also what Brazilian global journalist Pepe Escobar calls the little yip-yap-barking “chihuahua” Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, are all in. The three stooges are Larry “Latvian,” Moe “Estonian” and “Curly Joe Lithuanian” clowns of NATO nipping at the Russian bear’s clawed big toe. Watch this excellent and comprehensive RT report.
Even Germany wants to try another round with Russia. It once was, and could be again, that European nation who in the last world war was responsible for invading what was then the Soviet Union in 1941—and ultimately killing 27.5 million Soviet citizens. They were the people who bore the largest losses of any nation in that war and then consequently inflicted upon Nazi Germany the Allied lion’s share of Nazi Germany’s utter defeat in 1945.
Yeah, that Germany—Adolf Hitler’s Germany! That tragic comedy of Aryan errors past has presently sent hundreds of new “kitty-cat” named, German manufactured tanks to fight the Russians, called Leopards. These armored hunters prowl the Ukrainian/Russian battlefields to be themselves hunted, stricken and burnt down to rusted hulks by Russian arms on the Ukrainian steppe, just like the Nazi Panthers and Tigers had, starting 83 years earlier in World War Two.
Mediocrity is ever predictable. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is as dim-witted as the porcine German Sergeant Shultz character from the US 1970s, World War II comedy hit series Hogan’s Heroes. Scholz like Shultz will ever complain, and ever say he “knows not-think!” about escalating this war with Gair-man tanks returning to Russian battlefields. Oooh! Dat vood be a terreeble ting!
Vee shoold not repeet dat again! No! Nein!
All protests aside, you sent the Leopard tanks. You did escalate the war.
You are that pathetic German leader who could look the other way smiling vacantly in a press conference with President Biden, before the NATO proxy war even began, standing right next to Biden as he threatened to do something to prevent Nord Stream pipelines sending cheap and affordable gas into your country. What a shameless and dutiful German maus you are. A mouse runs the Germany of Bismarck, of Frederick the Great!
What Biden was intimating, you knew about it and just kept smiling like an idiot before the cameras like, “I know nothink!” Sergeant Scholz. You knew the Americans were going to sabotage Nord Stream, half owned and paid for by the German companies no less! Because you do not have either the will, or the spine, to say, Nein.
That’s why it takes no Nostradamus to predict that you will stop withholding Germany’s most forbidden and advanced Taurus cruise missile stocks, with the German crews included, from entering Ukraine and setting them up to fire at targets deep inside Russia. You were at least honest, or dumb enough to openly admit, that Germany will do what the other NATO members are doing, sending their officers and crews into Ukraine. Moscow’s warned you months ago that if Taurus missiles and crews fire from Ukraine, that Russian will retaliate by firing cruise missiles targeting German NATO bases and the Taurus factories inside Germany that manufacture them.

Sergeant Shultz and Olaf Scholz.
The accelerated grinding down by the Russians of the Ukrainian army from June through July will see the US and NATO throw every promise out the window in a very dangerous state of panic, making decisions and rash moves that makes this coming summer of 2024 the most dangerous in human history. Here’s, in brief, is what is coming.
Dima at the Military Summary Channel on 28 May 2024 reported the Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umierov saying that half a million Russians are fighting Ukrainian forces on the eastern front that stretches down through eastern Kharkov Oblast south to Donbass Oblasts of Lugansk and Donetsk, then west to Zaporozhya and Kherson Oblasts.
Umierov claims that an extra 300,000 Russian soldiers are preparing their Grand Summer offensive to push, out of the North Ukrainian frontiers of Sumy and Chernigov as I’ve long predicted.
Dima points out that their aim is not to take Kiev, but to establish a fortified line east of the Ukrainian capital’s approaches where it can accurately shell and bomb military targets across the city, as a way to pressure the Ukrainian government to come back into peace talks. On 9 June 2024, I got the first exports that Russian forces have begun their invasion of Sumy Oblast near Ryzhivka. Aussie Cossack reported Ramzan Kadyrov confirming that Chechen Spetsnaz (special forces) liberated that town in the Sumskaya region and that local Ukrainian forces are retreating.
The further extension of a Russian northern front has begun. Chernigov will be next causing Ukraine to strip even more desperately needed forces from their main Eastern Front in Donbass further weakening it.

A M1A2 Abrams tank training to breach “Russian” defenses. NATO maneuvers, Combined Resolve V. Photo: US Army, public domain.
On 4 June The Telegraph UK shared details from officials of NATO how the United States armed forces would respond to a Ukrainian military collapse and enter into direct combat with Russia. To which Colonel Douglas Macgregor Ret. US Army Colonel, combat veteran, SECDEF Advisor, author and Military TV Analyst plus CEO of, stated:
What are they thinking? NATO has disclosed its preparations to deploy American troops to the European frontlines in the event of a full-scale conflict with Russia.
Innovative ‘land corridors’ are being established to expedite the movement of soldiers through central Europe, bypassing local bureaucratic hurdles.
This strategic setup enables NATO forces to swiftly react should Putin’s aggressive actions in Ukraine extend westward.
Reports suggest that these plans also encompass provisions for potential Russian attacks.
In such scenarios, troops could mobilize through corridors in Italy, Greece, and Turkey to reach the Balkans, or alternatively, advance towards Russia’s northern border via Scandinavia.
There’s a passage here I have transcribed from Alexander Mercouris on 1 June. He starts by pointing out something he and his friend and colleague Alex Christoforou have mentioned, a pattern of predictable steps by NATO that always, in the end, has them doing what they first deny they’ll ever do to directly escalate and insinuate themselves into openly waging war with Russia, thus reinforcing the good reasons why Russia entered into a war with Ukraine not only to defend Russians civilians being persecuted in Ukraine but exposing with each day how Ukraine was only a mask hiding the face of NATO fighting this war. NATO panic is letting that mask completely slip, proving at last that this war Russia fights, is for its future existence.
Mercouris muses on the dangerous mood swings of NATO escalation starting with panic, then euphoria then further panic:
MERCOURIS: We’re always told that weapons and shells and things will start to arrive over the next few weeks in larger quantities in Ukraine and at some point in the next few weeks or months and then the situation will change but up to now there’s been no visible sign of this. Anyway, that’s…um, one sign of recovery of…that’s what happens when you get these moments of euphoria, but ultimately the euphoria quickly passes. The panic then returns and it always returns at a higher level.
We’re going through another period of euphoria at the moment with the decision to authorize strikes on Russian territory, but before long, in a couple of days’ time, it too would have ebbed away and the situation will return to that panic which we have already seen.
So that’s one thing that I would say about this story. The second thing is the big winner of the events of the last two weeks or so is none other than Vladimir Putin himself. He’s now been given further proof, if any more were needed, that what he’s been saying about the aggressive intentions of the West towards Russia is true. The United States and the Western powers are now openly talking about participating in missile strikes on Russian territory. He has now ample grounds to say to the Russian people and to the wider world that “my concerns about Ukraine were justified all along. See? It is in fact indeed being used as a launchpad for attacks on Russia and the decision to launch the Special Military Operation (SMO) therefore was entirely justified and entirely correct.”
And of course he understands this, and he’s driving this point home continuously and all the time. That is the reason why he continuously turns back to the Istanbul Agreement of April 2022, which the West torpedoed, and why he also dwells on the already in the previous history of attacks on Belgorod and Kursk region and the Ukrainian incursions and also the West’s obsession with inflicting a strategic defeat upon Russia. He’s able to tell the Russian people, “Look, everything that I have told you about the West is true. They’re actually planning now to launch missile strikes against us and discussing it with the Ukrainians. They are looking for ways to do that. They’re not respecting our red lines.” And, of course when Putin talks to officials of other countries in the Global South, when he talks to MBS, when he talks to President Lula of Brazil, when he talks to Zi Jinping, or to Narendra Modi or Cyril Ramaphosa, or any other number of leaders, he’s got it all there. The case is being made for him and politically he is winning.
This is one reason for example why the peace conference, which is now confirmed is due to take place in Lucerne, in Switzerland, and which Zelensky has been staking so much hope on, while that peace conference is now visibly collapsing. Why there is such little enthusiasm around the world from non-aligned and Global South countries in terms of their participating in it because the Russians, Putin, are able to tell these countries, “Look, we’re not really the aggressors at all in this matter. It’s the West ultimately that has been engaged in this kind of aggression. It is the West which goes on in for endless, unending, escalation. It is the West that’s wanting to defeat us. It is the West that wants to attack us. It is the West that wants to break our country up.”
And, as I said, his case is being made for him.
Now I have never understood why Western leaders, Western foreign ministries, Western journalists, are so blind to this underlying political reality. And if it is indeed the Russian plan to march on Kiev, and indeed seize Kiev, well, politically it is going to be far easier now for them to do that. They have all sorts of grounds that they could produce justifying such a move. Certainly much easier than it was back in February, March 2022 when much of the world was astonished when the Russians did cross the border into Ukraine.
Anyway, there it is. I doubt that the West is going to change course. I see absolutely no sign that any of the myriad of commentators in the West and the Western media who constantly demand and insist on some further escalation have any grasp of this political reality. But of course Putin does. Lavrov [the Russian Foreign Minister] does. The team around him do. And I think that this possibly explains one of the reasons why they are so calm and controlled about this affair. Why they respond to these endless Western provocations in the way that they do. Because they realize that ultimately, politically, where it ultimately matters, every one of these provocations from the West, every one of these escalations from the West, ultimately plays to their advantage.

Vladimir Putin, the eighth degree blackbelt Judo master in action. G8 Summit, 2000. Want to know how he power plays? Do a deep study of Judo and how you deflect a larger opponent’s force against him.
Vladimir Putin, the eighth degree blackbelt Judo master in action. G8 Summit, 2000. Want to know how he power plays? Do a deep study of Judo and how you deflect a larger opponent’s force against him.
Scott Ritter is a former Marine Major and Intelligence officer working with Soviet opposites in the final years of the First Cold War (1948-1989) as a Weapons Inspector overseeing the dismantling of SS-22 regional ballistic missiles in Soviet Russia while Russian weapons inspectors in Europe did same overseeing the dismantling of US Pershing regional ballistic missiles. He weighed in on Sputnik, about what he considers to be US threats to greenlight Ukrainian attacks on Russia that could spill out into a world-ending conflict. Sputnik reported:
US officials “talk” of lifting a formal ban on Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using American long-range weapons could result in an “unprecedented” escalation that would almost certainly provoke a Russian response, potentially resulting in a direct conflict between Moscow and NATO, Scott Ritter told Sputnik. Ukraine is already attacking critical energy facilities inside Russia, oil tanks, petroleum depots. This is taking place. It’s just that it’s not taking place with State Department or Department of Defense connivance. It’s taking place with the assistance and the facilitation of the Central Intelligence Agency – a covert war. All Tony Blinken is now talking about is taking this covert war and making it an overt war.
Why is he doing this…?
Domestic American politics. It will have no impact on the battlefield. But what it does is allow the Biden administration to posture itself as doing something discernable to address the Russian successes – the successful offensive north of Kharkov, the continuing successful offensives in eastern Ukraine and Novorossiya, Ritter said.
This is a political problem for the Biden administration, and so Anthony Blinken is trying to come up with a political solution. But it’s shortsighted. It won’t resolve the military problem that are being confronted by the Ukrainians. What it will do is create the dangerous potential for the kind of escalation that the Biden administration has been assiduously seeking to avoid – an escalation that would lead to a direct confrontation between Russia, the United States and NATO. An escalation that could see this conflict move away from conventional war into the possibility, indeed probability of nuclear conflict.

Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian President, and Prime Minister of Russia, and current Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Security Council. Photo Ekaterina Shtukina, © Sputnik.
Where President Putin plays “good cop” former Russian President and Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev, the current Deputy Secretary of the Russian Federation’s Security Council, a gathering of Putin’s chief cabinet members and advisors whom he uses to make executive decisions, also let’s Medvedev give the Putin’s “bad cop” message not only to Western leaders but sharing it broadly on “X” to the Western public at large. This is what he laid on the Western leaders and world on 31 May 2024.
Western countries that allegedly “approved the use” of their extended-range weapons on the territory of Russia (regardless of whether we are talking about old or new parts of our country) should clearly understand the following:
- All their military equipment and specialists fighting against us will be destroyed both on the territory of the former Ukraine and on the territory of other countries, if strikes are carried out from there on the territory of Russia.
- Russia proceeds from the fact that all long-range weapons used by former Ukraine are already directly controlled by the military personnel of NATO countries. This is not any “military assistance,” but participation in the war against us. And such actions of theirs may well become a casus belli.
- NATO will have to decide how to qualify the consequences of possible retaliatory strikes on equipment/facilities/military personnel of individual countries of the bloc in the context of Articles 4 and 5 of the Washington Treaty.
In all likelihood, the NATO leadership wants to pretend that we are talking about sovereign decisions of individual countries of the North Atlantic Alliance to support the Kiev regime, and there are no grounds to apply the rule of the 1949 Treaty on collective self-defense here.
These are dangerous and harmful delusions. Such “individual assistance” of NATO countries against Russia, whether it is controlling their long-range cruise missiles or sending a contingent of troops to Ukraine, is a serious escalation of the conflict. The former Ukraine and its NATO allies will receive a response of such destructive force that the Alliance itself simply will not be able to resist being drawn into the conflict.
And no matter how much retired NATO farts talk that Russia will never use non-strategic nuclear weapons against former Ukraine and even more so against individual NATO countries, life is much worse than their frivolous reasoning.
A few years ago, they insisted that Russia would not go into an open military conflict with the Bandera regime, so as not to quarrel with the West. Miscalculated. There is a war going on. With the use of TNW [Tactical Nuclear Weapons], they can also miscalculate.
Although this will already be a fatal mistake. After all, as the President of Russia rightly noted, European countries have a very high population density. And for those enemy countries whose lands are beyond the TNW coverage area, there is, finally, a strategic potential. And this, alas, is not any intimidation or nuclear bluff. The current military conflict with the West is developing according to the worst scenario. There is a constant escalation of the power of the NATO weapons used. Therefore, no one can rule out the transition of the conflict to its last stage today.
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DATELINE: 31 May 2024

Scott Ritter. Photo Andrey Bortko, © Sputnik.
Has this Important and Heart Felt Confession
To Deliver to Americans and Russians Alike
I’ve been watching the change in Scott Ritter starting in May into June. When not speaking his look has become quieter. He looks deeply concerned in a way I’ve not seen before. On the last day in May 2024, on the eve of embarking upon one of the most important journeys of his life, he did his last Ask the Inspector show before planning to fly to Saint Petersburg. He had been invited to do symposiums at the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) held on 5–8 June 2024. President Vladimir Putin would be in attendance at the forum and many of the “who’s who” of the Russian President’s very talented security council.
Anton Kobyakov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation and Executive Secretary of the SPIEF Organizing Committee defined SPIEF as, The leading platform for discussing issues of international development. It is here that opinions are exchanged and cooperation ties are established. The 2023 Forum clearly demonstrated that, despite the turbulence in the global economy, many countries are ready to build bridges of understanding and cooperation.
Of the nearly 200 countries existing in the world 136 countries and territories were in attendance. They mostly number what is being called the new “Global Majority” of nations gathering outside the collective West. They are part of a global axis shift in history that is breaking away from the United States unipolar concept and its economically stifling and weaponized US-Dollar-based, global reserve currency. Three quarters of the world are choosing a new destiny for humanity. They are dedicated to creating a world order free of the half-millennium long domination by the Western colonial powers that has controlled humanity.
And now we’ve just experienced another epoch-ending blow!
It’s official. Saudi oil is now bought and sold to other currencies rather than just through the US Dollar. The deadline on 09 June 2024 to renew its arrangement with the US to buy and sell only in US dollars came and went. The Saudi Prime Minister and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) had quietly let time run out after 53 years, ending the US petrodollar’s existence. The Saudi Kingdom is now open to exchanging oil for multiple currencies, including Chinese Renminbi, Euros, Yen, and Yuan.
I wrote about the quiet move one year and 10 months ago, when I noticed the Saudi’s testing the financial waters by buying Chinese yuan for the first time at the end of September 2022, as the first step in “bye-buy-ing” the dollar:… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 03 – 11 June 2024
Scott Ritter was Prevented from Flying out of the USA
To Russia for SPIEF 2024
Here’s the full report published by Russia Today about the seizure of Ritter’s passport preventing him from visiting Russia:
The US State Department has seized the passport of former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, he told RT on Monday.
Ritter was on his way to Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) when he was pulled off the plane and had his documents confiscated.
“I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department’. They had no further information for me,” Ritter told RT. “They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport.”
Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, who later served as the US and UN weapons inspector in Iraq. He is also a RT contributor, writing about international security, military affairs, Russia, and the Middle East, as well as arms control and nonproliferation.
He most recently visited Russia in January, spending time in Chechnya, Moscow and St. Petersburg, among other places.
The most recent post on Ritter’s Telegram channel put the Clooney Foundation for Justice on notice for its alleged crusade against “Russian propagandists.”
“Here I am. In your face. If telling the truth about Russia makes me a propagandist in your book, then I accept the title,” he wrote. “Bring it on. I’ll school you on the First Amendment.”
“You have zero concept of what free speech is. Try and arrest me and you’ll find out. In spades. It’s war,” he added…
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DATELINE: 13 June 2024
President Joe Biden Will Not be Nominated to Run Again:

Beautiful Helen of Troy in the Trojan Wars had a face that launched a thousand ships so they say. Joe Biden has a face that might launch a thousand US nukes at Russia in World War Three if more level heads with far more active brain cells in Washington helped the poor man, at this current stage of his final and very public mental collapse into Dementia, take the 25th Amendment into retirement. For instance, here’s another “senior” incident from the G7 summit.
Beautiful Helen of Troy in the Trojan Wars had a face that launched a thousand ships so they say. Joe Biden has a face that might launch a thousand US nukes at Russia in World War Three if more level heads with far more active brain cells in Washington helped the poor man, at this current stage of his final and very public mental collapse into Dementia, take the 25th Amendment into retirement. For instance, here’s another “senior” incident from the G7 summit.
Steve Forbes of Forbes Magazine is openly saying it. Other Democrat leaders are whispering it behind the scenes. The President’s behavior before worldwide cameras at the Eightieth Anniversary of the 6 June Normandy Landing is showing a rapid decline of Biden to anyone who has got their eyes open. The Babylon Bee is even on to it, with the tongue-in-cheek news flash: Biden Calls for the President to Step Down. A 90-minute presidential debates looms on 27 June. He’s not up for it. The first lady Dr. Jill will have to lead him like a zombie child of 81 going on 105 out of that affair too…
I wrote in my Predictions for 2024:
I ended last year in articles and online interviews saying that Joe Biden will not be standing as the nominee for a second term as US President. I don’t even think he’ll still be in office by the Democratic Convention in Chicago, IL, set for 17-22 August. I would think by then that the 25th amendment would be discreetly applied to cart Biden back to his beach in Delaware.
Vice President Kamala Harris will then stand, albeit briefly, as the 47th president. In my view the number 47 in Qabalah makes her a non-entity as president. An empty woman president walking. The only good service she can do is succeed him, so that this number and its fate doesn’t mark the next president elect to follow her, whoever that is…
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DATELINE: 13 June 2024
—Part One—
The Oncoming Ukrainian Political and Military Collapse
And Best Laid Plans of NATO Mice and Men
To Extend the World War’s Timeline

US Marine Corps on Maneuvers in Bulgaria. Photo, US Marine Corps (public domain).
US Marine Corps on Maneuvers in Bulgaria. Source US Marine Corps (public domain).
Now to Ukraine’s Dog Days of War this Summer. Two fates are in play, beyond what plans are projected by the United States and the Russian Federation. This must be pointed out and reminded: the future of the Ukrainian’s ever-extending front is one of sudden unraveling and given the middle-of-the-night, unplanned Secret Russian War Council convened by President Vladimir Putin earlier this June, I think the Russian Steamroller is about to pick up tempo. It is ever true that Russian leaders, political and military, have set before themselves a battle plan that is free of calendrical pressures.
The council’s finding may indicate this in what happens in the next few weeks, either staying the course but they are also calendrically free. If there are signs of the Ukrainian defensive line buckling, they will push faster and harder to achieve an earlier breakout. Then by early summer the rolling up of the Ukrainian front in the east, and the new Russian front in the north that is peeling off as many as 30,000 soldiers from the desperately thinned out Ukrainian Eastern Front, will rapidly unravel in a Ukrainian rout… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 14 June 2024
—Part Two—
Now to Another Land—the “So-Called” Holy Land—
Where Genocide depends on what “Cide”
Of Racial Supremacy You’re On
The Palestinians are beasts walking on two legs… If Hitler was sitting in a house with 20 other people, would it be correct to blow up the house? (Prime Minister Menachem Begin speaking before the Knesset in 1982)
Hitler—as odious as he is to us—has given this idea [ethnic cleansing] a good name in the world. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, spiritual father of the Likud right-wing party and mentor of disciples like Menachem Begin.
Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that…I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
The first quote is from Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin in a speech to the Knesset, quoted by legendary Israeli journalist Amnon Kapeliouk, entitled Begin and the Beasts (New Statesman, 25 June 1982). The Hitler analogy was Begin’s way of trying to excuse the collateral deaths of Palestinians civilians being necessary. The current Zionist government of Bibi Netanyahu has taken that collateral lead to mass murdering of officially 37,000 Palestinians-and-counting, for instance, more than one instance, sending US-built bunker buster bombs to level a Palestinian urban refugee camp in the Gaza Strip killing and wounding 1,000 Palestinians just to get one Hamas leader. Another recent example, a thermobaric bombing of a Palestinian tent city in Rafah, the plastic tents melting and burning hundreds of Palestinians to death, just to kill—maybe—two Hamas officers that “may” have been discussing something in one of those hundreds of tens teaming with displaced Palestinian families fleeing the Israeli carpet bombing of Northern Gaza. The Israelis told them to move south to Rafah as a safe area, bombing them all the way there as they walked on foot, or climbed onto crowded flatbed truck loads, blown to bits by Israeli missiles… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 14 June 2024
—Part Three—
Time to “Tie-wan” on the Chinese!

Chinese ASBMs (Anti-ship-ballistic-missiles), AKA US Carrier Killers, at terminal velocity about to hit their targets at supersonic speeds.
Never admit defeat, America, just move on to the next potential military disaster. Come back to “finish off” Russia later. Fully activate the Third World War’s third front after front one and front two Ukraine and Western Asia got bogged down in blood and proxy state failures. Now it is time to go to the Far Eastern Asian front, like a mad gambler moved to another Las Vegas rigged crap table, believing your luck will turn for the better when you throw the dice, tossing also the US Navy, a sizable contingent of the US Marine Corps, your US Naval and Air Forces, your US military bases across East Asia to Guam.
CRAPS! Try again!
Throw the dice. Toss in what’s left of your Patriot anti-missile systems you didn’t send to be destroyed in Ukraine.
CRAPS!! One more time!
Send half of your eight, active-service super carriers and their strike groups all the way into Chinese home waters.
See all four fleet carriers and strike groups, all coming up craps in a karmic echo of 4 June 1942, and the US Navy repeating the Imperial Japanese Fleet’s single-day disaster at the “Battle of Midway,” times TEN.
Here comes another karmic echo of unlearned lessons. They always return in reverse mirror image to the last disaster. And in this case the losers of the last, the Japanese, will be replaced by the victors of Midway 1942, the Americans. The “yellow peril” this time around will be America’s Second World War allies, the Chinese that the Americans turned into enemies in this Third World War… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 17 June 2024

You all are probably wondering why I used this photo of President Putin talking to this innocent child named Vera Smolnikova. I’m setting the mood. Source:, © Creative Commons.
Has Been Offered by Russia
Rejected offhand by Leaders
Of NATO and Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin voiced the Russian Federation’s conditions for the beginning of negotiations with Ukraine in his 7 June 2024 address to the Foreign Ministry Board of Russia. This is certainly big news and the rejection of his offer can only mean a very ominous escalation of Russia is coming.
Consider his conditions for negotiation as a final ultimatum.
He will not offer this again, given a string of betrayals, actions of bad faith, outright lies and deceptions committed by America, then NATO, then finally Ukraine. It all started with the US promising Russia that NATO would not advance one step eastward towards its frontiers if Russia promised to accept the unification of East and West Germany, which Russia did. Starting in 1992, the new President “Bill” Clinton ignored his predecessor’s signed and written promise, President George Bush Sr., and openly promoted NATO’s expansion east, eventually crowding much of Eastern Europe with new NATO members right up to Russia’s Western frontier.
The US also just abandoned in the new century its signed treaties, like the ABM (Anti-Ballistic-Missile) Treaty in 2002 and INF (Intermediate Missile Treaty) in 2019, thus dismantling almost all the nuclear arms control treaties established to prevent another cold and hot nuclear war from happening. A Second Cold War began in 2014 that has escalated to the Third World War (conventional phase) at present.
Cold War Two started because once again there were agreements broken by the West, allowing a US hand-picked, new regime of extreme right-wing Ukrainian nationalist to wage the “Maidan Coup” overthrowing the democratically elected President Yanukovych government on 22 February 2014. The CIA and US State Department hand-picked the new government, a “who’s who” of Ukrainian Nazis. The Ukrainian constitution was changed. Russian Ukrainian citizens were again considered subhuman by this return of the Stephan Bandera National Socialist movement not in power since the German Nazi occupation of Ukraine in 1941-1944… Get 12 months of full access now to all my articles for only $60 or a little more.