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USS Carrier Nimitz, photo: US Navy, public domain.
We end the year 2020 as we ended the year 2019, with even more ominous signs of threats and military escalation in the Middle East region. Here briefly are further quick-fire reports datelined:

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These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. But 12-months in the Paypal Memo line.
On 10 December 2020: After the USS Nimitz carrier strike group entered the Persian Gulf in early December the US CENTCOM sent two nuclear-capable B-52 Stratofortress bombers to be stationed in the Middle East as a “defensive” move to “deter aggression,” the Pentagon said, as military officials hype a “potential attack” by Iraqi militia groups supported by Iran.
On 20 December 2020: The US fortress Embassy in the Green Zone of Baghdad, Iraq, was attacked overnight by dozens of rockets. It activated its anti-missile defenses sending quite a lethal firework show over the Iraqi capital’s skyline. Initially reports are confused as to who fired them. Were they pro-Iranian Shia Iraqi militias? There’s also some word that dangerous moves towards a direct US-Iran confrontation in the final days of 2019, is happening once again at the end of 2020: a false flagged attack by surviving elements if the Islamic State (ISIS) might be behind the embassy incident. The embassy suffered no casualties and only light damage.

Click on this link and read more about getting a special illustrated PDF downloaded eBook edition that takes you through the the next eight years of a death and rebirth of the US as we have known it.
On 22 December 2020: A nuclear Trident submarine specially designed to launch tomahawk missiles has passed through the Strait of Hormuz to station itself invisibly under Persian Gulf Waters. The report states that this Ohio-class super-sub possesses 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles—and possibly 66 special forces elite troops. CENTCOM announced the sub was entering the “Arabian Gulf,” as the US calls the body of water. This is only the second time in eight years that CENTCOM has made such a public notice. This therefore is a clear message of threat to Tehran.
I can recall a certain seer from sixteenth-century France who visualized in detail a naval engagement with the “Persians” being “melted and sunk” in the “Arabian Gulf” by the “Trident.” For that is what they called it 460 years ago when Nostradamus made the prophecies I collected in this book: Nostradamus: The War with Iran.
On 23 December 2020: RT reports Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a cabinet meeting, not one usually ready to unleash such fighting words, said : “The day that madman [Saddam Hussein] was hanged was the day people celebrated their final victory. Trump’s fate won’t be much better than Saddam’s.
“One madman in our region was Saddam, who imposed a war on our nation, and the other madman was Trump, who imposed another war on our people,” Rouhani added, “One imposed a military war on us, while the other imposed an economic war.”
On 23 December 2020: RT Reports, “President Trump accused Iran of being behind an attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad, amid rumors he’s considering closing it, threatening Tehran ahead of the one-year anniversary of their most serious confrontation to date.
Tweeting out a photo of what he said were three rockets that failed to launch during Sunday’s attack on the embassy, Trump said they came from Iran and that there was “chatter” about additional attacks against Americans in Iraq.
“‘Some friendly health advice to Iran: If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible. Think it over,’” he added.

Click on this link, and read Nostradamus in the clear about a war between the US and Iran is a real and potentially history altering mistake.
This is exactly what Trump said a year ago before his rash actions in response to what was later revealed by HogueProphecy to be a false flagged ISIS attack on a US outpost in Iraqi Kurdistan that precipitated US attacks on Iraqi Shia militia bases fighting ISIS on the Iraqi frontier with Syria in retaliation in the final days of 2019. By 6 January 2020 the US killed Iranian General Soleimani and Iraqi commander of the militias al-Muhandas on a peace mission to Baghdad spawning massive funerals across Shia Islam and tens of millions mourning their loss in Iraq and Iran. Then came the Iranian response: the missile strikes aimed at hardware and not organics—American soldiers. A counter threat it was. We just destroy your military stuff. Kill Iranians again and missiles will take out hundreds of US troops stationed in Iraq, a nation that no longer wants them there.
Here we go again into January 2021! Another try at a war lighting up the Middle East! Be most watchful of one year anniversary acts of vengeance for the US assassination of Soleimani coming on 5-6 January 2021!
DATELINE: 12 December 2020

Members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists also include elder statesmen, peace and human rights activists such as seen here: Ban Ki-Moon (right) former United Nations Secretary-General. Mary Robinson (center) former Irish president and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Jerry Brown (left) Governor of California from 1975-83 and 2011-19 who holds the executive chair of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Quickening Times Require a Major Catch-up
Of Future-Trending World News
During the Last few Months
Tracking the US Presidential Election
It was necessary to spend much of September and October through early November focusing my attention to this most significant US Presidential Election in history, given that the choices made will define much of the future’s political course through the first half of what is so far the most significant decade in human history. Now that I have produced before the election those presidential predictions in a fully illustrated new book (and have recovered from the effort of producing this major literary work in only 11 weeks!), it is now time to play catchup with a world unraveling itself as we’ve known it in preparation for passing through evolutionary revolutionary times.
Many far more important and earth changing advents have rushed into our lives, changing them forever while we had our backs to them watching this election.
I will try to wet your attention’s whistle to blow in astonishment at these future trends that will include updates about the next Presidential Administration as well in a torrent of many articles I began writing after my recovery. I began birthing and date tagging from late November into early December, getting us up to speed with the acceleration of history whirlwinds.
Before we take off at ramming speed I want to share this message that my HogueBulletin readers saw a few weeks back (with some expanding updates from today) to all subscribers and free samplers of HogueProphecy:
We look at the potential destiny of four alternative future presidents down the next four years. Yes, in either case Biden or Trump will not finish their next four years in office. And by Inauguration Day, two of these four will experience their alternative futures activated. You will also explore two futures, a losing president and vice presidential choice, that could have been for either better and worse. The prescient message is, whichever team wins, they are only two variations on disaster. Or, in this case because both Vice Presidents become a President, we’re talking about FOUR variations on a disastrous next four years!
Legal battle lines have been drawn on 10 December 2020 with 18 States filing a SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the US) brief backing the Texan challenge to Biden’s “victories” in disputed Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. These Eighteen red states were answered by 22 blue-state briefs to SCOTUS defending Biden’s four disputed state wins. SCOTUS Rejected hearing the suit on 11 December, though Justices Thomas and Alito expressed their interest in hearing it. On the same day the Wisconsin State Supreme Court took the case up for a hearing.
The chances are now very slim that Trump will win. The legal hoops to pass are far more difficult than the political hoops Trump surmounted and eventually won an upset electoral vote victory in 2016 against Hillary Clinton. An “unpopular vote” victory that I had foreseen 13 months earlier.
Whoever wins the legal battle, the damage is done. Rules to ensure voter security and identity confirmation were loosened before early COVID-19 inspired mail-in balloting voting began. A nation divided by systemic voter fraud established by the state executive branches in several battleground states had happened. You will see this systemic scandal explained in great detail in this book before anyone was going to court to demand or suppress a recount.
Here is another important reason why you might consider reading this book:
As of 10 December ONE THIRD of the Union of States had challenged the election win of Joe Biden in 2020, most likely to fail.
ONE THIRD of the US States in 1861 challenged the win of Abraham Lincoln and failed.
Soon after there was Civil War.
Is History repeating itself?
Read the prophecies of American Seers dating as far back as the mid-nineteenth century who foresaw some kind of second revolution/civil war coming and how much their forecasts sound as if they were written today!
This book is astrologically unique, because it shows how the entire history of the United States will, in the next four years, complete its 248-year orbit of Pluto the ruler of generational cycles. By Pluto returning to the position of its birth on 4 July 1776, it completes and brings to a close the first Plutonian era of US History.
I then explain in detail how the coming eight years (2021 through 2028) will usher the death and rebirth of America, as we have known it!
Get the fully-illustrated PDF eBook Edition now, downloaded to you for only $4.99 or a little more! Put Hogue Prediction in the PayPal Memo Line. I’ll then manually download the eBook attachment to you, using the email address you used to purchase it either through PayPal or via snail mail when you send a US check or money order payable to “John Hogue” at P.O. Box 666, Langley, WA.
I will soon return to working on the second unplanned book for this weird year 2020. I was supposed to be the 50th book, Nostradamus Coronavirus and the Pandemic Prophecies. It now becomes the 51st I had to put it aside so I could rush out the above 110,980-word book in only 11 weeks.
Now take the plunge with me down a flood of articles about all the other things cut loose in the Future’s rapids while the election had (still has) our attention.
DATELINE: 27 November 2020
Will Trump Allow
An Israeli Strike on Iran
Before 20 January 2021?
At first it seemed ludicrous, the New York Times report that Trump was looking into options from the Pentagon for arranging an air strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities before 20 January 2021 before his administration would be officially over. In other words, start a war after he cannot bring his cases for voter fraud before the US Supreme Court in time to thwart the Electoral College gathering to vote on 14 December to officially make Biden the legal winner of the election.
It sounded like so many hearsay stories of the New York Times basing their reports on unnamed sources. In this case the piece had five authors to corroborate and arrange four unnamed sources.
They claim without proof that these witnesses were in a meeting in the Oval Office on Thursday 12 November that included senior advisors Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley. They leaked to the NYT that all of the above advised the president not to issue a military strike. He wanted to, or so these unnamed people contend, because Iranian stockpiles of uranium had reached 12 times the 300 kilogram limit set in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), i.e. the Iran nuclear deal he had bugged the US out of.
It is not made clear in the article whether that was just one of many options discussed as is the case when all options are on the table, as they have long been concerning Iran for three presidential administrations-and-counting since the turn of the century. The New York Times, highly partisan in its approach to Trump, might have used a twist-full ploy once again to gaslight one topic under discussion out of many options simply put out there for consideration to make Trump look bad.
And why in the world did they need nearly as many authors to write the thing as they had sources?
It looks to me like a lot of story brain storming by NYT-witted editorial counseling to spice things up.
Apparently the NYT’s unnamed White House flies watching on the walls of the Oval Office indicate that said senior advisors explained to the president that launching an attack could light up the Middle East. So, if all backed away from that option, including the president, that tells me Trump and his advisors aren’t in the mood to blow up the Middle East.
One only needs to read the back pages of the New York Times for the last four years to see where sensational frontpage flaws of bad journalism might be hidden from the reader’s short term attention to keep them hidden, corrected and apologized.
I can recall one example: the Russians taking down the state of Vermont’s power grid, basing it on one source—not the minimum of three sources. It never happened. But the MSM ran with it. Even Rachel “Mad Cow” Maddow on MSNBC expanded upon the fake news story on television contemplating what the Russians could do to the vulnerable and elderly by shutting off the power in Midwestern States during a blizzard. Such fake stories amplified about one nuclear power shutting down power grids in deep winter could be considered an act of war.
There are dozens more that conclude with slam-dunk certitude that the Mueller’s Report had the goods on Trump—ever from “unnamed sources” of course—that he colluding with the Russians, got golden baths from Muscovite prostitutes on video, et vero ad nauseum, to prove it, of course. Mueller’s great guns with no smoke stuffed up them as it turned out. Mueller spent a couple years and $47 million dollars finding no case he could take to court, period. Otherwise Trump would have been long impeached, tried for treason and gone, folks.
Never happened…
I watched Mueller before his final congressional hearings on the matter, under oath, under threat of perjury, openly admit he did not have a case. There, there, Mr. Mueller, there was no “there” there…

This photo of a meeting with Robert Mueller when he was FBI Director in July 2012 with President Obama and Vice President Biden in the Oval Office is just to illustrate how “non-independent” was his choice, five years later, to be picked by his successor, Obama’s FBI pick Comey, as an “independent” Special Counsel to investigate incoming President Trump in 2017. Photo: US Government, public domain.
I want to explain a few reasons why Trump trying to light up the Middle East to spite incoming Biden is COVID-bat doodoo crazy. This man is run by self-interest as his true and only one-man political party. Going to war goes against his astrological narcissistic makeup as well. He’s a bluffer for wheeling and dealing effect. I’ve documented this over the last four years in articles and books and I dare say, his leaving office on 20 January 2021 will prove this so, with no war with Iran punctuating it.
Threaten doom. Make a deal. That’s Trump’s pattern and despite being a loose cannon with his Gemini Sun (ego), North Node (destiny) and Uranus (Mr. Surprise and Chaos) all conjoined together at birth, he can equally be surprising predictable if you are a politically unaligned Judicial/political Astrologer who has no bark or bite in this Trump Derangement Syndrome auguring game.
Trump the carnival barker is already moving ahead to the next “greatest political show on Earth!” Going to war with Iran would topple the tent poles before the canvas was hoisted and the elephants were fed. He’s got populist promises he did not keep that he can blame on those in deep-stated power in the Washington Swamp that sabotaged his first term in office so he can have a delayed second term in 2024. He can play that up before the 75 million Americans that voted for him in equally record numbers as they did for Biden, fake votes or not. I would also prophetically contend that pound for pound his voters counted are more likely as “real” voters than Biden’s and that this popular vote division of real, rather than “paper” Americans is far closer than we’ll ever know, because the evidence has and will continue to be suppressed and destroyed.
Trump MUST uphold the fact that he didn’t start a ruinous, quagmire war when president, the first not to in 40 years! He’s not going to go to war and screw that campaigning point up. He’s not going to leave adding more troops to foreign wars rather than bring them home as he promised his core. The promises he did keep, but the Deep State wouldn’t let him keep them, like rebuilding America becoming the only “nation building” Americans would do from now on.
The Deep State and the anti-Trump masses ganging up on him made Trump a political martyr rather than expose his mediocrity as a president. They could have instead do their journalistic jobs, staying with facts, named sources rather than going all ratings randy over one too many “gates: Bimbo-gate, Stormy-gate, Russia-gate, Ukraine-gate and so on, with no meat of fact hiding between those hamburger bun-headed stories. Where’s the beef of juicy facts and sources? Nothing crammed between the Mainstream Media’s buns.
No, if there’s a war with Iran coming before 20 January 2021, it won’t be Trump that starts it, but mind you there are those around this clueless open medium that could manipulate one, dragging him into a war against his carnival barker instincts—especially with all the ominously heavy astrology of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction just getting heavier and heavier as we approach Inauguration Day.
Trump the unconsciously open channel of bad Washington Swamp critter advice has already almost blown up the Middle East not once but twice during his first term. First: He pulled back from mad-John-Bolton’s advice to wipe out an Iranian missile site that shot down a US drone in the Strait of Hormuz in June 2019. Second: by sheer dumb luck Trump avoided a regional-wide Middle Eastern war after channeling bad advice assassinating by drone strike the third most important leader of Iran, General Soleimani, while on a diplomatic mission to Iraq on 6 January of 2020. After that and for the first time since bad blood began boiling between US and Iranian leaders since occupying the US Embassy in Tehran and taking its staff hostage in 1979, the Iranians launched missiles directly striking US bases in Iraq, pointedly hitting non-human assets but avoiding killing hundreds of US troops, as a warning.
It won’t be that way the next time.
There is something gefilte “fishy” going on with the Israeli Prime Minister’s secret maneuvers of late. Something not directly involving Washington but Jerusalem in acts of terror inside Iran during the most sensitive transition time between the changing of presidents that could enflame the Middle East accidentally on purpose and it’s done less to drag Trump into a war but rather, compromise Joe Biden’s presidency before he’s sworn in on 20 January 2021.
We have three events taking us down a trail where the real bull “shipped” went. On 23 November, it was first alleged by an Israeli news site called Walla, and broadcast around the world by the Associated Press, that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew into a remote Saudi resort-cum-smart city called Neom currently under construction. If true it would be the first time in history that a Jewish Israeli Prime Minister set foot on Saudi sand to meet the kingdom’s de facto leader behind the throne of sick and old King Salman.
The Associated Press stated that “the Israeli news site Walla, followed quickly by other Hebrew-language media, cited an unnamed Israeli official as saying that Netanyahu and Yossi Cohen, head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, flew Sunday night [22 November] to the Saudi city of Neom, where they met with the crown prince. The prince was there for talks with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.”
Neom is planned to become the “Dubai” of Saudi Arabia, incorporating smart city technologies to become an international tourist destination on the Saudi Red Sea Coast starting in 2025. The construction site is near the Red Sea, and Strait of Tiran where the borders of Egypt, Israel and Jordan converge. The meeting would have happened in any one of several beach resort mansions already available there, owned by the Saudi Crown Prince.
Although the three leaders are “mums the word” about the meeting ever taking place beyond Pompeo and MBS, AP reports, “The flight-tracking website showed a Gulfstream IV private jet took off from Tel Aviv on Sunday night [22 November local time] and flew south along the edge of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula before turning toward Neom and landing. The flight took off from Neom over three hours later and followed the same route back to Tel Aviv.
“Pompeo, who was in Israel last week,” AP adds, “traveled with a small group of American reporters on his trip throughout the Mideast, but left them at the Neom airport when he went into his visit with the crown prince.”
Things that make you go, “Hmm…”
Especially if one is a Nostradamus scholar on the trail to mark since 1983 the man most likely to be “Mabus”, Nostradamus’ code name for the third and final Antichrist—that I claim to be Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman—happens to be the most formidable candidate yet encountered because all other candidate were not a world leader like he is. This secret meeting between Israeli and Saudi leaders is perhaps a culmination of the last few months of historic global diplomatic breakthroughs given the Saudi Prince’s blessings granting the UAE and Bahrain move on the fast track to establishing full and normal relations with the Jewish State of Israel, without the impediment of Israeli world crimes as an occupier and persecutor of Palestinians getting in the way.
Perhaps at Neom, the Saudi Crown Prince is making a move to do the same diplomatic peace deal with Israel, uniting the other Persian Gulf leaders with Israel as an alliance against the regional hegemonic wannabe Iran?
Safety in numbers, perhaps? Especially with Jerusalem on board with its nuclear weapons. Where then do we go from here, even before a new US president is inaugurated? Complete reading this and get full access to all THIRTY Articles by choosing one of two options:
Donate $60 or a little more to and you will receive full access to 12 months of my reports and articles sent directly to you.
These usually come in waves of 5-to-11 articles once or twice a month, on average 105 to 112 articles a year! As soon as they’re published, I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. Put 12-months in the PayPal Memo line.
Want to choose my monthly articles waves one at a time? Here’s what you do. Donate $5.00 or a little more, to sustain Hogueprophecy. Put 30 December 2020 in the PayPal memo line. I will manually send a fully-illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal.
DATELINE: 27 November 2020
Will Trump Allow
An Israeli Strike on Iran?
Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof shared this insight on RT’s News Views and Hughes, on the day of Fakhrizadeh’s assassination 27 November 2020. The Iranians were already publicly blaming Israel for the attack. If they can publish evidence to back that up showing that linkage, Maloof carefully mused, “I think we’re in for a very delicate time that Israel is going to be on alert. In fact they have been on alert. They activated their Mossad to be ready for any instance of unrest and this would include being prepared to deal with the possible Hezbollah attacks and also from Hamas.
“So we’re going to see some form of retaliation on Israel proper…” Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 07 December 2020
Will the Year 2020 go down in History
As the Hottest Year ever Recorded?
In this, and the next three opening articles, I want to bring back our attention and catch us all up to future trends arising from current events involved with the greatest show on Earth, the accelerating and planetary-wide climate catastrophe. It has not remained idle over the last three months of election hand wringing. The dragon’s breadth of a widening climate catastrophe just keeps slowly rolling along with its breath getting hotter…. Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 06 December 2020
What We’re heating up the Earth with
Hasn’t happened in 66 Million Years
And the Evidence is now Objectifiable
Once upon a time, the tale of shells of plankton left behind a story that began with what the Dinosaurs suffered as their real-life version of the SciFi movie “Deep Impact” but without taking a hit from the smaller of two bad-ass asteroids that drilled the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina’s Outer Banks sending a 2,000 foot tsunami into New York in one of the best CGI renderings of a super-tsunami event ever attempted.
Faster than a smarter Dinosaur could yell (in Dino-Esperanto) “Oh shift my Earth’s Axis!” one big monster rock the size of Manhattan Island struck the Yucatan—“Oh YUCK! Peeped the Archaeopteryx—starting the Cenozoic with a BANG…! Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 08 December 2020

Hurricane Paulette, Tropical Depression Rene, Hurricane Sally, Tropical Storm Teddy and Tropical Storm Vicky on September 14, 2020. NASA.
Human Climate Terraformed La Niña
Hurricane Season 2020?
Wait Until You See Hurricane Season 2021!
Everyone does it. Even I do it. We all look at this weird year that is finally closing in a few weeks and all the ways it has stormed, burned, globally sickened and sequestered, changing our lives forever. When new blows visit us never before smacking our faces, we say, “Oh, it’s 2020.”
Hey 2020 has a high chance as it closes of thumbing its nose at normal expectations even in a new “abnormal” era of climate catastrophe. It can win first place over 2016 as hottest year ever. Twenty-Twenty-the Weird could do this despite the drag of a powerful La Niña development clutching at its coattails with cooling Eastern Pacific watery hands neutralizing the string of hotter-watered El Niños feeding the rising thermometers of the past few record-breaking years… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 08 December 2020
The Taste of Megafires and what 1.5 Celsius will be Like
Coming to the World as soon as 2024!
Did you know that low temperatures are generally breaking their warmest low records around the world in 2020? NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) reported from 1 January to 29 September that its stations online for 30 years-and-counting clocked 19,916 warm highs as well as nighttime record matching or breaking warm lows to the tune of 27,256! That is double cold records in the first nine months of 2020 alone that were 12,123 cold highs and 9,874 cold lows: 47,172 warm against 21,997 cold…! Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 27 November 2020
Fukushima will Begin Dumping Radioactive Water
Into the Pacific in 2022 and Continue for 30 Years.
Here we go! Act two. Thinking the unthinkable again after I reported the first go-around three years ago, (see Fukushima). The Japanese government in October 2020, played hang-wringing Hamlets again:
To dump or not to dump?
That is their question!
The solution to getting rid of cumulative, stored radioactive water in 1,000 water tanks crowding around the surviving Fukushima water-cooled reactors that the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami didn’t destroy. They’re running out of room for sure now, what with the daily increase of 170 additional tons of radioactive water used as coolant in each 24-hour period… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 28 November 2020

Reverend timer John F. MacArthur. © Creative Commons.
God’s Good and Disposable Planet Earth
So Say the Holy Rolling Climate Crisis Deniers
A number of messianic traditions (especially those that currently hold the most weapons of mass destruction) believe that their savior cannot return until humanity destroys the world. The selling of this interpretation of prophecy I call Propheganda—the art of promulgating a global catastrophe as a prerequisite for the appearance of the savior. Propheganda first persuades people that they live in a bad world, not worth saving. Over time an antilife interpretation of visions takes hold over the culture. People are persuaded to believe that the end of the world is inevitable, so they subconsciously start working toward it. They use the world’s resources as if there’s no tomorrow, because deep down they’ve been conditioned by their religions to really believe in no tomorrow.
The business of that civilization, persuaded to believe in an eventual end of the world and physically working itself up for a global disaster, I call the economics of Armageddon, or Armageddonomics… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 26 November 2020

Osho giving Energy Darshan circa late 1970s.
The Important and Healing Need
To Accept and Celebrate going Deep into your Grief
About the Climate Crisis Coming
Only when Grief is Allowed and Transcended
Can Each of You become a Living Answer to this Crisis
I had an email conversation with one of the people who sought a one-on-one Zoom reading with me the other week. She is directly involved for decades with speaking to government leaders and the United Nations to affect the political will to battle climate change for decades. Like so many in the field she is becoming overwhelmed by all the promises of politicians to take up the work after being presented the hard science concerning what is no longer a Climate “Change” but a rapidly accelerating Climate “Catastrophe” overtaking the world. The politicians nod and do nothing for decades of her efforts.
She is now passing through what I have already passed through. A stage of deep grieving for the world and for the future of humanity as a Sixth Mass Extinction approaches. It does not only threaten millions of animal and plant species with extinguishment forever. Mass extinction is soon knocking on human doors.
I think it would help many people struggling not to suppress this grief, afraid to never resurface. I would say from experience: go into it. Cry it, wail it. And in the process receive a cleansing and a resurrection to stand tall and better work afterward to change the future’s course because you cried.
In what follows her comment is my Oracle’s unexpected channeled response…Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 27 November 2020

Planet Venus. Photo NASA-JPL.
Life on Venus?
We’re not Farting Around here! Or are We?
Building an earth station a little above the cloud layer is not a castle in the clouds idea. It’s plausible. At the cloud layer’s highest altitude the atmosphere is 30 degrees Fahrenheit. And down to its ceiling over the lead boiling land 200 degrees Fahrenheit. That means some kind of cloud-born life could be possible, even in such acid-eroding clouds. It isn’t what I would call a “Goldie Locks” place for complex life forms but it could be not too hot and not too cold for some microbial denizens.
Who knows? Maybe there are blimp-like microbial herds of Besbin wildebeests of Venus farting around in the upper clouds… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 27 November 2020

The Kinmen Guningtou Arch, Taiwan. Photo: Rolfmueller, © Creative Commons.
Taiwan-me-up in a War with China?
Today the San Juan government of the US Territory of Puerto Rico declared independence from the United States! China has offered economic and military assistance arming the Puerto Rican’s with top-of-the-line military hardware to defend themselves against US invasion.
Washington has warned Beijing that they have crossed a red line and will now face economic and military retribution for their actions as Puerto Rico is a “territory” of the United States and its union of states and territories. President Trump has invoked the name of President Lincoln and declared the Union will be restored by bloodshed if need be, just as breakaway states suffered during the American Civil War.
The Chinese Navy have sent aircraft carrier strike forces inside the Caribbean Sea that have begun patrolling off the US mainland at the edge of the border for international waters as a direct taunting of their military might thousands of miles from their home in a sea south of the US what is considered a “US” Caribbean Sea, as US as the South “China” Sea is claimed by Beijing… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 29 November 2020
Bitcoin and Privacy Protection
Will be Secured by Quantum Cryptography!
Imagine a world without cyberattacks. Where privacy is secure. Where person-to-person transactions happen instantaneously with no borders, no banks. Because there is no need for them.
What is imagined here is personal sovereignty: the way of the Aquarian Age future, where nations disappear and equally unique individuals fill the void of national herding that de-individualizes human beings. I have written a number of times about today’s early stages of scientific investigation into quantum physics… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 30 November 2020
R.I.P Stephen Cohen
Who Like Myself Foresaw the Dangers
Of a Second Cold War going Hot
Stephen F. Cohen, a leading authority on US-Russian relations from the Soviet Union to the present, and renowned American scholar on Russia history, died of lung cancer at the age of 81 on 18 September 2020. He was a key source for my understanding of these subjects for over 30 years. I share the view of “rogue journalist” Caitlin Johnstone of Consortium News that “in a world that is increasingly confusing and awash with propaganda, Cohen’s death is a blow to humanity’s desperate quest for clarity and understanding…” Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 30 November 2020
Seven Ways Climate Disruption
Is Showing you it is Here and Now
I want to keep this Zen and simple. Back in 02 April 2019 the presented lots of interesting data to support their list of seven effects of climate change they contend we’re already seeing. Please read how they came to these seven if you wish by going to the link above.
I’m going to reframe the list with seven personal comments on how these seven effects have already impacted my life… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 04 December 2020
Is Trump about to be “GORED” again?
Will SCOTUS 2020 Repeat what SCOTUS 2000 did to Al Gore’s Legal Recounts, shutting down what Later was Proven True?
He “had” Won the Electoral Votes
To be President—not G.W. Bush
[NOTE FROM 18 December: this article was date tagged on 4 December before many of the things I wrote have since happened, concerning the Supreme Court of the United States {SCOTUS} simply not hearing this “hot potato” case]
I get this a lot since the 3 November elections. This basic comment from skimming readers who don’t go deep into the articles or read my book on the elections:
John, It looks like your prediction of Trump’s reelection is wrong… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 02 December 2020

Future Justice Amy Coney Barrett during her US Senate hearing. Source, CSPAN.
The Future of the SCOTUS
What you are Not Being Told
Roe v. Wade being overturned? Forget about that. The new Supreme Court Justice Amy Comey Barrett using the law to make a better (Catholic-anti-abortionist) Kingdom of God on Earth is not a point you should waste your time on if you are pro-choice. It is another corporate news/partisan Democrat legislators’ trick to have you all dwell upon the least significant talking points to unsuccessfully stop this candidate from becoming the new Ninth Justice, thanks to a Republican control of the Senate, replacing liberal heroine of the left, Justice Ruth Bater Ginsburg who passed after a long battle with cancer.
I wrote the following comment at the beginning of Barret’s grilling by the Senate Democrats in her Senate Confirmation Hearing in October 2020. It is a little prophetic lesson on what the Constitution requires when a SCOTUS seat is vacated whatever time that happens, a month before a presidential election or not… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 02 December 2020

Great Eclipse of 2017’s point of darkest shadowing will be crossed by the Great Eclipse of 2024! Source: Astronomy Magazine, Roen Kelly.
America in 2017 and 2024
In the Crossbars
Of Eclipsing Change
Here’s a conversation I had by email with a reader named Stewart about a subject that will gain a lot of attention in my forthcoming book out hopefully by mid-2021, entitled: The Roaring 2020s: Decade of Destruction and Transformation. I’d like to share it with you all… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 02 December 2020
I seek to Disappoint you ALL!
To be fair and balanced, here’s one of the best letters critical of my Coast to Coast AM appearances with George Noory hosting on 2 November and 3 November 2020… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 08 December 2020
COVID-19 Autumn-Winter Shutdowns Foreseen
Nearly Eight Months Earlier on 20 April 2020:
On 20 April 2020 (ironically Adolf Hitler’s birthday) I wrote the following passage in a HogueProphecy Article just as the world was shutting itself down from the Coronavirus Pandemic:
The full flowering of rebellion will wait until the end of the year, in the winter, during the return of coronavirus discontent. There may even be a stock market rally before that, perhaps the last fiat rally in the autumn but like before the financially FAKE economy rising to near 30,000 points is pointless to real workers making things and serving real people, both servers and served out of work.
When Saturn finally leaves its comfy corporate home in Capricorn on 18 December 2020, it becomes the first and significant planetary deserter of the corporate influencing cause. When that happens, the rally will pass and the Greater Recession will deepen. The signs will already be there by mid-summer 2020 when there will be a slow lurching forward of a very damaged, global economy of the un-gainfully employed…Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 08 December 2020
Guess Who’s Coming to Head
Biden Treasury Department?
Ms. Cabbage Patchy-Headed Janet Yellen
So who ya gonna call, President-elect Biden? Who’s your Ghost Buster of this Covid Pandemic, Biden Depression coming?
In a cabinet forming with its collective faces boldly driving into the uncertain American future looking in the rear view mirror at the good old “Great Recession” Obama days, there is Joe going out into his cabbage patch behind his mansion in Delaware to dig up a real economic cabbage head par excellence. Former Obama era Federal Reserve head Janet Yellen is his choice for Secretary of the Treasury.
Along with my winning streak of picking the winner of popular presidential votes is this odd accuracy foretelling the shape of things to come under that unsteady hand and addled mind of appointed men and a woman serving as the chief of the Federal Reserve. These rare few—these clowns corporate—who in the name of a “free market” impose their politically correct capitalistic-socialism in fixing interest rates of a socialized fiat “capitalist” economy… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 09 December 2020
Nostradamus’ Strange Birds of Plague Update:
Outbreaks of Bird Flu
Nostradamus details a potential breakdown of our near future history. Once he’s finished, he surprises the reader with an afterthought, a sign of what began the downfall, what portent to watch for that would signal when all that unravelling rant’s plagues, wars and upending of civilization should begin shortly after.
En apres l’antechriƒt ƒera le prince infernal, encores par la derniere foy… tous les Royaumes de la Chreƒtienté, & auƒƒi des infideles, par l’eƒpace de vingt cinq ans… & auant iceux aduenements, aucuns oyƒeaux inƒolites crieront par l’air. Huy, huy, & ƒeront apres quelque temps eƒuanouys. (Epistle to Henri II)
The Antichrist returns for the last time…All the Christian and infidel nations will tremble…for the space of twenty-five years… Before these events many strange birds will cry in the air, ‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ and sometime later will vanish. … Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 09 December 2020

Above photo of Edgar Cayce from 1910.
Of Sputnik V Vaccines
True prophecy cares not for how we take their future visions that upend present-day fashions of political hubris and bias. Cayce in the following prophecy boldly indicated a time when Russia beyond its passing communist phase would become new and free and a hope in future dark times like these.
What then of nations? In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, OR Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world. [Reading] #3976-29 (1944)… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 02 December 2020

James Randi doing his signature Trump-lip pouting Mentalist glower and scowl. Author: Sgerbic, © Creative Commons.
James Randi is Dead
John Hogue’s Obituary
James Randi, otherwise known as the “AMAZING” Randi, was a performance magician, honored member of the Magic Castle in Hollywood and in his retirement from the stage declared himself the penultimate debunker of all things that go “bump” in the subjective night of the paranormal. Although James would like to debunk what I’m about to say, he’s not here anymore to flummox and hate the guts of my very existence. May that habit of ego, at least, rest in peace.
To the coming cat calls of his ardent cynical-not-“skeptical” followers I have been telling my friends and associates for the last three months now about a premonition that Mr. Randi was dying. And the three months leading up to hearing about his death at the ripe old age of 92 from age-related causes on Tuesday 20 October, the news released to the world the following day, I’ve been musing on what gifts of growth this significant man in my life, a man who considered me nut job number two after the spoon-bending Israeli Uri Geller, had given me… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 03 December 2020

Homeless housing under construction burned in Minneapolis. © Free-Art-License.
If it Comes what will be Its Nature?
Some Perilous Parallels to the Past
The most dangerous weapon a populist can abuse is when he uses a real injustice, just like Hitler applied the real injustice of the Versailles Treaty to blame and financially punish Germany as solely responsible for the First World war. Upon that true crime against Germany, Hitler highly hyped and galvanized anti-Semitism and resurrected German nationalism in a “Germany First” and “over all nations” platform. In other words, Deutschland uber Alles! And I’m not talking about Germans hiring a ride but being taken for a ride into the Second World War upon Hitler’s half-truth premises… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 01 December 2020

House destroyed by Saudi air strike in the Houthi capital of South Sanaa. Photo, Ibrahem Qasim, © Creative Commons.
Rich Man, Poor Man
Beggar Man, Thieving Antichrist’s
Forgotten War in Yemen
—Not Forgotten by HogueProphecy—
An ironies of ironies. The wealthiest nation in the Middle East is currently waging a war since 2015 on the poorest nation in the Middle East, Yemen, right next door from its southwestern territories.
The Yemeni union has suffered civil warfare in the 1970s and 1980s. The dividing line pits two Yemeni peoples, the Northerners being Shia-minority Muslims known at the Houthis, at odds with the Southern Yemenis who are majority Sunni Muslim, aided by the Sunnis nations of Saudi Arabia, and the UAE leading a coalition of nine Arab Sunni-ruled states joining forces with the Sunni Yemenis in 2015 a year after the new and a far more bloody civil war than ever before began.
The Obama Administration came to Saudi Arabia’s aid, and ever since large Boeing USAF fuel jets are ever on station to refuel by air US-and-UK built Saudi and UAE warplanes on a relentless bombing campaign that Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) started in 2015. He foresaw the war being “limited in nature, and designed to protect the people [of Yemen]” and be finished in three months.”
That was six bloody years ago-and-counting.
The prophet Nostradamus MBS is not… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 25 December 2020
Biden’s Campaign “Ghost” Foreign Policy?
Meet the President-Elect’s
Neo-Conned and Joe BidDEN-Bama Cabinet
Of all the US presidential campaigns I have witnessed since 1964 when I became interested at an early age of nine, this was the first campaign I watched where the winner from mid-March to 3 November election day, mostly stayed out of sight in his basement for the entire campaign cycle and got to be president without telling us next to nothing about what he was going to do on foreign policy issues. I sometimes wonder if he had a foreign policy at all. And now, as his choices for his cabinet line up to be counted to be approved by the new Senate early next year, it seems President-Elect Biden really doesn’t have a foreign policy plan that is new. Rather, he enters these revolutionary times driving his future administration forward looking in the rear view mirror to the Obama era where he was VP sidekick Sancho Panza to President Obama Don Quixote.
No one can go back to the past. To move past-forward into new times is like regurgitating the past. The food for thought that went down in the past comes up but not in a form more palpable… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 01 December 2020
Will a President Biden Resurrect
Obama’s Greatest Diplomatic Achievement:
The Iran Nuclear Deal?
Iran’s terms for returning to the Iran nuclear deal are these: first immediately end all sanctions against Iran, including the ones Obama kept active against the JCPOA agreement’s terms “before” Trump came to power and ripped the treaty up.
The US returns to the agreement and abides by ALL of its tenets, not some.
Leave the pork barrel issue of ballistic missiles in the Middle East out of the agreement because it is not part of it.
Essentially dial the clock back four years and dial back all the repudiable things Trump did to the agreement, threatening even allies from doing any business with Iran and make this what I would coin the NEW START JCPOA treaty.
The nuclear deal isn’t perfect, but without it my Oracle says the world is heading toward a Third World War in the next two to four years… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 02 December 2020

Transgender Venus by Uffizi, © Creative Commons.
The Future of Authentic Gender Transformation
And Now for Something Completely Different:
Monty Pythoner John Cleese mocking Woke Twitter Mobs
Who have no Sense of Humor
Let me be clear, I am all for being “awake.” But drop the dead noun of it. Make it an awakening into full consciousness as a verb. It is awakening like a river is rivering. Living is a verb and life only is alive in the eternity of the present. To be Awakening is a rivering in the eternal-ling, present-ing.
To be “Woke” is past tense, not living presently. And to me the past is not to be identified with.
Understanding this?
Its lessons noting? Yes.
But to live in the past, to be “woke-up” rather than ever-newly awakening is a dead past-tense thing.
Here then comes an “aim-to-disappointing” moment… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 03 December 2020
John Hogue’s
FOR 2020
What of the astrology on election day 5 January 2021?
Certainly neither as ominous as on Election Day 3 November 2020, nor as biblically fateful as on Inauguration Day 20 January 2021. The Great Establishment Conjunction stellium over high noon at the swearing-in of the next president will not yet be in a nation-upending epic square with the Great Upheaval Conjunction in the Twelfth House of hidden enmity not yet gathering its astrological storms in the skies over America on 5 January and yet…Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.