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DATELINE: 31 May 2020
May you Live in Interesting
Quickening Times
This title is a variation on the Chinese proverb that euphemistically sugarcoats a time of upheaval, an end of the long vacation from history’s whirlwinds as “Interesting.” There are many moving future-trending parts to the quickening evolutionary crisis of the human race. HogueProphecy will try to keep giving you the larger perspective as the news plays its infantile fixation on one running part of this engine of global crises, such as the Coronavirus. The first important trend to anticipate is upon us: what kind of “new abnormal” is the world about to enter, just as it looks like the US and Europe are the first large centers of civilization after China to stagger out of their economic shutdowns and slowly resuscitate the engine of commerce.
What are signs of the damage to look out for?
How long will the recovery be? Will half the world emerge unemployed? Are the dire figures initially being reported about job losses going to end up in fact not at all as high as feared, just like forecasts of the Coronavirus’ death toll have turned out far lower than first anticipated?
Given the quickening times, I will start off my May 2020 Article wave with several news-trending articles providing you with quick oracular insights into future trending themes before I take you on to a preview of three chapters from my new and fiftieth book about Nostradamus’ Coronavirus prophecies.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020

Portland, Oregon, during the coronavirus pandemic, 28 March 2020 – New Seasons, Woodstock neighborhood. Photo: Another Believer, © Creative Commons.
Awakening from a COVID Pan-Econodemic Coma
By early July we will begin to See
How much Damage Shutting Down the World did
To the Body Economic
The human family braces itself. The artificially-induced industrial coma to stop the spread of the virus, is taken off life “un-support.” People will emerge from self-isolation to breathe into it the life of commerce again.
When the patient revives and comes back into full econsciousness, as it were, what kind of bread-winning Economy will rise from its sickbed?
Will its state of mind and body we were once familiar with return? Or rather, will Economy sit up in bed blinking-and twitching, irreparably changed and weakened by this harsh, some say medieval-medical lockdown, move?
The diagnosis anticipated by the International Labor Organization (ILO) is not good.
The ILO believes half of the world’s workforce—1.6 billion workers—will have no jobs to return to. Like gig workers in the developed world, the informal or day-job workers on short-term contract will be hardest hit, especially in developing nations.
The ILO report came out at the end of April, roughly after month one of the global economic “coma” as my oracle likes to call it, declaring, “The first month of the crisis is estimated to have resulted in a drop of 60 percent in the income of informal workers globally.”
Imagine an epic peril of 436 million businesses descending into foreclosures, bankruptcy with a good chance that a third of these, even half might disappear?

Protest and riot aftermath on West Lake Street, Minneapolis, 27 May 2020. Author: Fibonacci Blue, © Creative Commons.
The EU’s (Eeeyoooky!) unemployment stats are coming in. If COVID-19 prays on the vulnerable with compromised immune systems and preexisting conditions, the post-COVID-Pan-Econodemic has the econimmunologically unhealthy members of the EU in its clutches.
Italy is in shock and crawling out of the shutdown weak as a kitten. Then there’s Spain’s Labor Ministry revealing unemployment benefits hitting an all-time high of 5.2 million at the end of April alone. The Spanish working in the food and beverage services lost 720,000 jobs. With the Bank of Spain forecasting an economic shrinkage of 6.8 percent and even 12.4 percent in 2021, “if the Covid-19 lockdown lasts eight or 12 weeks.”
That report was tendered April 20, 2020. I post this article a little over a month later. If we calculate when shutdowns started in the EU, countries coming out of lockdown nearly hit and some exceeded the 8 month limit. Europe in general is a major tourist hub, especially for the Chinese. These estimates in late April of the Spanish or other ministries of economy in the EU are not factoring in something very important. People’s habits have undergone a shock from this plague and lockdown. China, the first outbreak center opening back to business in early April, has seen a lot less people returning to crowded malls, movie theaters, sport venues and restaurants.
Let’s face it, the world will pass through a year of the COVID-19’s masked pandemic ball, with rubber gloves worn while you work included, until there is a vaccine. There’s some hope we might get one by the end of the year but more likely in the late spring of 2021. So nobody is going to be flying to European tourist destinations in their millions this summer.
France’s President Macron has already declared in late May 2020 a cancellation of August vacations. Say au revoir to millions of French folk crowding their own and Italy’s restaurants and Mediterranean beaches sustaining millions of French, Italian or the 720,000 Spanish food and beverage workers hoping to go back to work in hotels, bistros and kitchens of these nationally critical tourist markets.
The same vacuum of international tourism is coming all over the world.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) when faced in mid-May with 90 percent of air travel grounded in Europe and the US since the start of the pandemic are now predicting a great downsizing of the airline industry as a consequence. They have concluded recovery back to pre-COVID-shutdown levels will take until 2023, a minimum of three years.
What they are not factoring in are changes of habit coming. People aren’t going to fly with masks on long flights across the world without being able to take them off, eat or drink, etc. for months to come—peak months for tourist travel. We are going to see a record amount of people traveling to local areas instead. International flight will be long delayed in recovery. But I do see an improvement in going “local” to vacations—so domestic flights will more rapidly improve. The absence in the air of the world’s largest demographic of industry-sustaining international tourists, the Chinese, will be sorely missed.
Now let’s look to the EU’s economic heart, the German economy, without which there would be no Euro economic union, since the euro is a deutschmark in disguise. It’s heading for its worst recession since it had no economy left standing at the end of World War II. The German Economic Ministry predicted it will shrink by 6.3 percent in 2020 but rebound by 5.2 GDP after the economy revives in the second half of 2021.
Hmm… I think that is depended as much on the world’s economy rebounding to give Germany something to sell to other struggling countries. The German government has already dumped $1.1 trillion to compensate workers for disruptions of their employ from pandemic social distancing measures. Even Germany is going money printing-press slap-happy despite the gamble of not completely locking down its economy. It remains one of the world’s success stories of massive and efficient testing, sequestering the sick and keeping the death toll low, relative to other EU and the US death tolls.
These euro-craptic bureaucratic ministries aren’t thinking globally in their fig-gure-gitations of life lived in the future.
Germans can suffer less in their domestic arena but with the world market in a two-month coma and set to take years to recover from that, you can have one of the most educated and skilled labor and white collar work forces in the world, but if nobody is buying… It could be a whole lot like 1945, this time with the factories idle rather than rubble.
Now to America.
Rick Sanchez of RT America on 13 May reported a study done by Stanford University estimating that the current unemployment numbers of mid-May, passing 20 million, would see 60 percent of their jobs returning but 40 percent would be completely lost. The study is based on percentages of previous recessions for that estimate.
Sanchez pointed out that that printing unbacked fiat money to abandon “is not good for consumers.” The reckoning comes later when they begin bracing for rises in the cost of living because of all this printing by fiat across the globe. The funny money has been cranked out by central banks in the trillions—$5 trillion by the US alone in mid-May.
I predict that number might hike to $8 or $10 trillion by the end of 2020 to somehow restore life support to a third of all US small businesses closing completely down. Moreover, since mid-May unemployment requests have passed the 40-million mark. There could be 15 million people without a job, depressionary figures rivaling the 1930s.
Food processing and transport disruptions because of social distancing have been responsible for the initial rises during the shutdown. In the economic revival months to come, prices could even improve a bit as 60 percent of the unemployed get back to work.
I can feel it clearly, we aren’t coming back to pre-COVID prices for food or much else. There will be a slow climb in costs that the US president will do whatever magic tricks with stimuli of the economy he can to curtail. That means the real pocketbook pain is coming “after” the 3 November presidential election. Late November it could begin. By early December it might accelerate prices because of disruptions expected in the second wave of Coronavirus infections as it settles in with Christmas shutdowns—perhaps not as all-encompassing as we’ve just endured, but enough to bring inflation, or “stagflation” woes through the winter and into the spring of 2021.
Stagflation is defined as “a persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment and stagnant demand in a country’s economy.” That’s something not endured since the 1970s, but with a black swan of a twist because by the end of 2020 upwards of 30 percent of businesses either are dead on arrival or in critical condition without enough government assistance (that means printing more fiat valueless money intensifying stagflation). Also by year’s end perhaps 40 percent of the 40-million plus unemployed are still unemployed.
I’d like to be a bearer of better recovery news.
Here’s why that time has passed. Actually it passed 12 years ago when the last Great Recession came and leaders of governments and industry didn’t reform the lifestyle changes that made it crash on 9 March 2020 with the oil industry crisis as one black swan event, accelerated by the Pandemic “Panic” and a third black swan come dancing on our heads: the Black Ballet Bird of Lockdown.
We are at last entering the decade where karmic “bills” for decades of bad economic behavior, that kicked reforms down the road of time until they hit the wall called The Roaring 2020s.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020

Illustration by Randolph Caldecott (1887). Public Domain
If you Can’t Work You Can’t Eat
The Hunger Games of Global Food Shortages are Here
No work equals no income, equals no food security and no future. This, framed in my brevity of words, is what the ILO Director-General Guy Ryder related in his late April UNO report. He added that a “massive” rise in poverty was coming in the wake of the COVID-19 shutdown and lockdown. And what he didn’t mention directly is these newly-impoverished people will go hungry.
That was left to another UN agency the World Food Program (WFP). I can tell you this from an oracular standpoint, when what the WFP report says is “probably” a long lasting recession coming has no probably in it. The harm done by the global shutdown is heading the world down through the first half of the 2020s into the greatest-depression experience the world has ever known.
What UK journalist Rob Lyons, specializing in science, environmental and health issues, stated in his title for his 23 April Article is not hyperbolic, it is prescient: A long lockdown will be catastrophic for developed nations—but a ‘biblical disaster for the developing world.
Lyon cites UN-sourced WFP hunger report as “a depressing view of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.” It rivals the UN organization’s ILO’s economic biblical disaster we just covered in my last article.
Writes Lyon, “The report suggests the number of people facing severe food shortages—on the brink of starvation—could double over the next 12 months, from 130 million to 265 million.”
It was the head of the WFP, David Beasley, who described the possible famines as biblical.
“Those debating lockdowns in the West should bear in mind the world’s poor before demanding that restrictions should stay in place,” cautions Lyon.
My European, Canadian and American readers may be breaking out of their lockdowns, but the developing world is just descending into them, with scant medical resources caring for vastly larger populations. I only hope that herd immunity will prove itself in the developing world where the poor cannot easily sequester and the authorities can’t easily police.
If we step back from the developing nations’ looming international food crisis, the developed nations have their own waiting woes, though outright famine at this time is not likely in 2020. Later, astrologically speaking, hunger could stalk the richer nations once Pluto enters its final degrees of Capricorn’s transit before entering a 20-year generation of revolution in Aquarius. The Lord of the Underworld plans an extremely intense exit, a generationally degenerating “farewell” to Big Business, Capricorn-capitalism’s global sustainability of the late great Fiat economy. It’s collapse could begin as soon as 2022 through early 2024.
For now, hunger has come to the developed world of the European (not-so-unified) Union’s Italians. The economic disruption of the pandemic in early May has left 700,000 Italian children 15-and-under without enough food. So reports Italy’s largest farmers organization, Coldiretti on 11 May 2020.
The developed world is already suffering meat shortages because infections in meat processing plants are high. Add to this equally high density human activities of harvesting and packing other food stuffs, it equals price hikes all around the world will rise higher because less food gets to the table with less laboring hands in place to catch a COVID-19.
Rick Sanchez on 13 May 2020 reported the “largest monthly increase in grocery prices across the US in 50 years.” The Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US government meat and eggs up 4.3 percent. Fruits and vegetables 1.5 percent and cereals and breads 2.9 percent.
These are bound to climb much higher.
Onward through the summer of 2020 into autumn, the poorer nations will be impacted by food scarcity. The richer counties will confront hunger in a different way, from affordable food price scarcity. In either case it brings up another “trend” the mainstream hasn’t anticipated yet but HogueProphecy has. When people suffer a food crisis, especially when the breadbasket cost hits you below the economic belt, as it where, this is a catalyst for widespread social unrest, mass demonstrations and ultimately an opening for revolutions erupting in the lands of the poor “and” the rich.
I think these rebellions are still a little far off, but the Arab Spring revolutions starting in early 2011 across North Africa and the Middle East were caused by bread prices climbing to 40 percent of a family’s daily income.
Look out for that percentage of rebellion.
We might first see it spread across the developing world. Brace yourselves for a food fight—revolutions in the spring of 2021 at the earliest.
From Fulfilled Predictions of Plagues Past
To Plagues by Any Other Name
Separating Fact from Fallacy
When Prophecy is Infected
By the Virus of Lies
And the Hottest Scoop in Prophecy Today:
The Coronavirus Pandemic
Was Indeed Foreseen
By Nostradamus
Nostradamus did Foresee the Coronavirus Pandemic. It is rare for me to make such an absolute statement in study of this cloudy and cryptic prophet for more than four decades, but I am surprised to declare this is so and you are about to find out why.
Along with the usual, completely and fantastically Fake Prophecy or two, some of the articles published by the press have pulled up a few that have some merit. All they require for a more comprehensive study is a deeper knowledge and experience of the man, his prophecies and how to understand the verse and poetic language he used to write them… Complete reading this Special Featured, plus get full access to all ten articles by choosing one of two options:
Donate $60 or a little more to and you will receive full access to 12 months of my bi-weekly posted reports sent directly to you. The HogueProphecy Report is going to give you bi-weekly postings of 2 to 4 articles at a time. A lot of my subscribers are very happy about this new arrangement, and I hope you will also join them by either choosing this option or by choosing the other two options. You’ll get articles as soon as they’re published. I will manually send a fully illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. Put 12-months 02 June 2020 (published, 31 July composed) in the PayPal Memo line, to receive full access to this archived Article thread.
You can also join via snail mail. Just send a US check or money order payable to “John Hogue” of $60 or a little more to: John Hogue, P.O. Box 666, Langley, WA 98260. Please don’t forget to send a legible email address for sending these HogueProphecy Reports.
When you donate $5.00 or a little more, you will be taken through my website page to my PayPal donation page. Click on the monthly payment option and set up your bank or credit card to my PayPal account. Put Automatic 02 June 2020 (published, 31 July composed) in the PayPal memo line to receive full access to this archived Article thread. I will manually send a fully illustrated PDF attached to the email address you used at PayPal. You can then receive all access as long as you stay in the automatic monthly payment for days, months, or years. As long as you like. I think for many of you who haven’t renewed your subscription because paying the whole annual donation at once is too expensive, this could be the best and most affordable option that equally sustains my financial ability to keep publishing articles. Call it my own version of the “Substack” or “Patreon” model.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020
From Fulfilled Predictions of Plagues Past
To Plagues by Any Other Name
1 Q63
Les fleurs1 paƒƒés diminue le monde,
Long temps la paix terres inhabitées:
Seur2 marchera par Ciel, terre, mer, & onde:
Puis de nouueau les guerres ƒuƒcitées.
Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes small,
For a long time the lands will be inhabited in peace:
[One] will travel safely by air, [over] land, seas and wave:
Then wars will start anew.
1Misprint for ƒléaux = the “ring” of inflammation around the “roses” of pestilential boils. 2Old French suer or sceur from Latin, securus, free from care, or safe.
By 1963 (Q63), advances in medical science had almost eradicated the great killer diseases such as yellow fever, polio, and smallpox. The dawning jet age following the war paved the way for countless millions to travel safely through the skies, to every continent, over every ocean. The world for the first time had become “small.”
…Nostradamus 4.6 centuries before the term was coined foresaw our “small world” of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries thanks to developments in communications technology that allows one to Zoom or Skype or use any number of social media platforms to reach the world, facilitating contact between different peoples and cultures. Moreover, with blockchain technologies and the rise of “person-to-person” cryptocurrency transactions poised to bring in the coming decades a decentralized but intimately connected planet, our world could keep growing more free of centralized governments, power grids. Even banks could disappear.
Perhaps Nostradamus had a prophet’s-eye view of a tiny blue and white orb in the deep blackness of space, seen through Apollo Eight’s porthole when all humanity got their first televised look at our beautiful fragile world, a small world without borders… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020
Separating Fact from Fallacy
When Prophecy is Infected
By the Virus of Lies
Prophecy is a strange profession. It is all fancy until it is fulfilled fact. And for the most part one like myself is trying to open our eyes to the future Nostradamus may have seen before that future collectively closes our eyes and plants us and our civilization six feet under.
His generally pessimistic prophecies dwell on potential futures we are intended to mostly avoid before these hammers fall. If interpreters have read him right and steer people away from bad futures, the reward is nothing at all, and I would add, nothing bad happening at all, for which no one need take credit.
Talk about fanciful. I’m in the business of changing the future and ending up like someone only remembered for crying “wolf!” all the time, but never right about the future I don’t want to happen.
Where evil people can fail to fulfill their dark dreams, it is equally true that good people mostly miss the moment of foresight, sometime recognizing what they missed in hindsight, as long as an authentic prophecy of Nostradamus isn’t infected with a highly attractive lie, like “The City of York”… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020
The Coronavirus Pandemic
Was Indeed Foreseen
By Nostradamus
Another article from the Express (published 3 March 2020) did mention it but the author needs to bone up on his geography. He only thought this covered Italian cities. Actually these four cities also represent Italy “and” the other two continental EU nations fiercely visited by mass infection of hundreds of thousands, overwhelmed medical systems and tens of thousands of deaths:
3 Q75
Pau, Verone, Vicence, Sarragouƒƒe,
De glaiues loings terroirs de ƒang humides:
Peƒte ƒi grande viendra à la grand gouƒƒe1,
Proche ƒecours, & bien loing les remedes.
Pau [France], Verona, Vicenza [Italy], Saragossa [Spain],
Swords from distant lands damp with blood.
Very great plague will come with a great [husk shell-like] pod.
Relief near but the remedies far away.
1Shell, scab, husk, pod.
Nostradamus picks up on our iconic images of the future. At no time in history thus far has a great pandemic’s viral form been broadcast across the mass media outlets like Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and I content Nostradamus did not overlook this when he called it la grand gouƒƒe.
To me, the most common image of the virus is a three-dimensional rotating grainy sculpture looking like a roughened, roundish and husky sea mine. The pod-like body painted white with its stubby-arms, the “spike proteins” appendage triggers of high contagion covering the shell, painted red.
The source of this fearsome plague pod is indeed from a distant land, Hubei Province’s chief city of Wuhan, China. Since China’s rapid transformation into the world’s largest economic dynamo the Chinese people, known in Far Eastern countries as “the Jews of Asia” have a large cosmopolitan footprint in many countries. Prosperity has made the Chinese the largest demographic source of global tourism. This is especially so each year during the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations when millions of expatriate Chinese or those working abroad fly home to China be with their families.
When they returned to their jobs overseas, especially a large number who work in Italy the plague outbreak in Wuhan came with them first ravaging Italy, then France and Spain. Note that Northern Italy was the first region hardest hit by the great pod plague. Verona and Vicenza are in the northeastern Veneto region at the same latitude as the hotbed of the plague, the region around Milan… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020
Where there’s Plague, there’s War:
US Playing Games of Military Chicken with Iran
From the Persian Gulf to Venezuela
And US is behind Renewal of Tensions in Hong Kong
Plus the Sino-Indian Border Crisis in Ladakh
When a rising power begins to claim its place at the table of the hegemon, that hegemon will strain it every way it can before open war, and spend it to death in an arms race, mindlessly of its own economic bankruptcy. Throw US support into the Chinese-Uyghurs domestic conflict inside China and look to promote friction next in Tibet, the Chinese Himalayan province, once an independent country, that China occupied in 1950. That’s the next US State Department-cum-Central Intelligence Agencies color revolution after Hong Kong.
China isn’t just going to sit around… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020

Green turtle swimming over coral reefs in Kona. Author: Brocken Inaglory, © Creative Commons.
Sooner than Later: Tropical Oceans
Will Begin Collapsing in Ten Years!
I have been presciently aware of this danger and publishing my concerns as well as speaking about it on television and radio for over 32 years. Starting last year, I began reporting on alarming objective discoveries where the science is catching up with my oracular concerns… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020
The Themes of Gathering Ire
That Working People will Cry “Havoc” about
When the Covid-19 Shutdown Ends
And the Greater Recession Aftermath Begins
There’s no turning back, only moving forward deeper into this decade to face either destruction or transformation
Saturn will have returned to Capricorn by 2 July 2020 after giving us a taste for the Aquarian waters of revolution to come when Saturn finally exits Capricorn on 18 December 2020 for its over three year transit into the Aquarian sign’s potentials of a full-on rebellion versus a gathering global surveillance state—what Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto transiting through world-order ruling Capricorn had established as a corporate aristocracy of the one-percent over 99 percent of the human race.
On the streets, in the workplaces, standing in food and unemployment lines, huddled inside households facing mortgage and rent implosions, you will hear the following sharp statements jab us to attention—coming out of our own hot-hearted mouths, as early as the summer of 2020. By the spring of 2021 these become pique’s prick thrusted pitchfork points in the direction of the powerful pricks of politics and kleptocratic business gangsters and banksters that sold us short in every humanly decent way when Great Recession 2020 becomes the Greater Depression of spring 2021.
Hear then in future’s augury these cries of “Havoc!”… Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.
DATELINE: 31 May 2020

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft is launched on NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 mission to the International Space Station. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls), public domain.
Back to the Future
Of Civil Rights Demonstrations, Riots
And a New Era of American SpaceX-ploration
Neill Cavuto was bantering back and forth with Fisher on the left side of the TV screen will the right side displayed reruns of the Falcon 9 rocket soaring through the sky into space with shots of thousands of onlookers filled with cheers and a level of excitement I haven’t seen in space launches since I watched them as a teen with the Saturn V rockets topped by Apollo missions to the Moon—a moment of inspiration and hope in the troubled times of 1968. Then as now breakthroughs in space exploration made a contrast with social, economic and racial breakdowns down on American soil, rocked then as just now with nationwide riots. The worst of these came in 1968 with the assassination of Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King.
The racial abuse against African Americans, the Civil Rights struggle that saw its leaders like King and a few months later Robert F. Kennedy assassinated, the horrors of the Vietnam War dividing the nation, an uncertain presidential election outcome. All of that turmoil on the one hand, contrasted by the heroic, the inspiring gestures of what human scientific genius and explorer’s guts could gamble—sometimes die—but achieve in its first small steps for a man, this one giant leap for humankind, placing people for the first time on the surface of another world. Or as Nostradamus foresaw it 4.6 centuries earlier:
9 Q65
Dedans le coing de Luna viendra rendre,
Ou ƒera prins & mis en terre eƒtrange.
He will come to take himself to the corner of the Moon,
Where he will be taken and placed on alien land…
Get 12 Months Now for $60 or a little more.

Source: NASA, public domain.